View Full Version : Proof of AGENT2651's griefing.

25th May 2013, 19:58
Proof because he doesn't believe me that i know he griefed. minecraftstar replaced the dirt but after i noticed it had been griefed.

25th May 2013, 20:05
if a fellow moderator could ban him for me that would be great. for some reason it wont let me

25th May 2013, 20:11
Will get it on to see if I can.

Got on, can't tempban/ban. Perms need to be fixed.

EDIT: LOL, we're only regular players on towny! I understand now.

I didnt do it!
25th May 2013, 21:16
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I didnt do it!
25th May 2013, 21:24
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25th May 2013, 21:27
What is going on now?

25th May 2013, 21:34
He got banned for griefing someone's house.

I find it hilarious that he's accusing others of cyber bullying while he's the one destroying other people's stuff. Clearly he violated our terms of use. This warrants a law suit at least!

I didnt do it!
25th May 2013, 23:56
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26th May 2013, 00:05
You destroyed someone's house. That is against our rules. You were punished accordingly.

Don't spout bullshit about abuse of power because you got banned. You did something stupid and got burned. Deal with it.

I didnt do it!
26th May 2013, 00:16
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26th May 2013, 00:17
I am AGENT2651 and if you guys keep posting about this that can be called cyber bullying and this whole website will get shut down so I suggest you can it or I will do it for you. (I will be checking up if you listened)

ugh what else to say then: LOOOL

I didnt do it!
26th May 2013, 00:26
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26th May 2013, 00:33
If dat was an insult den shut up if it wun't not den go away.

*shakeshead* and the hole just gets deeper and deeper.

26th May 2013, 00:35
Webuhll now if you want t' start t' cuss at me it won't real do anydigg but waste time 'n your slabes (aka) modehators had truggle banigg me cuz of an ehror so I'm not bannid so suck on dat 'n I on took out 10 blocks on some fake house from a GAME get a life dis is a GAME not real life loseh! Doihh, COOL!! Doihh, COOL!
Oh dear, you went full retard.


I didnt do it!
26th May 2013, 00:39
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26th May 2013, 00:45
rofl dint wanne go there tbh, but that is epic J ><

26th May 2013, 01:37
one question.... what the heck are you trying to say to us?

26th May 2013, 04:01
Oh dear, you went full retard.


J this is brilliant!

26th May 2013, 04:34
I didn't bother reading what he said because of his lack of spelling. Can someone tell me the gist of it?

26th May 2013, 12:14
The gist is:

he griefed someone's house
proof was posted
he signed up for the forums and claimed he didn't do it
he then taunted us because he though we couldn't ban him due to a minebans misconfiguration
minebans config was fixed
he got banned
he then claimed we were bullying him for banning him
he claimed we abused power
he threatened that our site would be taken down
I made fun of him
I retarded all his posts because they are much more entertaining that way
and now you are here :)

I didnt do it!
26th May 2013, 19:47
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26th May 2013, 21:06

What have I just seen D:

26th May 2013, 21:31
Listen up you fat dgehk Aka de owneh of a retardid sehbeh! Doihh, COOL!! Doihh, COOL!

1. Stop editigg my posts cuz dey sound more mature den you will ebeh be! Huh huh!
2. Shut up 'n talk bou' somedigg else! Huh huh!
3. DOIHH!Get a life 'n lee me alone! Huh huh!
4, GEEEHEEHEEE.I didn't get bannid de modehators webuhre t' slow 'n I left de game bef'e dey cudd ban me! Huh huh!
6. Stop editigg my profile 'n fix it! COOOL MAN!

Listen up kid, don't call my server retarded. It's not nice.

1. No, this is way too funny :)
2. I talk about other stuff all day long. But when I'm here, I'll talk about this.
3. I will leave you alone as soon as you leave.
4. You don't have to be on the server to be banned. Too bad you don't know how things work.
6. Where's 5? Are you a retard? ^^

26th May 2013, 21:33
Can't say anything about it but can show it to you. That will teach some guys a few lessons I guess. :)

26th May 2013, 21:42
Feed the troll is so much more fun then not feeding it, especially when talking about bad trolls :P

26th May 2013, 21:44
I'll just leave this here:


I didnt do it!
26th May 2013, 22:16
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26th May 2013, 23:28
I have 1 thing to say...

Please excuse the swearing. It was just too funny.

26th May 2013, 23:34
Listen up you fat dgehk Aka de owneh of a retardid sehbeh! Doihh, COOL!! Doihh, COOL!

1. Stop editigg my posts cuz dey sound more mature den you will ebeh be! Huh huh!
2. Shut up 'n talk bou' somedigg else! Huh huh!
3. DOIHH!Get a life 'n lee me alone! Huh huh!
4, GEEEHEEHEEE.I didn't get bannid de modehators webuhre t' slow 'n I left de game bef'e dey cudd ban me! Huh huh!
6. Stop editigg my profile 'n fix it! COOOL MAN! I cannot beleive you missed out #5...

I didnt do it!
27th May 2013, 01:23
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27th May 2013, 01:36
my god.... this seems to be horrible
i will have to translate from retard - english

27th May 2013, 02:33
This is absoloutley hilarious. He accuses people of cyber bullying while he's griefing. The slang language he's using is so bad I can understand a word.

Also lige, im working on a retard to english dictionary, I will tell you when its done =)

1st July 2013, 18:12
I have 1 thing to say...

Please excuse the swearing. It was just too funny.
Well, you see, this is hilarious. And the fact that he is eating a banana makes it that much funnier.

1st July 2013, 18:16
I didn't post dat someone editid it! COOOL MAN!! Doihh, COOL!

Well, you see, when a post is edited, it tends to have a little message in the bottom saying: Last edited by: blah blah blah

2nd July 2013, 05:01
Oh dear, you went full retard.

Just saw this. This is better than ethe's post!

2nd July 2013, 08:45
Well, you see, when a post is edited, it tends to have a little message in the bottom saying: Last edited by: blah blah blah

Unless and admin does it.

But we are completely innocent...


2nd July 2013, 19:57
LOL if you hover your mouse over it it says name: Innocent Admin

I didnt do it!
6th July 2013, 05:26
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6th July 2013, 11:08
You griefed on our servers. You damaged things that other people had spend hours on building. You insulted us, you threatened us. And now you're asking us for a favor? To stop making fun of you?

That's just not going to happen. If you don't like it, you can just leave. No one is forcing you to come here.

8th July 2013, 19:36
Well said..... Thats all I can say.