View Full Version : Steam games?

4th March 2014, 20:15
I have a slight predicament. I logged on my steam earlier this evening and found 40+ new, un-installed games, which I haven't bought. I got my parents to check their bank and no money had been taken out. I'm not sure where these games came from, or why they are there.

Anyone have any idea?

4th March 2014, 20:30
Best place to ask for Steam support is probably Steam support.

If I had to guess I'd say it's a glitch. Try installing the games and see if you can play them. I've had games appear in my list that I didn't pay for a few times as well. Some stayed permanently, others didn't.

At any rate I wouldn't worry about it. I'm assuming you didn't do anything strange to get those games into your account. And if they do turn out to stay permanently: yah! for free games :)

4th March 2014, 20:33
Ive sent a support ticket in, so I can only wait.
My parents advised me not to open any of them, just in-case it is a virus or hack of some sort. Ill wait for the ticket then take action :)

4th March 2014, 21:12
It's not a hack... they just added the whole Free to Play library for everyone by default. So now you don't need to go in store and choose your F2P game, you can just do that by looking into your own library! :D

4th March 2014, 21:20
can you unchange it anywhere? Its quite some hassle to take scroll everywhere ._.

5th March 2014, 11:52
Looks like its gone now. I think it was a bug from the last update but at least they added a new cool feature now: Family Library Sharing so now you can allow up to ten PC's(accounts) to use your library so its like sharing games with friends you get to choose. :)

5th March 2014, 18:21
Yeah about that. Don't share games with your "friends". Even with Steams' added e-mail verification I predict a lot of people are going to loose their Steam accounts to random people on their friends lists they share games with. Of course they'll get them back if they bother to contact Steam support, but it'll be a hassle.

I'd recommend keeping it as the name suggests: for family only.

5th March 2014, 18:32
Well, none of my family play steam. They play consoles, so all for me!