View Full Version : V.i.p. ?

3rd September 2014, 08:26
i recently heard something about that you have to be a vip to talk via dynmap.... now i wonder how much do that cost and where can i buy it?
because when i am at school i cant go online because they turned multiplayer to off but i think dynmap still works and if i can spend money to keep the server going and talk to people when im at school, that would be awesome

3rd September 2014, 09:16
I have already told you that was the wrong chat message. You intercepted a message from a conversation completely separate about HappyDiggers server access. The live map chat can view the server's public and local chat but cannot relay any chat typed into it through it. If you type on the live map chat box only others viewing the live map can see the messages. There is no connection to the server in that regard, it is receive only as far as TerraFirmaCraft is concerned.

You cannot buy VIP status. VIP is an invite only group.

3rd September 2014, 09:30
You can't buy your way in to V.I.P. (at least that's how I understand it, maybe J is in for some under the table transactions :D ) But donations are always welcome of course.

Just play your heart out on the servers you have access to, help out, be friendly, follow the rules, build something extraordinary, .... Try to stand out in a positive way and then the wisemen/women of the server may hand you the shiny status that is V.I.P.

3rd September 2014, 09:40
You can't buy your way in to V.I.P. (at least that's how I understand it, maybe J is in for some under the table transactions :D ) But donations are always welcome of course.

Just play your heart out on the servers you have access to, help out, be friendly, follow the rules, build something extraordinary, .... Try to stand out in a positive way and then the wisemen/women of the server may hand you the shiny status that is V.I.P.

This :)

3rd September 2014, 10:56
I have already told you that was the wrong chat message. You intercepted a message from a conversation completely separate about HappyDiggers server access. The live map chat can view the server's public and local chat but cannot relay any chat typed into it through it. If you type on the live map chat box only others viewing the live map can see the messages. There is no connection to the server in that regard, it is receive only as far as TerraFirmaCraft is concerned.

You cannot buy VIP status. VIP is an invite only group.
sorry i probably didnt notice it and ill try and donate anyway....