View Full Version : DOM's Programs

11th November 2013, 01:46
I plan on using this thread to publicly host all of my useful code for people to use (and so I can gloat).

Progress update: I have finally finished my Strataminer porgram so that it will continue where the turtle left off in the case of a server restart or the player unloaded the chunks. I will post it along with the updated trtlAPI here tomorrow after I record my next AMP episode.

11th November 2013, 11:14
That's awesome! :)

Just a thought, maybe you thought of this already. Are you going to put it in SVN and use Pastebin so people can automatically install your programs on their turtles?

11th November 2013, 12:33
Yes I am. I still have to figure out how to distribute it with the pack.

Edit: http://www.computercraft.info/forums2/index.php?/topic/14049-how-to-make-and-install-lua-resource-packs/