View Full Version : A little idea! ;D

25th November 2013, 18:05
Ive had an idea for a youtube channel (run by DOM or J or pern or all together) that has all the happy diggers members commentating or playing together for example Team Optic or something like that. (minus the MLG ;P) It be quite fun, that way we could attract more and more people to play on happy diggers cause at the moment the lobby server is bone dry and yes their will be a new spawn server and surely there will be players on that but that will be about 5-10 a day
and im thinking of 30-60! Happy Diggers is the nicest server community ive ever seen in minecraft and i want other people to see that too, but i need youre help! All the channels like J´s and DOM´s ,that have quite a good subscriber base, can talk about the channel a "recomend" it to new players and we can let them come on and talk aswell (if they want to) SO LETS DO THIS!!!!!!

25th November 2013, 21:38
Personally, if it would be alright. I would stream it, as ive just got invited to a stream group & my view count is going up, slowly

25th November 2013, 22:18
That sounds like a brilliant idea, and yes I agree that the community here is awesome. Ive only been a part for a short while, but the conversation and the welcome is great! I recently just got a new computer :D (yesterday) and have the ability to record, finally. But if I get on I would love to do that.

26th November 2013, 03:03
This little idea could becom something big, im in

26th November 2013, 14:29
ok we need a name, any suggestions??
personally i like: The HappyDiggers or Team HappyDiggers

26th November 2013, 17:27
There is already a channel called HappyDiggers, no need to create another one.

When I first created this channel I said I'm willing to host any videos our community produces as long as they are somewhat decent. The reason Dom and I have the amount of subscribers we do is because we don't upload crap... well most of the time anyway.

So be sure you make interesting videos that are fun to watch. Keep them short, no longer then 20 minutes. Make sure each video has something particular to that video. I can be working on a project, a tutorial, a build you're doing.

Things not to do: showing a lot of digging/mining, screaming, not talking, being boring to listen to.

So if you guys make some interesting videos, I'll make section for it on my channel and upload them there.

If you record videos then please do so in 30 FPS (set locked framerate in FRAPS). Preferably in 1920x1080 resolution and a bitrate of 20mbit (you set this in the program you use to edit your video). That will get you the best quality. Then upload your video to http://mega.co.nz You can get 50GB of storage for free there which is plenty to share your videos.

Once the video is uploaded, post a link to the video here and add a thumbnail image for your video (same resolution as the video so 1920x1080 if possible). Also give your video a title and post a little story to tell us what the video is about. I'll put the text on the image myself and put your story in the video's description and upload the thumbnail along with the video.

Just to be clear. I will not upload crappy videos. You can make any Minecraft / HappyDiggers related video you want. And if it's decent enough I'll upload it for you. It took me a couple of episodes before my videos stopped being really bad and moved into the ok-ish category so don't feel bad if I don't upload everything you guys submit right away. I will give you positive feedback on your videos and tell you what I liked and didn't like about them so you can improve you videos more rapidly.

How does that sound?

26th November 2013, 18:16
Pretty good and yeah i was thinking that the channel could also post other games and stuff! And J ive gone with the name "The Digging Team" if thats good with everyone. Ok so that out of hand, we need some one to host the channel, if multiple people want to the we will do a vote, but who ever hosts the channel will put the videos, if other people want to post a video on the channel send it to the guy who runs the channel by e-mail,facebook,etc so that we can post it.

Who ever runs the channel will be in charge of posting the videos and deciding who comes on the channel.

Aswell we could do a sistem that has the channels name and the players name for example Digger_Boya,Digger_InsaneJ,Digger_DOM,Digger_Ethe. ..(Thats probably too many examples :P) So lets say its talon and ethe palying then they would say what i just put on the examples! ##Now this is quite important so make sure you read this part## At the end of the video we will have to say "and go visit happy diggers for a fantastic server and community" or something like that!
That way we will get more people playing and stuff! :D

26th November 2013, 18:30
You didn't read and understand my previous post :(

26th November 2013, 19:14
:( sorry i didnt get to read all of it ( i had to go), i guess we could do it on your channel but i wanted to just start a fresh channel ! :P

26th November 2013, 21:41
Sure, if that's what you like to do then by all means go for it :)

27th November 2013, 17:16
kk thx J! :D So who wants to run the channel??

27th November 2013, 17:52
I can run second channel. I've got super fast Internet so down/uploading videos is only a matter of minutes for me.

Like I said before though, you guys upload them somewhere, I'll download and then upload them to Youtube.

But I'll leave this to you guys to decide. If anyone else wants to do it that's fine with me. I'm only volunteering, nothing more :)

28th November 2013, 18:29
Any1 have any ideas on how to improve the voice audio? Right now mines as loud as a feather

28th November 2013, 19:32
ummm get a better microphone or shout! :P

29th November 2013, 08:55
soo unless anyone else wants to host the channel please say now because if not it will go to J!

29th November 2013, 11:55
What are you plannin' to put on the channel?

29th November 2013, 13:29
Not just me, everyone and whatever they want (except crap) related to gaming: a series,review,livestream...

29th November 2013, 16:11
Thanks for the links btw. A short intro movie was long overdue for my HappyDiggers AMP videos. Here's what I came up with. I'll use this for now until I come up with something better ;)


30th November 2013, 07:59
cool! but u should make it a bit longer and put music on it

30th November 2013, 12:31
I thought about that, but it's an intro that's supposed to go in front of each video. I really hate those Youtube videos that have long elaborate intro videos to them. Maybe it's nice to see them once, and then I just want them to be over with.

Imo an intro should be short and sweet. Maybe I'll change the soundFX because now it sounds a bit eerie.

30th November 2013, 18:20
yeah thatll be a good idea and i agree i hate all intros longer than 15 sec

30th November 2013, 18:40
Why do people think im dead? D:

30th November 2013, 18:41
ok J the channel goes to you! when anyone wants to post a video the will send it to you can post it , you can also post vids aswell and btw make the channels name The Digger Squad!

30th November 2013, 18:42
Why do people think im dead? D:
please post something related to this thread! JK welcome back Ava

30th November 2013, 20:38
I created a new channel called... HappyGamersNext. I named it HappyGamers first, but I couldn't generate that URL because someone else had already taken it. So I added next and gave it a spacey sci-fi wallpaper.

Link: http://www.youtube.com/HappyGamersNext

This is what the channel art will look like across different devices:

I hope you like the channel art. Oh, and be sure to subscribe :)

Now it's up to you guys, this is your project now. Start uploading videos!

1st December 2013, 14:29
J, i love it :DDD

4th December 2013, 02:32
Lol ava. welcome back if you were gone......lol I am working on audio, ill check out some stuff to see just how crappy my quality is, getting a new headset. So, i think we can make this work

9th December 2013, 14:31
J i think we sould have an introduction vid with all the happy diggers!

9th December 2013, 14:49
Getting everybody together will take way too long. I think you guys should just start recording videos. Don't put this off. So far I haven't gotten a single video while you did say you were busy recording.

So show us what you've got. I'll facilitate the channel and record some videos there. But I want you guys to take the lead. Simply put: if you don't make videos, then I won't either.

10th December 2013, 15:09
ok i will start but i need to get ava on aswell, well send you some vids this weekend when we have time!

10th December 2013, 15:10
btw J can we upload them to mediafire cause its easier

10th December 2013, 19:18
As long as I can download them I don't care where you upload them to.

One thing is for sure: http://mega.co.nz is way better then mediafire. You get 50GB of storage so it can serve as a backup for your videos. You can upload whatever you like, share it to anyone you want (right click file -> get download link). And it doesn't serve you ads and pup-under windows.

But again, I don't care where you upload them to. If you prefer to use mediafire, then go for it. Just make sure you don't upload the video files as video files. We don't want mediafire to convert them already. I want the 'raw' video as your video editing software made them. Then Youtube can do all the converting it wants.

Like I said before: 1920x1080 / 30 fps / 20mbit/s is ideal for Youtube videos :)

11th December 2013, 14:09
ok that sounds good! BTW J do you want to make the first vid with me??

11th December 2013, 18:34
No. I'll record some videos. But as I said before, I want you guys to make the videos and get the channel going. Later we can do some videos together.

You choose not to use my current channel, which means the new channel will be beginning with 0 subscribers. That also means you have to put in a lot of effort to get things up and running. The first bunch of videos are likely to only get a handful of views from people you know. You are really going to have tot stick with it to get a subscriber base.

So far all I've heard is talk about making videos. So go make them. Don't put it off by making plans. Just make videos. You have a bunch of video games on your computer. So think of something interesting to show, and record that while you talk interestingly about what you're doing. Don't be shy :)

11th December 2013, 23:28
This is just something that ran across my mind, but this is a community channel, yes? Maybe videos about HappyDiggers as a community (Events, Podcasts maybe, Updates, Announcements etc) should be posted instead of a let's play or a walkthrough.

I mean, yes you need subscribers to start up, and community videos like the ones suggested will take ages to start being made and published, but a let's play that is being hosted by a single person is something that should go on their own channel.

Just my opinion.

12th December 2013, 09:49
The idea was that everybody could contribute any video they wanted to. That would make it a 'community' channel. It doesn't have to be Minecraft related, you can play any game you like and record it. Preferably doing things in multi player of course, but you can record anything you like.

We've talked about doing community videos before, and the end result was that it just didn't work. So if anyone is willing to try to set those up again, please do so. All I'm saying is that I'm not going to organize them. If I can I'll drop by, but the rest will be up to you guys.

Also if enough people upload videos regularly, then the subscribers will come. If maybe two or three people each upload one video per week, the channel will be active enough for it. Doing one video per week is peanuts. Which is why I'm really wondering when boya, ethe, spool and talon are going to start uploading their videos. If you guys each make one video per week, we'll have a nice collection of videos pretty quickly.

My idea for this channel is that I'm going to play through the back log of games in my Steam library. I'll just fire up a random game I haven't played before and record the first 15 minutes or so. First one on the list: Race the Sun.

However, I want to see other videos (from the people mentioned above) before I start recording.

12th December 2013, 10:14
Alright, fair enough. Let's see what these four can do.

12th December 2013, 14:05
got my first vid up, J whats your mega username?

12th December 2013, 15:45
Awesome! Just PM me a download link and I'll take care of the rest :)

9th May 2014, 11:51
Lol this was a good idea, shame no one made videos....

9th May 2014, 15:35
I'm way to busy with school at the moment, like I barely have time to play on the servers at the moment.

10th May 2014, 01:28
I have my own youtube to run. I would record with everyone but I dont have your skypes or we have different time zones