View Full Version : This is it.

25th December 2013, 17:13
Guys, let´s face it, I mean no one wants to admit it but happy diggers is dying, bit by bit, and we are the surgeons have to keep it alive! I propose a immediately a code red alert.

We have to keep this server alive, find new players, more advertismet, SOMETHING!

We have the happy gamers next channel, which i say we start uploading on the 1st of January 2014, a new year, a new start.

Also lets have an advertisment on planet minecraft or other minecraft sites which could attract attention, aswell, all of us togheter should try to do some projects : Make a happy diggers texture pack, new server portal ( BTW when the heck is the citadel server opening ), make a happy diggers mod ( not a mod pack, a single mod, if anyone can do coding and would like to vouleenter for that it would be great ) , make a video game? IDK anything.

I hope one day happy diggers would have about 100 players a day 24/7, but for now its like 1 player 0.2/50.

Personally i put it down to no one is on, so when new players come and see that no one is on they are like : "No one on, must be boring"

Soo im sick of it, miss the old days! There seems to be alot of players on the snapshot server soo try and get some of them to go on the lobby server every now and then.

And I was looking at some old posts and saw that J has the amount of time each player has played. Soo J would you mind showing that?? :P Merry Christmas

25th December 2013, 18:12
I'm not fussed about server slots, I'm quite happy being a small community, as you can trust everyone inside it. I would be a lot happier with 1-10 players, than 100+. That to me isn't my ideal server. I would prefer a nice small server, I know the new spigot server will attract some new players. Which would be nice.

If i didn't like happy diggers the way it is now, I would of left before I even got V.I.P. But look at me now, I stuck around because I loved the server, and likes the people on it. its a nice community, I don't want that to be spoiled.

26th December 2013, 01:31
Exactly! This is the single best minecraft, or even gaming community I have been a part of! We all trust and respect each other, and that's something no one wants to change. Bringing in a large amount of players will ruin that.

26th December 2013, 09:07
I guess so, i just want some new players to come on now and then because that is the point of a minecraft server!

26th December 2013, 12:08
What ethe and Pernix said :)

We're a small community without too much hassle. We don't have to deal (much) with griefers and other crazy people on our servers. That's pretty much the way we like it.

When our Bukkit/Spigot servers were booming, we had quite a few players on. But that also meant a lot of work for me in maintaining the servers, introducing new things, doing community stuff. Just to give you an indication of our current servers. The Spigot servers have seen 2721 unique players, the Snapshot server has seen 1604 players since I started counting. How many of those players have bothered to become part of our community? Very little. And it's not because we don't have enough to offer, it's because they are looking for something else.

We have a bunch of nice admins (& moderators, sorry J :B ), but most of the Minecraft stuff was still for me to sort out. Lately I just haven't been able to keep up with all of that and frankly, I didn't really care about the Spigot servers much. Most players there are complete jerks anyway. That's why I introduced the SmallWorld server to get to know people a little better and that seems to have serve us quite well so far. We have a nice, little, group of players that frequent our servers and forums. For me that's more interesting than having a huge server.

When the new Spigot and RPG servers go up we'll probably see an influx of new players. Most of them will come and go. Those that stay get the opportunity to grow in our little community if they want it. But as you know, it takes time before I think someone is deserving of things like a promotion or their own server to experiment with.

If you want a ton of players on a server, then there are quite a few servers you can choose from. If you prefer to play on such servers, then do so :) Nobody is forcing you to be here. I like having you around, and I know others do as well. So you're always welcome here. But I don't want to see you be miserable on our servers either. Well except Pernix... who hid your present in such a deviant manner that it made you rage quit. Admittedly that was quite funny ;)

Anyway, like I said before. If you want more new players to find our servers, then spread the word. Make videos on our servers, post in other forums, tell your friends. Also nag Pernix to hurry up with the Spigot server, that's bound to help tons ^^

26th December 2013, 12:13
Ok sorry its just i was used to my old server,which me and ava got banned from ( dont blame me, the owner was 15 and a jackass ) and his server was like minimum 10 playes an hour, sometimes there was up to 50!