View Full Version : Fail to allow a friend to build on a plot - please advise?

2nd October 2014, 04:50
I have a need to allow a person to build on one of my plots (near Spawn).

I tried that by first making him a friend: /res friend add {thePerson}
He was online and I see hem as a friend by /res

Then I tried both /plot set perm friend on and after it failed /town set perm friend on

I see that after at least first command, /plot, the permission line has f--- for all types of activities.

He still can not do anything on the plot. What am I doing wrong?

I hope I made an obvious mistake, easily visible from my scarce explanations.
If not, I will double-check and add screenshots, don't waste much time please.

2nd October 2014, 06:05
Per Plot commands can be a bit buggy at times where you can't just activate an entire level (friend, resident, etc) at once. You'd have to do each type individually, example: [/plot set perm friend build on] + [/plot set perm friend destroy on], etc. If that doesn't work you can try and set the plot for sale by specifying [/plot fs] for $0 and you can claim it [/plot claim]. This will change how the initial plot permissions operate and automatically change it to work for friends unless otherwise specified.

2nd October 2014, 08:51
Moved to appropriate forum.

oh, I thought he meant the creative work plots ;-;

2nd October 2014, 23:46
I believe you need to own the plot for the friends permission to kick in.
If its unowned believe its resident / ally / outsiders, and if its owned its friend / ally / outsiders.

Also sometimes I have had to do it twice in a row for it to take hold.

3rd October 2014, 01:55
Also sometimes I have had to do it twice in a row for it to take hold.

Ah! Totally forgot about having to set it twice for it to activate, Thanks Rainnmannx. I haven't played TFC enough lately ;)

6th October 2014, 20:20
Thank you guys! As far as I understood, setting plot permissions one by one didnt work by itself. But that "for sale" thing and claming and then setting friends on - helped.

7th October 2014, 04:22
Ah! Totally forgot about having to set it twice for it to activate, Thanks Rainnmannx. I haven't played TFC enough lately ;)

Ah, so that is intentional?? =P