View Full Version : Internet's Gone Down

14th August 2013, 11:30
My house internet has gone down, for all computers except our iMac downstairs :L I cant find a way to sort MultiMC on iMac, it keeps saying 'Can't get permission for jar' Im totally confused.

So I should see you all in a few days, unless I can fix this multiMC bug

14th August 2013, 12:26
Reset modem/router?
Brocken switch somewhere?
Leach of the neighbour's wifi?
Take your PC to McDonald's?
Switch from wifi to wired?
Switch places between imac and PC?

14th August 2013, 16:42
1. Tried about 40 times (Im not even exaggerating)
2. Checked all of the ethernet cables, no broken switch.
3. We are currently using the next-door neighbours wifi, but it wont reach to my computer.
4. I wish.
5. My computer is wired to the modem, I have tried wifi aswell.
6. Cannot do that, as the iMac is the family computer & My computer is in my bedroom. I dont they would appreciate going into my room to go on the computer ;)

15th August 2013, 16:25
My internet's back up. PRAISE THE LORD!

15th August 2013, 17:05
(|*o*)/ AMEN!

15th August 2013, 17:45

Its gone down again -.-'

I have a technician coming around tomorrow. If he can't fix it. Im going to cry

15th August 2013, 18:26
If he can't fix it, I'll give him something to cry about :p