View Full Version : A round of applause

21st May 2014, 04:38
So recently there has been a lot of complaints about servers and stuff, and I just want to thank our server owner, InsaneJ! He has been working very hard recently to try solve all the TFC issues and I think he deservers a round of applause! :D

21st May 2014, 04:52
So recently there has been a lot of complaints about servers and stuff, and I just to thank our server owner, InsaneJ! He been working very hard recently to try solve all the TFC issues and I think he deservers a round of applause How it feels on HappyDiggers servers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oKLep6H6_kE (with less mistress punching)

21st May 2014, 12:05
Moved thread so it would get more attention. :)

21st May 2014, 17:49
I know from experience that maintaining a server can take a lot of energy at times, so thanks to J and the other admins for all your hard work. :)

21st May 2014, 18:24
Hey! Don't forget to thank the mods ;)

But seriously thankyou J for all the server work!

21st May 2014, 20:18
*golf clap*


Yes J is a super Sever owner!!

7th June 2014, 01:54
he is indeed, it's thanks to him these servers are still going

7th June 2014, 11:47
Thanks guys :)

7th June 2014, 17:49
Yes, you made a great job! you desserve a reward: the plugins I gave you :P :D