View Full Version : cant find technic pack?

22nd May 2014, 23:32
i use the technic launcher, cause honestly i have way to many issues creating multiple modded clients

soo.. it there a technic pack for this server?
i have the terrafirmacraft installed that is found here..

but its not the right one

i really want to play on this server, please help

edit... iam on the happydiggers teamspeak atm as well

edit 2 ... ok so i tried the ftb launcher, still cant find a terra pack..
any help? will check back tomorro

23rd May 2014, 08:53
Sorry to hear you have issues creating modded clients. I have found that using MultiMC makes this fairly easy to do. Did you try using MultiMC yet?

We currently do not have a mod pack for TerraFirmaCraft.

25th May 2014, 00:21
modded my client.. thanks for answering