View Full Version : My Minecraft is flickering white randomly?

17th June 2014, 06:28
My Minecraft has been flickering white lines/spots randomly on the screen. It only happens in Minecraft and it does the same thing in single-player and multi-player. I have tried uninstalling and re-installing Minecraft and my graphics card. I also got my graphics card checked by its company's website to verify that I have the newest version of it; and since its only a Minecraft problem, as far as I know, then I don't think it's a graphics card problem. This only occurred after I updated my Windows 8.1. So I uninstalled the windows updates and it still flickers. My only guess is that the windows update changed and old config option and I can't figure out what it is. Any Ideas:confused:

Graphics Card: Intel(R) HD Graphics Family
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4200U CPU @ 1.60GHz 2.30GHz
Installed memory (RAM): 12.0GB (11.9GB usable)
System type: 64-bit operating System, x64-based processor

I have tried changing everything I could think of too. Including taking my mods out and running Minecraft before I download forge again after reinstalling Minecraft.

17th June 2014, 10:11
Is your Java up-to-date?
Get the latest version here: http://java.com/en/download/manual.jsp

17th June 2014, 22:36
Yes, my java is up to date too, I forgot to mention that.

18th June 2014, 00:32
Are you using any mods? If so, which ones? Can you post a forge mod loader log to http://paste2.org and give the link here?

18th June 2014, 01:00
This happened before and after i put mods into the folder. As well as downloading optifine after this was already occurring. Anyway, This is what my mods folder looks like, I am using:


18th June 2014, 02:56
Is it 1.7.9 or snapshot?

Set your graphics to sync and limit the FPS to 60 first. Try the "Fast" setting, and also advanced opengl is something to try changing

18th June 2014, 03:40
I just tried that, it didn't work, and it does the same flickering on any version of minecraft, whether that be update, or forge versions.

18th June 2014, 20:54
try here https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC

new snapshot, gotta go.......