View Full Version : The plugin project

11th April 2012, 11:40
From now I started making bukkit plugins and i will make a few useful ones for the server so.... if u have a request (if u want to see a plugin on server [FOR NOW JUST SIMPLE PLUGINS]) of a kind of plugin just post here and wait for DOM's approval.

The reason i will make simple plugins is because I try to make a big one that will total "eat" my brain which it really is a pain to do...

For some plugins that i was thinking:

Global Announcements
A plugin that makes announcements set up by me from a preset amount of time for ex: from 10 to 10 minutes like.... "check out the forums for daily updates at www.blabla.com"
Heal Kit (Smart healing method)
Just a simple heal plugin that will allow players ( explorers specially ) to heal at max health (that means 20)
with a cool-down time [i was thinking from 5 to 5 min or 10 to 10 its up to you dom..] when they are fighting waves of mobs or are in a ravine ready to face their death loosing all the precious stuff the achieved over that adventure Im thinking to make this plugin donor/mod confident like another donor perk.

More will come soon over time so peace and vote the pool i made. :D

Also rate the plugins with :diamond::goldbar::ironbar::redstone:

11th April 2012, 15:27
Well there are two plugins and those are one is silk spawner when you mine a spawner with
Silk touch and get it back and also is herOic death

11th April 2012, 19:29
As discussed. Please make a mod that will pile up 10% of all the resources all the players gather on the server at my house :D

11th April 2012, 20:16
Besides future plugins could we get a list of currently active plugins on the server? also documentation for how to use them if they are custom?

Edit:Also could we get townchat for towny.

12th April 2012, 09:41
Could you make it so when you say /afk noone can hurt you? It's a real pain when you're afk in a cave and a zombie kills you and you come back to "You died!"

12th April 2012, 11:05
Besides future plugins could we get a list of currently active plugins on the server? also documentation for how to use them if they are custom?

Edit:Also could we get townchat for towny.

There already is townchat just use "/tc [message]"

And for afk problem maybe can do something to make u like a "ghost" while u are afk.

12th April 2012, 15:41
Is the shop plugin Chest Shop? Im curious because i would like to set up a town shop to buy and sell goods.

12th April 2012, 15:49
Is the shop plugin Chest Shop? Im curious because i would like to set up a town shop to buy and sell goods.

Yes it is.