View Full Version : Specter block not letting me build.

4th July 2014, 17:29
(on the TFC server)Yesterday I encountered a singular block or block zone that would not allow anything to be placed in it and yet be able to have players walk into it as they will. First thinking t was a simple ghost block I re-logged hoping that it was just that but to my surprise it was still there or not there as the case was and still is. I requested assistance from any one willing to help and Jiro was willing he tried giving the general info for ghost blocks but after I explained it he said that it might be isolated corruption and that I should make a ticket and not touch it any more so I did it is ticket 293.
I am not really concerned I it just remains isolated but would feel very bad if It causes any harm to the map or server especially if it is fault for not reporting it.
Here are a few of the shots I took

4th July 2014, 17:32
in case you are wondering the area bellow the cheaty floating dirt is the area that cant be placed in.

4th July 2014, 23:19
Thanks for reporting.

We've seen this happen before, also on the FTB server. It's weird, can be annoying at times, but as far as we know shouldn't corrupt the map beyond that wonky block.

Perhaps Pernix or Ethe can try deleting that one block using World Edit, or perhaps setting it to 0 (air) if they have time :)

4th July 2014, 23:38
I'll try and get it sorted, but I'm pretty busy as on Monday I start the world of work for 2 weeks! I have to work 8-5:30 but I shan't be back till 6, so I'll be pretty tired.