View Full Version : Jiro likes to chisel

11th July 2014, 04:18
It all started with some simple ideas for one of AngelToker's buildings in Winterhold, but it turned into something else entirely. I've had many people stop by and marvel at it, and I can honestly say I'm very surprised how fantastic these gargoyles have turned out.


12th July 2014, 02:39
that's so beautyfull ill call you jiro craftvinci :)

13th July 2014, 12:30
Keep up the good work, it looks awesome :)

13th July 2014, 12:34
yeah and i would like to point out what a great guy jiro is, i asked him over just for someone to bouce ideas around with. once we had our plan he started talking about what he could do and refused payment (not saying you should expect this and please dont start spamming jiro with requests for free work)
he only asked for the tools and such needed to do the work. Jiro your a great man and do great work, thank you