View Full Version : Teleporting commands

11th September 2014, 01:50
Are there any commands for players to teleport to /spawn or /sethome in the mc.happydiggers server? I know you can't in small world, but every time I try to use it it keeps saying "You do not have access to this command". It would make traveling a lot easier if there was.

EDIT: Apparently I can do /spawn in earthbound, spawn world, and creative but not in small world. But I still can't use /sethome in any world.

11th September 2014, 04:23
Are there any commands for players to teleport to spawn or sethome in the mc.happydiggers server? I know you can't in small world, but every time I try to use it it keeps saying "You do not have access to this command". It would make traveling a lot easier if there was.

Confirmed, whitelisted members have a different sub group for teleporting. This has been reported, and will hopefully be resolved soon :)

11th September 2014, 08:40
It should be fixed now.