View Full Version : Request: please add kapok and acacia saplings to the seed dispenser?

30th August 2014, 16:27
Since these beautiful trees are slowly going extinct, could the staff please add their saplings to the seed dispenser?
Actually I dont know, will they grow anyway, testing in creative right now. But I'm positive they do ...
Anyone agree with me?

30th August 2014, 16:38
There's still plenty of jungle left according to the dynamic map, so I'm assuming those two trees aren't quite scarce enough to be handing out saplings. I haven't checked in-game yet, so don't hold me to that.

30th August 2014, 16:59
Oh, ok. So sad to kill them though :(

21st September 2014, 10:51
I actually won't do that. As it was intended within TFC.. alike RL, rainforests and jungles are cut down faster than they're capable of recovering from. So alike RL, within TFC, if you deforest a jungle or sequoia forest, it's gone forever.

As anyone who knows me can tell you, I build exclusively within jungles in TFC and preserve the jungle area completely, by building under the ground, or within small openings of jungle areas to minimize the impact of my presence to the natural jungle. The only changes I make is cutting out paths and trails that go through the jungle, and torches all over to give a glowing look at night (as well as prevent creeper damage).

Sorry for the late response to your posting, I've been away for longer than I care to admit.

21st September 2014, 11:50
Yes. But wherever she goes...


21st September 2014, 14:03
lmao, I'm going to go to bed listening to this now. I blame you.

21st September 2014, 14:55
Kodekatt, thank you. You and Pernix_8D gave great explanations to keep my reforestation passion in sane bounds :) It's a funny coincedence that today i finally got time to start the approved reforestation project. :)

27th September 2014, 17:55
As anyone who knows me can tell you, I build exclusively within jungles in TFC and preserve the jungle area completely, by building under the ground, or within small openings of jungle areas to minimize the impact of my presence to the natural jungle. The only changes I make is cutting out paths and trails that go through the jungle, and torches all over to give a glowing look at night (as well as prevent creeper damage).

Kodekatt, I tried to find your town on the server (Aseland, observed in server tour video #3) - but it seems it is gone, probably it was before reset. The only thing I found was LitterBox, which is very nice and funny place, but of a different design :)

So currently there's no possibility to see your living-in-jungle design, right?

2nd October 2014, 21:49
That was from out TFC 77.22b server, since the major update we dumped that world and I haven't actually built a new home. I'm trying to get TFC running again, but for some reason it's getting an error at launch/run, so I likely need to re-download everything all over again.

2nd October 2014, 23:08
You may try removing the BOFH mod to get it running again ;)