View Full Version : My skin is not shown during TFC multi and single player, but is shown in vanilla.

28th August 2014, 14:32
This is obviously not the server issue, just need help, maybe someone met this problem.

I have Minecraft for about a two years, but always played in singleplayer, not bothering with skin.
About two months ago I started playing TFC (created a recommended Forge profile in standard launcher) and shortly after it tried multiplayer, a vanilla server and the HappyDiggers TFC. Then I decided to make a skin and made it with Nova Skin web editor. Successfully uploaded to Mojang Minecraft website.
Now when I go to a vanilla singleplayer - I see my new skin by F5.
When in TFC singleplayer or on HappyDiggers - I'm Steve.

I tried to Google - no result. The only weak idea I have left is to use another editor, re-save skin and re-upload.

Have anyone met such an issue? Any advices?

29th August 2014, 09:56
Before we can even attempt to help you, we need some more information.

When your skin is not showing for you, does it show up for other players?
Did you try switching to another skin? Did that work?
Did you check the Mojang server status when your skin didn't show up? https://help.mojang.com/

You can attach your skin to a forum post, it's just a tiny .png file afterall. That way other people can try it out to see if it works for them.

I tried to Google - no result.
Please don't lie. There are tons of results and helpful links when searching:
Minecraft skin not showing in multiplayer (https://www.google.com/?q=minecraft skin not showing in multiplayer)

29th August 2014, 13:46
When your skin is not showing for you, does it show up for other players?

It does not show up for others, I had asked a person. Will double-check.

Did you try switching to another skin? Did that work?

Did not try to switch, only made minor changes and uploaded it several times, last time resaved in MCSkinner, not Nova. Will try a pre-made skin and report.

Did you check the Mojang server status when your skin didn't show up? https://help.mojang.com/

No, because it was ok in the latest vanilla profile. Will do.

You can attach your skin to a forum post, it's just a tiny .png file afterall. That way other people can try it out to see if it works for them.

Will do this asap, thank you.

Please don't lie. There are tons of results and helpful links when searching:
Minecraft skin not showing in multiplayer (https://www.google.com/?q=minecraft skin not showing in multiplayer)

I meant the results relative to my case. Please excuse my inaccuracy in language, it's not my native. I sincerely hope that my mistake didn't waste your time and decrease your faith in the world.
Most of the Google results are old and about unrelated cases, even the Mojang help tickets base.
Surely I haven't checked all the result pages, so will google further.

Mostly I hoped that it's a known problem, unknown only for newbies like me.

InsaneJ, thank you for your answer. And, using this opportunity, for the server.

29th August 2014, 17:51
Well, if you go to this website http://achievecraft.com/tools.php and click on where it says avatars, change it to skin, then type in your IGN and click generate. Your skin should show up if it is uploaded to Majong correctly and is a working skin.

29th August 2014, 19:27

Thank you, Legendair968! The site says: wrong username. I checked several times.
I also just found about minecraft.net/skin/<username>.png and it also gives an error.
Will dig this way now. Maybe it's because for 1.6.4 it takes more time for skin to update (up to an hour according to the officials), and maybe now it's longer. Or they removed this old way for new users. Anyway will try all recommended.

29th August 2014, 19:38
The php script I wrote for our staff page shows you as a naked Steve. Not sure if that was your intention ;)


29th August 2014, 20:00
It definitely was not! It's so embarassing! :( I can't even go to the server now being afraid to look like that :(
Both my desired skin and the one i'm trying now (MS Paint - edited Steve) are clothed.
I still see myself as steve in singleplayer.

29th August 2014, 20:02
Anyone, could you please try my skin on yourself on the server and tell the result? See the attachment.

30th August 2014, 00:34
Doublechecked - other players on the server see me as Steve.
Uploaded a MS Paint edited standard char.png - no effect. Waited ... hours.
Skin servers were up.
http://achievecraft.com/tools.php and minecraft.net/skin/<username>.png still fail.

So created a ticket on Mojang support site, will report progress.

1st September 2014, 19:21
Ok, today my skin appeared right finally. No response on Mojang ticket yet. Thanks everybody for help!