View Full Version : FTB Server

28th September 2013, 18:59
Hey guys,

I just had an idea, about the Feed The Beast server, I think we should bring it back, but instead of it being a whitelisted thing, it can be public.
I know how hard it is to find a good FTB server, so I think we should make one.

Then, maybe people may want to have a go on our other servers.

Just a suggestion :)


28th September 2013, 21:41
What do you mean with "bring it back"? We currently have two servers running mod packs which are on the FTB launcher :)

There's a couple of problems when running a public server with a mod pack like AMP or Ultimate or Unleashed. The main issue is that it can become really server intensive, meaning you can't have that many players on it before lag becomes a real issue. Right now we've gotten the AMP pack to a point where it can handle a fair amount of players on the server without too much effort.

Second problem is that it's really difficult to prevent and restore grief. Things like CoreProtect weren't made with Forge mods in mind, they were made to run as a Bukkit Plugin dealing only with vanilla Minecraft blocks.

Third problem is server capacity in general. Right now my server is at full capacity (RAM wise) with all the servers running. We are working on releasing a new server that will integrate the various Spigot servers we have into 1 big server. This will reduce our memory use considerably since we'll have less overhead. That will give is a little more space to run other things on the server.

I would like to run a public FTB server with a tech mod pack like AMP, I really would. But I think we'd need to sort the issues above first before we do that. One thing we could do is upgrade the server's RAM. Unfortunately this is quite costly. Going from 32 to 64GB will cost around 500 Euro. I've paid quite a bit of money out of my own pocket for server upgrades the past few years but this is definitely where I draw the line. If you guys want a public FTB server, you are going to have to fork over the money for it. There's a donate button on left side of the home page :)

We are going to have to get some more active staff because a lot of the current mods have become inactive without letting me or anyone know why. More active staff means we can keep a better eye out for problems on the server.

So yeah, if anyone has a great idea on how to get a public FTB server running a tech mod pack like AMP off the ground then please share.

28th September 2013, 21:53
J, I appreciate the reply (Im not being sarcastic),

I do understand what you mean, with the RAM problems and everything. I didn't actually know how hard it was, and how much effort/money you put into these servers.

I also understand, that you don't want to add a FTB server, due to money issues. I would happily try and run a server, but 500 euro? I earn £12 a week from a paper round. If my calculation are correct (which they normally arent;) ) I will have to work for 13.73335 years, which is 7223040 seconds. Which it ALOT of time.

Thirdly, I agree with the staffing issues, the only staff I really see on, are Pernix, Marius, You & DOM.

I totally understand why you don't want to pay ANOTHER server, out of your own pocket. You've spent enough money to make these servers great. You should let the community do their part.

28th September 2013, 22:42
J, I appreciate the reply (Im not being sarcastic),

I do understand what you mean, with the RAM problems and everything. I didn't actually know how hard it was, and how much effort/money you put into these servers.

I also understand, that you don't want to add a FTB server, due to money issues. I would happily try and run a server, but 500 euro? I earn £12 a week from a paper round. If my calculation are correct (which they normally arent;) ) I will have to work for 13.73335 years, which is 7223040 seconds. Which it ALOT of time.

Thirdly, I agree with the staffing issues, the only staff I really see on, are Pernix, Marius, You & DOM.

I totally understand why you don't want to pay ANOTHER server, out of your own pocket. You've spent enough money to make these servers great. You should let the community do their part.

Well u see, if I was a staff I would be on alot lol [HINT HINT]

28th September 2013, 22:45
Well u see, if I was a staff I would be on alot lol [HINT HINT]

This is a little conversation I had with J, VERY early in the year.

Ethan H: I don't want to ask for a staff position, but how does one become a moderator?
InsaneJ ™: we choose them

29th September 2013, 05:53
lol, is was joking, i love how u added that little tm by J's name