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23rd January 2014, 16:02
FINALLLLLYYYYY!! Thx to J now i can record my xbox 360 no problem!

The channel i have made I´m keeping for good, it´s going to be one of those funny moments channel! Heres the first video:

(btw took 1 hour 30 min to edit!) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FOoHV1sz9wU

THX J!!!!!!!!

23rd January 2014, 16:35
Lol, nice :)

21st April 2014, 05:16
Just as a matter of interest, how DO you record an Xbox or an Ipod touch/phone? I have been wanting to make videos with my Xbox and Ipod and cant figure out how

21st April 2014, 07:58
Xbox or Ps3 : Capture card or HDPVR, Ipod : Probably a usb to laptop connector

21st April 2014, 21:24
probably gonna sound like a complete noob: what are those and how do they work?

26th April 2014, 09:57
Game captures and HDPVRs are devices that allow to record your conole, you hook them up between your console and your TV via HDMI or Composite cables (AV). They essentialy act like a passthrough between your console and your Tv whilst connected to you PC/Laptop. All of them have a USB and a software disk, the USB you plug into your PC/Laptop and then install the software. Once that is done start-up the software and you should be able to see the screen. Game captures, or capture cards, can be HD or non HD (360p or 720p) and HDPVRs are allways HD, also note that HDPVRS are alot bigger than game captures.

Here are the prices if you want to buy one (amazon.com) :

Game captures (non HD) : 50$ - 70$
Game captures (HD) : 80$ - 100$
HDPVRs : 120$ - 150$

Personally I recommend the Elgato Game Capture, best Hd capture card on the market.

Also I recommend that you look up some youtube tutorials, they´re really helpful :D

27th April 2014, 00:59
So many........big words......head exploding.....but thanks, ill be sure to check it out :)

27th April 2014, 06:51
Hehe it is confusing at the start but you´ll ge the hang of it! :D