View Full Version : Art Time!

16th May 2013, 20:37
Post here whatever you made for our community or just something you did when you are bored.

I want to start first with a picture of the lobby and a "small" HappyDiggers logo. Hope you like it and can't wait to see what you can do guys. :)


21st May 2013, 20:50
I was bored yesterday and made some art, not related to minecraft or this server in general just something that popped into my head.


Hope its not to big for the forum format, if so it ill change into a link very quickly.
Being home sick really gets things done sometimes lols

And yes its done in a 3d studio (Polygon modeled if that anyone is interested in knowing that), still not perfect but for a days work its not a bad start, might finish it and try some after effects but usually i move on to something new and don't finish things like this sadly enough.

Maybe ill work on something minecraft related again soon ;)

22nd April 2014, 16:48
My marvelous sculpture before it was destroyed by those that hate art :P (and TFC bugs).


22nd April 2014, 20:22
Yeah this is my pixelmon thumbnail 648

24th April 2014, 10:52

some things i've done.

27th April 2014, 07:10
and some more:


27th April 2014, 07:34
I think, out of all the inanimate objects I know, art is the only one that's inherently alive.


27th April 2014, 09:57
Cliffs, your art work is disturbing on many levels. Please continue :)

27th April 2014, 11:55
that's all i have at the moment, aside from my profile picture.


27th April 2014, 17:37
Cliffs your pictures deserve a 5 star spot in the museum of creepiness! BTW do you get high much? :D

27th April 2014, 17:43
670671672 So....... yeah......

27th April 2014, 17:44
I think this thread is turning into : Funny Pictures thread 2! :)

27th April 2014, 17:47
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r1NCApYGQiI Love it!:D

2nd May 2014, 01:55
Heh, I would agree with you about the creepy part on a couple of those, though that was the intention. The "trippier" ones not so much, or at least that wasn't the intent. The colorful ones with my kid cousins were an attempt at showing the spirit of childhood. It's chaotic, wildly bold and colorful, with a tinge of malicious darkness that while not entirely innocent is done within borders and with good intentions. It's something adults tend to lose when they grow up, in some cases even fear or try to stamp out with moral codes that mar the true beauty of what it means to be human. Or it becomes more subtle and focused into a purpose, which again is something I've tried to capture in a couple of those. Most of the abstract ones were explorations of art as a living, sentient being, even when inanimate. The art I tend to like most or at the least try to make are attempts at showing beauty from the inside out.

Also Ava, that's a pretty racist bucket of chicken you've got there..

3rd May 2014, 03:03
Just some simple animating/pictures I have been doing. I will be taking requests on a separate thread. Hope you enjoy :)

3rd May 2014, 08:21
Best art gallery of 2014 10/10

3rd May 2014, 12:44
I got something a bit special, that can be not considered as art but i came up with a pseudo randomly generated geography icosahedron based geodesic sphere generated by a recursive algorithm

this will be later a real looking beautyfull planet :rolleyes:

3rd May 2014, 16:44
I got something a bit special, that can be not considered as art

I consider this art. Good work :sheep:

7th May 2014, 20:50
Got a closed beta code for EQ Landmark and omg you can build anything realistic looking if your good enough at it.
688RL buddies fishtank689 Cannon I buildt a couple nights ago690nice little hut692My claim I built so far and the rest is other players builds. Some amazing artists out there from what I've seen.693694695