View Full Version : HappyDiggers World Cup FINAL

2nd July 2014, 21:33
Guys could we actually do this, I mean someone could download the map and then we play on it for a night, or J could McEdit the map into the server! I would honestly like to really do this as it seems like a good event we could host, also the winner gets CAKE!


2nd July 2014, 21:35
We have no server that we can put it on.

PLUS: J isnt here to McEdit the map on.

2nd July 2014, 21:38
Dammit! Well we could just make our own version of it! I will volunteer to make it on the server!

2nd July 2014, 21:39
If you want to make that all, get everyone on at the same time, and find a big enough place to put it;

Good luck.

2nd July 2014, 21:40
Ok, im gonna make it on vanilla ( BTW any way to craft ice? )

2nd July 2014, 21:41
You can't craft it. You can only silk-touch it.

2nd July 2014, 21:43
Damn, ok this might take a while...

2nd July 2014, 22:06
Can I just get the blocks???

2nd July 2014, 22:09
a day i dreamed I had silk tuch on a pick, it still remains a dream... XD

2nd July 2014, 23:05
Can I just get the blocks???

But where's the sense of accomplishment in that :D?

2nd July 2014, 23:08
But where's the sense of accomplishment in that :D?

I have to build a giant football stadium... Ummm yeah thats gonna take a while. Anyways I built the model on a superflat world, now I only have to copy it, turns out I dont need ice! :D

2nd July 2014, 23:23
Well at least that should cut your time down drastically.

3rd July 2014, 08:26
Yeah, but I still need a ton of quartz and bricks, and 376 levels of XP, I dont think I can manage that much XP, unless someone keeps on reseting the Ender Dragon in the Vanilla world!

3rd July 2014, 08:43
Blaze farm yo! I used to grind blaze non stop on another vanilla server.

3rd July 2014, 09:19
Man, Its either gonna take me 5 DAYS, or I can just get the items, besides I need grass blocks, quartz, cobwebs, nether fences, hundreds of bricks/stone bricks, a villager, diamond/gold horse armor, potions of swiftness, books of knockback II, lots of dye, and a crap ton of XP!

3rd July 2014, 10:01
When it comes to events, and we've said this before, is it doesn't end well with us. We put in all this effort to plan it, and allow time adjustments to allow players to join in, but when the day comes, they end up not showing up.

Plus, I doubt you'll be getting spawned in blocks for building, especially on vanilla.

3rd July 2014, 10:30
Ok NVM about me building it, but we could still do it, I mean we only need 4-8 players!

3rd July 2014, 15:49
Yeah Jiro's truehttp://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRRTdsEUdJntzAoTY201_cTogBN3LpXY RX-PxtnP5F0N8rI1Lu7XD7MFw, and... why ice? I thaught football is on grasss... :)

3rd July 2014, 17:25
I got mixed up! But now i put it on grass!

3rd July 2014, 20:31
XD now we have a boya shake ;)

4th July 2014, 09:41
Lol, true! xD