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25th November 2014, 17:12
I worked on some roads. What should I do now?

25th November 2014, 18:50
I worked on some roads. What should I do now?

Moar roads! :P We do still have a fair amount of road left to do, particularly editing up the HC road, finishing off the connections to HC road between the outposts, and working on segments of the HC bridge. Working on the interiors of outposts would be a big help as well. Some of the outposts are just plain empty.

General update: I've been adding NPCs to the outposts and an occasional trader. I've also been claiming outposts under "Spawn" Town but all the normal restrictions for town plots are disabled so folks can continue working without any trouble.

25th November 2014, 21:05
I just updated the server to TerraFirmaCraft- Guess what?
No server time outs in this area. Also the other area where my client used to crash no longer crashes my client. Could some other people please verify this? If the crashes and freezes really are gone then that means we are close to being able to release the server :)

Oh, and more good news in regards to Optifine:

25th November 2014, 21:41
I can confirm that the client crashing area is no long crashing. It looks like someone unfamiliar with world edit may have caused the crash error since the building is clearly unfinished with large chunks of bricks flowing through it.

It seems the Server Timeout zone is still timing out the server though.

25th November 2014, 21:46
Looks like you teleported into that area. I flew there. Maybe that's what's causing it.

Still nothing in the server's log files that might indicate a problem though.

25th November 2014, 22:24
I've opened a ticket for the Cauldron devs to look at: https://github.com/MinecraftPortCentral/Cauldron-Issues/issues/107

Unfortunately we don't have much to go on. Hopefully they'll have a clever idea on what's going on and how to track it down.

If anyone else has something to add, please feel free to comment on the issue on github.

26th November 2014, 07:11
1. Jiro (or other authorities), do you plan to protect all the bridges, tunnels? Especially the ordinary ones? Or leave them as some kind of honeypots?

2. Just curious: what is the thing at 993:-12458, just east of Spawn? Some wooden ring covered with straw. No walls, food, water, a bit aside from the road ... Some religious altar to exorcise grifers in some pagan way?

26th November 2014, 11:57
LOL, b79.13 will cause stairs to disappear from the world. Has just yesterday replaced some stairs on the road from Babylon. Anyway, this gives tons of work in outposts ...

26th November 2014, 15:22
Believe prism will be used correct? If someone griefs them they would get banned.

This should not affect the road stairs since they are not technically stairs, they should be slabs.

If no prism then pretty sure they will be protected by either towny or worldguard (think its use for HC area)

26th November 2014, 19:16
Prism will definitely be in use. Bridges and tunnels may be put under some kind of protection due to their complexity, but I don't think roads will require too much work. There is an explicit addition to the rules at spawn that mention griefing with roads so if someone does destroy a road, without the intention to edit the road or add to it, then they would be prosecuted for griefing.

26th November 2014, 19:22
Well, all stairs turned into their source blocks. So all complex outposts became a bit more cubical.

Tenterro, you can restore only one half/quarter of the mirrored designs, i can help later with copying the stairs. Just write here which outposts and approx what parts.

Also this evening the server was constantly and persistently (not random) jerky when flying, like very very constant and repetative lag, not allowing to fly too fast. But not when running, even with a mega speed (Jiro blessed me to experiment, it was super-fun running the roads). Probably my internet, but maybe some plugin Jiro mentioned.

Also tons of timeouts, for all players simultaneousely (right, Jiro?), successfully allowing to login back instantly. Like each 5-10 minutes.

26th November 2014, 23:14
i just read everything and i see that there are quite a few probs... uh-oh. BTW: am i still on the whitelist?

just fyi I didnt know were supposed to report something if we accidently broke anything

so... can you plz add me back in on the whitelist?

26th November 2014, 23:21
Common sense in real life applies here. If you accidentally break something, you should tell the people who are involved that you broke something. People get more upset if you break something and don't tell them about it, then about the actual damage. That is what happened here.

If you had just told me you broke something, things would have been fine. Now you violated the trust I placed in you. So no, you will not be whitelisted again. You may play on the server once it's released to the public.

28th November 2014, 09:23
Also tons of timeouts, for all players simultaneousely (right, Jiro?), successfully allowing to login back instantly. Like each 5-10 minutes.

This does seem to be a reoccurring phenomenon. Regardless of where I am on the map or what I am doing I will timeout anywhere from 1-10 minutes. It takes a few attempts to log back in, but it is successful. I had suspected it was simply my internet being silly so I spent some time today going through the typical troubleshooting, no dice.

29th November 2014, 01:17
It seems more people are having the "freezing" issue with Cauldron. Let's hope they'll be able to fix it soon.

Dynmap had grown large enough to completely fill the 600GB storage we had allocated for it. It's because it was rendering at a higher quality with more zoom levels than the b78 server. Sverf deleted the map and I've changed Dynmap settings to match those of the b78 server. The map is currently being rendered again. This time it should go a lot faster though since it has way less tiles to render.

Also I've added the FirstJoinPlus (not yet setup the permissions) plugin. With this we can let new players spawn inside the rule maze while returning players can use what we currently consider spawn. It also allows us to give players kits and a book with rules and such. It might be a good idea to give players some basic food and drink when they first join so it will give them a chance to travel to where ever it is they want to settle without having to struggle with a resource depleted spawn area.

29th November 2014, 02:04
Also I've added the FirstJoinPlus (not yet setup the permissions) plugin. With this we can let new players spawn inside the rule maze while returning players can use what we currently consider spawn. It also allows us to give players kits and a book with rules and such. It might be a good idea to give players some basic food and drink when they first join so it will give them a chance to travel to where ever it is they want to settle without having to struggle with a resource depleted spawn area.

That is fantastic, the kit idea should help initial settlement without the typical "No rocks at spawn" complaint.

Another issue point we're running into is the Lockette protection list. It seems pretty much every TFC block is under protection which was great when we were testing it, but now nobody is able to set signs without it automatically converting to Lockette unless they set the sign all by its lonesome. Is there a way to override the auto [private] for Lockette signs? When I looked into the Lockette guides, videos, and what not I couldn't find anything about how to remove or bypass the automatic lockette [Private] YourName. Even right clicking the sign to edit it as per Lockette instructions doesn't allow the changes to lines 1 or 2.

I like the idea of having more options for protection for Lockette, but normal sign placement could become an issue. I suggest that the Plank blocks, Brick blocks, and wooden fences be taken off of the protection list to allow for placement of normal signs and usage of Lockette on doors and fence doors without having to place the Locketted sign on the door itself. Smooth stone should stay under the protection so that people can use the stone as a base block for their ingot piles. This will prevent griefers from breaking through Lockette by mining out the block the ingots rest on.

29th November 2014, 11:39
Don't want to frighten the luck away, but the server seems very good today, no timeouts.

29th November 2014, 15:07
To admins: could you please try to do something with that reported earlier new issue which limits the flying speed? It looks like some permission issue because Jiro didn't have it. And it's too regular to be caused by any connection problems.
It was not a big problem when chiseling and making small fixes on roads, but will be a huge pain for building and road planning.

29th November 2014, 16:16
Silly me, I broke a sing on an old direction pole near Mansion, to update it, and can not put it back, since it was on a smooth stone. I dont want to redesign all three poles there, they are nice.
Can we empty that Lockette config until server's opening? So we will be able to place signs anywhere while server is being developed.

29th November 2014, 21:57
How do you change your flying speed? I'm sick of flying around at normal speed :/

29th November 2014, 22:05
As I understand, ordinary people can't change speed. You can tp instead.

29th November 2014, 22:21
Hmmmm Idk why but I can't login to the server, I get Timed out error. But at dynmap I see that Heptagon_ru is playing and it's ok for him.

29th November 2014, 23:12
Saw your 5 attempts to login on dynmap. Didnt have any problems playing at that session, was able lo login later too, and didn't see any in-game messages about you connecting. :(

29th November 2014, 23:46
Works for me as well.

30th November 2014, 00:04
Could you delete my .dat files? May be that will work

30th November 2014, 01:14
To admins: could you please try to do something with that reported earlier new issue which limits the flying speed? It looks like some permission issue because Jiro didn't have it. And it's too regular to be caused by any connection problems.
It was not a big problem when chiseling and making small fixes on roads, but will be a huge pain for building and road planning.

Not being able to set flying speed is intentional. Only Admins and Moderators can change walk/fly speed directly. Any changes I made to your speed while we were troubleshooting your movement would have been removed upon relog.

30th November 2014, 08:28
Not being able to set flying speed is intentional. Only Admins and Moderators can change walk/fly speed directly. Any changes I made to your speed while we were troubleshooting your movement would have been removed upon relog.

I know. I don't need ability to change speed. I need to be fixed the issue with weird speed limitation of ordinary flight, which looks like returning me few blocks back each half second, when I try to fly horisontally. Also looks like some repetative and very very stable lag. I described it earlier in the thread.
Weel, If I explain it so badly, let's just wait if other builders start complaining about it, maybe they will explain better.

30th November 2014, 10:31
I think I may have an idea what's causing that issue. It might have to do with the NoCheatPlus configuration. If I remember correctly we need to enable creative mode flight in there somewhere.

30th November 2014, 10:35
I have the same issue with flying mode. =((

30th November 2014, 15:23
I've changed the NCP config. Let me know if that solves it.

30th November 2014, 15:26
Yes, it solved it, thanks.

1st December 2014, 12:37
Preview OptiFine B1 for Minecraft 1.7.10: Downoload (http://adf.ly/404181/optifine.net/adloadx.php?f=OptiFine_1.7.10_HD_U_B1.jar)

I took some time to just fly around the maps and visit the various outposts that have been build. Things are looking good people :)

So far the server hasn't frozen up on me and I haven't gotten any more reports about it freezing up for others. Please let me know if it does happen again.

The mapwriter download in the opening post is updated. It also contains a bunch of markers for the HardCore area. Right now I can't make it appear on Dynmap as the WorldGuard plugin for it doesn't work and the build in dmarker area option of Dynmap doesn't seem to work either. It'll probably get fixed, it's just going to be a while longer for that part to get finished.

Speaking of parts that need finishing. Heptagon is going to make a list of tasks that need work. I'll put it up on a Google doc page and add people who would like to be able to edit that page so they can sign off on the tasks they completed.

1st December 2014, 15:16
Just want to clarify that the task list will be a draft initial version of one, containing jobs I know of, for everybody to start with and add their tasks too. Like a message board, or a ticketing system.

Also, Jiro - I visited Rotonda Outpost yesterday and tried to barter logs for bread from that trader villager. In creative mode, ofc, to see how it works. Each time I tried to give him logs from my inv, the dialog GUI disappeared :( So I was unable to buy bread. What am I doing wrong? :)

1st December 2014, 17:23
Just want to clarify that the task list will be a draft initial version of one, containing jobs I know of, for everybody to start with and add their tasks too. Like a message board, or a ticketing system.

Also, Jiro - I visited Rotonda Outpost yesterday and tried to barter logs for bread from that trader villager. In creative mode, ofc, to see how it works. Each time I tried to give him logs from my inv, the dialog GUI disappeared :( So I was unable to buy bread. What am I doing wrong? :)

Were they the appropriate logs? There's only so many item spots available for trades from a single trader so I choose items that can be obtainable near that outpost like maple logs if there are varying amounts of maple in that area or a specific kind of rock/dirt strata.

1st December 2014, 17:39
Yes they were. And GUI disappeared even before I placed them into the input rectangle. Well, will double-check, seems too weird to be a real issue.

1st December 2014, 17:51
We could consider adding the ShowCaseStandalone plugin we have running on the mc.happydiggers.net to display the items that are for trade at various locations. It would be an addition to the information contained inside the GUI and it will make it a little bit easier to decorate the currently often spartan (on the inside) outposts.

Setting up a showcase is as easy as selecting the desired item in your hand, typing a command, selecting an empty hotbar slot, click the top of the block where you want the item to be displayed. It will have to be tested with TFC items of course, but it'll probably work :)

1st December 2014, 19:56
Yes they were. And GUI disappeared even before I placed them into the input rectangle. Well, will double-check, seems too weird to be a real issue.

I played around with the trader a bit and the trading interface seems to exit upon clicking any item slot in the player's inventory weather there is a TFC item, vanilla item, or no item in the slot clicked.

Though the admin shopkeeper should be working, it seems there's another way to opperate the trader so I'm going to tinker with him and see if I can get him to work. The exit GUI seems consistent with normal plugin operation regarding missing items.

1st December 2014, 21:19
Update on shopkeepers: Not good! There are 3 methods that you can use to make the shopkeepers. An admin shopkeeper, a player shopkeeper linked to a chest, and a normal player shopkeeper. All 3 are creatable and editable and the chest links as it should but the exit upon selection is still occurring.

It's possible there's a config conflict within the plugin, but I also found this:

Note that this plugin is created to work with CraftBukkit. Bukkit does not have an API for some of the things necessary to make this plugin work. This means that other server software (Tekkit, Forge, etc) will not work with this plugin.

This may be contributing to the issue.

Source: http://www.curse.com/bukkit-plugins/minecraft/shopkeepers

2nd December 2014, 01:52
Would custom npcs work?
or Trade Booth, though its and have heard it works with 1.7.10...

2nd December 2014, 07:04
Would custom npcs work?
or Trade Booth, though its and have heard it works with 1.7.10...

NPCs have the option to run custom scripts so if it was scripted, it could work. I looked up the trade booths and as you said it only goes to 1.7.2, but even if it worked with 1.7.10, I'm concerned about the forge. It states it only goes up to 1121, and if I'm reading it right, the current optimum TFC forge is 1236.

2nd December 2014, 09:53
As long as it's a plugin it'll work (most of the time). As soon as it's a mod it's most often no-go because it means clients will have to install that mod before being able to join the server. And as mentioned many times before, we're not going to install additional mods on the server. Players can join with having only TFC installed.

2nd December 2014, 15:04
Guys, especially Jiro, what do you think about maybe replacing HC sea mega-bridge (since it kinda stalled for a while) with a set (path, chain) of beacons/buyos and small artifical island outposts with lighthouses?
Some boat dispensers/traders at start, 2-3 boats per person. (make a harbor for leaving to HC, like elves left MiddleEarth), additional boat dispensers at lighthouse outposts. Sea travel is pretty safe, faster, and for me it would be less boring then running a mega-bridge.

2nd December 2014, 15:22
Sorry, I'll kept that in mind for future posts...

2nd December 2014, 19:01
I suggested to build a portal-bridge. The beginning of the bridge and then portal to HC island.
And I've built some kind of it at 4841 -4869 :rolleyes:

3rd December 2014, 08:37
And I've built some kind of it at 4841 -4869 :rolleyes:

Hmmm, that's in the forbidden crash zone ... Kinda afraid to go there until the three green whistles.

Also, where is romance in teleporting? :) Blink - and all the journey has ended :)

But the water way... A beautiful harbor, the last thing on this continent you will ever see. Careless people running by, you will never see too. Flooding feeling of bitter sadness and loneliness, but supremacy. A fight inside your soul between easy continent with it's beautiful outposts and roads - and perils of HC life before you. A hot feeling of hope, pride and courage to bring the dangerous wild land to prosperity. A puny pair of shaky boats is all what will separate you from dark ocean depths and packs of krakens. Long mind-eating journey under hot sun and cold moon, and only dried water salt on the boat edges is your friend. Heartless beacons with their mocking useless lights. Small forsaken islands with ruined outposts and some scarce water and food, barely enough to keep you alive. Permanent taste of seaweed in your dried mouth. And, in the end - an HC harbor. And your story only begins ...

3rd December 2014, 09:51
And boring pressing "w" for 20 minutes or about and you see only the same picture of bridge, ocean and sky. ;)
Is it the start of hardcore part? =))

3rd December 2014, 10:07
Yeah, I agree that 20 mins of "w" is a challenge. Yep, it looks like the first of HC ones :)

Btw, I meant to remove the bridge completely, so people will be ride boats from island to island, following beacons.
So the picture for 20 minutes will be sea and islands, not bridge. So at least a pure nature view.
The path can be made not straight, to add some variations ("a" and "d") to "w" :)

Lol, we could place boards on poles along the path, like those advertisement hoardings along highways irl, and draw some comics on them, so people will be interested to run from board to board to see the whole story.

5th December 2014, 04:40

- I've added 112 NPCs with all sorts of content ranging from informational to role playing characters. Every player that has visited the server has been added as an NPC and people that have been helping with the server more have several NPCs for recognition.
- All current finished outposts are named and claimed
- The portal idea is being considered for the HC bridge, will update when we get a chance to try it.
- All stair blocks were reset on the last TFC update. I've been through most, if not all the outposts and fixed the stairs. If they are stairs meant for walking on they were fixed, if they were for decoration like roofing I didn't fix them.
- An alternative to shopkeepers is being considered at this time unless we can find the problem with the exiting GUIs.

5th December 2014, 08:42
112 NPCs ? o_O That's a horde ... If they revolt one day, people will be easily overthrown.

5th December 2014, 10:09
Way to go Jiro :)

Citizens seems to have traders build in. Would you mind giving it a go?

Also, does the inter-player trading plugin work properly? For those who haven't heard about this yet, take a look:


5th December 2014, 17:02
Way to go Jiro :)

Citizens seems to have traders build in. Would you mind giving it a go?

Also, does the inter-player trading plugin work properly?

Ah, I didn't realize that was built into it, I figured it was an addon. I'll see what I can do.

I tested the /trade commands on myself and they worked properly. I was able to open a trade dialogue with myself. However, I tried doing the trades with Heptagon_ru and he didn't have permission to complete or activate trades. I checked the permission file and didn't find anything associated with the trader plugin, so maybe that's the problem? The config for the trader plugin itself only had a single line.

6th December 2014, 19:22
Alright so I did some work with the DtlTrader, but I had to install the plugin because it was a separate add-on. Installation went fine and post restart the plugin was working. Trader creation was working, but item additions weren't showing up regardless of how they were added to the shop. Vanilla items disappeared after saving the shop inventory as well, but they were still showing "stacking" options when I clicked on the space. I also found the plugin caused the player crafting grid to become un-responsive. I wasn't able to reliably place items into my crafting grid to expand it, cut bread, etc. Upon removal of the plugin and restart the player crafting grid was working just fine, I'm thinking DtlTrader isn't going to work either.

6th December 2014, 21:12
Inventory manipulation has always been a problem when using TFC. For some reason they changed the way it works making it incompatible with almost anything that manipulates inventories.

There are a bunch of other shop plugins we can try. On the HappyDiggers MC server we use ChestShop to buy/sell items, and ShowCaseStandalone to display items.

6th December 2014, 22:28
Huzzah! After many time-outs and frustrations I believe I have removed the error causing the server time-outs in the forbidden "time-out zone". The tunnel in that area seemed to be having some sort of TFC dirt falling issues from what I observed so regenerating that area seems to have solved the problem. A new tunnel or path will need to be made to connect the roads again, but that's a much simpler fix ;)

If anyone experiences a time-out, crash, or any server related issues please let us know. *crosses fingers* You shouldn't now though.

7th December 2014, 06:33
Believe this has to do with slabs and any block that has falling physics, i think the physics block this there's a hole to fall in but it also thinks there a block there so it doesn't go, have seen it when chiseled from the bottom, the physics block goes on top and you hear a continuous falling sound with nothing happening. Think it has crashed me on another server.

7th December 2014, 06:41
Believe this has to do with slabs and any block that has falling physics, i think the physics block this there's a hole to fall in but it also thinks there a block there so it doesn't go, have seen it when chiseled from the bottom, the physics block goes on top and you hear a continuous falling sound with nothing happening. Think it has crashed me on another server.

I had a similar theory. At least we know what the cause of the symptoms are if it happens again, but we'll have to wait for an update for it to be preventable (if developers fix it that is).

7th December 2014, 21:02
:diamond:Hi my MC name is Marc_Reid and i would like to be a Builder on the B79 server i have only found out about this today Via Jiro. So i would be :D if i would be whitelisted.
Yours Sincerely Marc_Reid:diamond:

7th December 2014, 21:44
:diamond:Hi my MC name is Marc_Reid and i would like to be a Builder on the B79 server i have only found out about this today Via Jiro. So i would be :D if i would be whitelisted.
Yours Sincerely Marc_Reid:diamond:

You have been added to the whitelist. There's a button at spawn that can switch your gamemode to creative if there are no admins online.

Things to do:
Add roads between outposts: Some roads are incomplete and need to be finished, some haven't even been started between outposts. Try to make them natural appearing (not a long straight line).
Building interior for outposts: Many outposts are lacking interior aesthetics and some are just a big empty space, if you could spruce up the insides that would be a great help.

If you have any questions or concerns please post them ;)

8th December 2014, 07:33
Hey Marc! Here are some suggestions if you need them.

If you are a good interior designer, I would suggest you start with interiors for the outposts closest to Spawn. The outpost number is constantly growing, so despite the new ones are more and more beautiful, my personal opinion - we should finish the closest to Spawn first. Same with road network.
I'm not sure what is mandatory for the interiors, probably beds only, all other stuff is for beauty.

If you are willing to make roads, here are some:

1. From -502 -12680 to the Temple of the Sun (west). There is a fork and probably part of the road was destroyed by recent chunk reset. That road has an outline laid, good for practice. It has sharp angles, but it's not a big issue.
2. Western road ring: from Towers of Nature (-2200 -11660) to Temple of Fire then to Mountain Pavillion, then Chateau, then Temple of teh Sun, then Wizard's fort.

That should be enough for the start, there's much more after that :)

For smoothly curved road design examples you can see: from Mansion 1130 -10160 to east to Imperial Tower, and also roads to the east from it: to Seaview Villa and Rotonda. I'm not telling that these my roads are better than others, but personally I love them. But they are harder to make, so you can do less smooth ones. They also should have good post-processing (see below).

Another good example of road is the black one from Spawn to Cottage and Church in the Wild. It is not smoothly curved, but has great post-processing:

all adjacent pits are filled with dirt at least 2 blocks away from road borders, so the road is in the ground, not above it,
all passages over ravines/rivers are made safe, with fences, etc., Also believable supports for bridges.
dangerous dirt/stone above the road is mostly blocked

Oh, and the direction posts at road junctions! Unfortunately Lockette doesnt allow to place signs with ordinary text on stones, so some weird designs are required. The examples of one design I could make are at: -852 -11711, 3487 -10186.
If you make better design, please tell me, I will redo mine.

8th December 2014, 11:24
HappyDiggers TFC b79 server to-do list
There is a Google document in which we can track who is working on what. If you wish to edit this document then send me a PM with your gmail address and I'll add you. Alternatively you can mention what you are doing in this thread and Heptagon will add the relevant information to the document.
Here is the document: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1hy6So9V6nwoh_v4tXPAFF2PaXSV1fGngGNnBmPiwdj8/edit?usp=sharing

8th December 2014, 12:01
Cool, thanks! The list of tasks is a very draft one, I plan to re-read the whole thread and update. Guys, your updates or criticism are highly welcome.

8th December 2014, 19:13
I've added a few people to the list who can edit the document. You are all welcome to contribute.

Please try to follow the format of the document. Keep things you write down simple and to the point. Discussion is what we use the forum for :)

8th December 2014, 20:53
I've added 3 states for outpost list: stairs, connected to road system and interior status.
Got to check if all stairs are fixed for all outposts. And try to make all other states to "yes" :)

9th December 2014, 06:36
HardCore area now has a specific spawn point. There is a new ship on the server named HMS HardCore docked at WallBridge port. There is a transporter button inside that will initiate the move to the HC area. Those that are not HC members can transport to the HC area, but they will be forced to turn back. I've added Denizen as an addition to the Citizens plugin for questing and specific event work which in theory would be amazing and add a lot more immersion and customizability. The problem is all of the scripts I've attempted to run won't initialize onto the npc like it should, even doing a basic scripts word for word from a tutorial fails. If we can solve the issue then Denizen will be our answer for trading, immersion, outpost quests, etc. Then again, it may end up being another incompatible plugin with TFC logic.

9th December 2014, 07:27
So awesome, guys!

9th December 2014, 07:53
HardCore area now has a specific spawn point. There is a new ship on the server named HMS HardCore docked at WallBridge port. There is a transporter button inside that will initiate the move to the HC area. Those that are not HC members can transport to the HC area, but they will be forced to turn back. I've added Denizen as an addition to the Citizens plugin for questing and specific event work which in theory would be amazing and add a lot more immersion and customizability. The problem is all of the scripts I've attempted to run won't initialize onto the npc like it should, even doing a basic scripts word for word from a tutorial fails. If we can solve the issue then Denizen will be our answer for trading, immersion, outpost quests, etc. Then again, it may end up being another incompatible plugin with TFC logic.

You guys are doing an awesome job on the server :)

Right now the Denizens wiki seems to be down so I can't check. What I did do is change the file permissions on the plugin and scripts so they match the rest. Any file you upload/create should at least be of the gameservers (1001) group and have 0664 permission octal (rw-rw-r--). Beyond that the file owner isn't really important although I did change it to minecraft_tfc02.

This will probably not solve the issue but you never know.

9th December 2014, 09:00
There are some great outposts which are very far from the road network. I suspect that it would impossible to build roads to there. Maybe only connect the closest ones between each other, like Las Lajas and Tevinter Palace.

What should we do with them, guys? I can think of the following possibilities:

Portals. Like the HC ship one. From some location near the closest outpost connected to the road network.
Primitive roads. Much more primitive, e.g. consisting from random mix of dirt, cobblestone, gravel, sand, etc. Using WE brushes it should be very easy, saw a tutorial. No borders, standards, chiseling. Not snow-proof, unless we can think of adding some other random "marker" snow-proof blocks along them. Sth like dry vanilla bushes? Idk.
Move them closer to Spawn. Hardly possible for most of them.

What do you think?

9th December 2014, 09:35
Leave them for now. The road network will continue to grow.

9th December 2014, 22:43
What's this we're talking about? Quests? *buys ticket too hype train* so, what exactly will this be?

10th December 2014, 08:37
So at this very moment the traveling to HC area is implemented by ship portal, right? As an already ready, stable and cool solution.
And in future, given time, a manually made land route will be an alternative (or the only, when ready) way to reach HC, right? The route was shown in this post (many big pictures):

(go by quote link to see the post)
And this HC road is nicely fitting with currently expanding outposts at the east direction. Probably the current outposts can be connected to it by some branches or rings.
And the high priority now is to finish all the closest road network, i.e. west rings and east ring. Then there will be left to be done: Gazebo at SW and HC road. Right?

10th December 2014, 08:58
Right, a manual HardCore road can wait since the current HC spawn is stable and ready. We do need road to the WallBridge outpost though so that the HC portal is accessible.

Road Update:
- Road to the WallBridge should be priority, followed by roads closest to spawn that need work.
- The sea bridge to HC area has been removed, I'm leaving the land path intact for future work.

Trader Update:
- At this point the best option may be to use a redstone machine I built for food dispensing at the cost of some sort of natural resource. It has it's flaws (which I may be able to limit with some work), but everything I've tried thus far isn't a viable solution. I still have a few more ideas, along with something J came up with for instant feeding rather than using the items, but they will take some time and for the time being I'd like to have something in place ready to go.

10th December 2014, 10:11
The idea I had was to create a World Guard region which heals/feeds a player. This is easy enough to do.

The trick is to package it so it doesn't look completely lazy or out of place. I have an idea for that as well. May I present: Chrono Trigger's Enertron!

It's a machine from 'the future' which instantly heals players. Although in Chrono Trigger you are still hungry after using it.... So ours will be better :p

The idea is simple. Create a command block interface (button or perhaps NPC) that teleports a player inside the Enertron and after 2(?) seconds teleports him out. Teleportation should be name based if possible to avoid 1 or more players getting stuck inside the Enertron. Or we'll just add a button/command block inside the Enertron so players can leave when ready. Inside the Enertron we'll setup the World Guard region that does the healing/feeding part.

Who can make a nice design for the Enertron?

10th December 2014, 10:36
Cool! Reminds me of the healing tanks on orbital rings in Dan Simmons' Illium/Olympus.
So the client parts of the Enertron will be on each outpost, and players will ask NPCs or press a button and be healed by a temporary tp to one core Enertron location? For free?
Can the Enertron core be at Spawn so people will just do /spawn and approach Enertron on knees foot?

10th December 2014, 14:58
I had some time to build today so here's what I did:

- Added food, water, and some interior decoration to the Bridge outpost (-160 -13600)
- Made interiors for the rooms in the Villa outpost (1320 -11600)
- Finished fixing the stairs (someone else had started) in the Wallbridge outpost (1100 -7140)

10th December 2014, 15:31
Thanks, updated the to-do list. Afaik Wallbridge is mostly yours, Austin_JC, right? Has it any problems with interiors? (if not - I will mark them as done)

Update: and another question. I started the road Church->Wallbridge, and I see some glowstone going from Wallbridhe strictly north. Do you plan to continue the wallbridge there (since it's high and ground is watery and with high hills) ? If not, I would prefer to turn westish from the end of the wall and go by land. But there is a height huge difference. What are your preferences?

11th December 2014, 01:44
Trader Update:
After days of trial and error and multiple plugins, J was able to create a custom script command using the metadata for TFC food. What this means? We get food traders! ;) There are 6 Enertron transporters scattered throughout outposts with one being at spawn. The Enertron operation is fairly simple, requiring a rock of the same kind found near the teleport pad or outpost. Game play wise, there is a lot of mystery surrounding the origins and functions of the Enertron. Many NPCs were added to help maintain the machines and investigate it's "properties".

11th December 2014, 02:22
Wallbridge still has no interior but I plan to start on it soon. The glowstone I had placed north of it was so I could see what continuing the north bridge would look like but now I think I would rather see it go down to ground level and become normal road.

11th December 2014, 07:44
FirstJoinPlus, a plugin for initial spawns meant for our spawn maze, should be configured now to spawn the player (the first time as the name suggests) in the spawn maze. The kit configuration that comes with the plugin isn't really customizable beyond basic vanilla items so I installed a specific Kit plugin for introductory items. The instructions to use the kit are listed on the sign in the spawn room rules to ensure people read it, otherwise they miss out. [/kit tfc] Will deliver a 160 oz rice bread, 2 water jugs, 3 granite rocks, and 2 sticks to the player. The delay between kit usage is 1 year, so basically it's a 1 time use command. The bread weight is generous so I don't see any problems there, and so far every time I've used the command the bread spawns in the inventory correctly. A little bit more testing with the bread is necessary to ensure it won't randomly start decaying, but otherwise it looks like a good addition.

11th December 2014, 09:10
Thinking you can go Scrooge on us? Well suck it TFC! We're giving away free food now :p

It took a while to figure out though. But now the secret's out so we can make the outposts useful as they were intended to be. Since we don't have to refill them, we should be able to copy/paste Enertrons to each outpost fairly simple. Or are we keeping those for special locations only?

11th December 2014, 09:30
Enertrons are pretty powerful tools, I'd like to limit them between outpost distance and outpost size, but that doesn't mean we can't use the traders for many of the outposts as well. The traders are simple to setup, just takes some minor adjustments in the food spawn script and a few other minor things.

12th December 2014, 00:00
hello, i would like to be a builder on the b79 server. I would be happy to do mind numbing tasks for hours on end.
IGN: jentax18

:elmo: Merry Christmas :elmo:

12th December 2014, 02:22
hello, i would like to be a builder on the b79 server. I would be happy to do mind numbing tasks for hours on end.
IGN: jentax18

You have been added to the whitelist. You can activate creative mode at /spawn by hitting the noted button. Since you have an aptitude for mind numbing tasks, would you mind tackling a lot of the unfinished/unstarted roads? There is still a fair amount of road work that needs to be done. The Google document (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1hy6So9V6nwoh_v4tXPAFF2PaXSV1fGngGNnBmPiwdj8/edit#gid=0) has specific roads listed that need work. Interiors for some outposts still need to be done as well if that tickles your fancy more-so than road work.

12th December 2014, 03:02
I had some time to build today so here's what I did:

- Added food, water, and some interior decoration to the Bridge outpost (-160 -13600)
- Made interiors for the rooms in the Villa outpost (1320 -11600)
- Finished fixing the stairs (someone else had started) in the Wallbridge outpost (1100 -7140)

I had gone through the outposts a week or so ago and fixed stairs for functionality only which is why only some were done :P Now that most of the stuff left to do is aesthetic, I'm going back through the outposts and fixing the stairs for detail and structure. I have to say, I love the interior work you did at those two outposts. It looks great, keep it up!

Stair Update:
All bugged stairs via the update have been fixed. I've gone through every outpost and identified all of the stairs with Waila to make sure. I've also reviewed all of the bridges and updated their stairs if they used them in their designs.

15th December 2014, 10:04
Going over the Towny configuration now as a final check. We've talked about increasing the minimum distance between towns so the map will get less crowded. This will force players to walk further before they are able to start their own town and should prevent towns encasing each other which has been used by one or two idiots as a strange means of grief.

Right now the following configuration is set:

# Minimum number of plots any towns plot must be from the next town's own plots.
# This will prevent town encasement to a certain degree.
min_plot_distance_from_town_plot: '5'

# Minimum number of plots any towns home plot must be from the next town.
# This will prevent someone founding a town right on your doorstep
min_distance_from_town_homeblock: '10'

So basically if you start a town your town's spawn needs to be at least 10 chunks (160 blocks) away from any other town's spawn. Also the plots of your town must always remain 5 chunks (60 blocks) away from any other town's plots.

This should provide each town with enough room to grow without being 'bothered' by someone else's town. But as I said it does mean players will have to travel further before they can start their own town.

I've also given some more thought about the outposts players could create right outside of the spawn area to help promote their towns. This time around we're not going to set the minimum distance between towns to 1 plot. Not even temporary. So I was thinking of using WorldGuard to claim plots. This is something admins must do for a town's mayor. Only town's mayors will be able to build in such a plot unless the staff is feeling generous and willing to add more players to a WorldGuard region. Also keep in mind that if a player switches towns it will not affect his build permissions inside of an already created/configured WorldGuard region. Hence the mayor only thing since they don't tend to switch town very often.

This means that outside of spawn we need to create a ring of plots. This time I'm thinking of having 1 ring of plots, then one ring of road, then another ring of plots. So people will be able to walk in between the plots and have a good look around.

Jiro setup a first-join-kit with another plugin than FirstJoinPlus. The FJP plugin (asside from setting spawn for new players) allows us to provide players with a custom written book. I think we should do that since we have quite a lot of information to add. Like how minimum distances between plots work. We should probably start with a rudimentary list of sorts in the spreadsheet before we copy it over to an in-game book.

Something to add to the to-do list (Heptagon?):

Add rings of plots around the spawn area for towns to advertise with.
Add info on how to request a spawn promo plot to the spawn area.
Write the book rules and information in the spreadsheet somewhere (good title needed).

15th December 2014, 11:02
I've finished laying down the road between Museum and Les Invalides which passed through some of the most difficult terrain to build roads in.

Tenterro, would you mind adding a few bridges to that road? If you start from Museum and head east you'll find the gaps in the road.

After the bridges are done all that's left is to chisel the road :)

15th December 2014, 11:55
Updated To-Do list, prepared the second sheet for the book.

Road - great!!! Really hope to finish this looooooong Imperial Tower-> Les Invalides road today, with connections, transitions and stuff.

15th December 2014, 13:58
So since the NPCs are no problem now, how about my old idea: in each big beautiful outpost an NPC of some similar appearance will give a custom named (according to player's name) collectible item, meaning that this player visited this outpost. Players will hang them on a wall in their homes. And some main NPC in e.g. Spawn will check if you have all this items in the inventory and give you some better collectible, like a cape, meaning you are an ultimate traveller.
This could be fun for children who often like to collect achievements etc.
I understand that implementing this will take lot of work. So just humbly reminding :)

15th December 2014, 16:53
So since the NPCs are no problem now, how about my old idea: in each big beautiful outpost an NPC of some similar appearance will give a custom named (according to player's name) collectible item, meaning that this player visited this outpost. Players will hand them on a wall in their homes. And some main NPC in e.g. Spawn will check if you have all this items in the inventory and give you some better collectible, like a cape, meaning you are an ultimate traveller.
This could be fun for children who often like to collect achievements etc.
I understand that implementing this will take lot of work. So just humbly reminding :)

It's really great idea! It will add some sense in traveling and outposts. =)

15th December 2014, 17:33
As far as I know capes aren't available unless you use a client side mod to show it. If I remember correctly they were removed after the UELA changes to prevent a bit of pay for perks.

I can certainly try something out, over time. I have a lot of quest plans to implement that will take time and learning on my part. I don't expect to have them finished very quickly and at this point I plan on implementing them in small installments post release. The problem I'm expecting is Denizen not being able to accommodate TFC item handouts similar to how many plugins only deal with basic vanilla items. I already implemented one place with a hidden item Easter egg that really is pointless other than showing that the player found an Easter egg using a command block code.

15th December 2014, 17:48
... not being able to accommodate TFC item handouts ...
I think for my idea it can also be vanilla items, since it's for showing off only.
If you want, we could make for you a list of items and base names, one for each outpost, right, Tenterro?
E.g. add a column to outpost list.
E.g. Temple of Fire: a fire block, "A fire soul".
So the final name will be like "A fire soul. (Heptagon_ru)".
Sth like that. Idk vanilla items. Can a fire block be put into a frame? :)

P.S. Quests and stuff - great!

15th December 2014, 17:50
I think for my idea it can also be vanilla items, since it's for showing off only.
If you want, we could make for you a list of items and base names, one for each outpost, right, Tenterro?
E.g. add a column to outpost list.
E.g. Temple of Fire: a fire block, "A fire soul".
So the final name will be like "A fire soul. (Heptagon_ru)".
Sth like that. Idk vanilla items. Can a fire block be put into a frame? :)

P.S. Quests and stuff - great!

A fire block can be put into an item frame as far as I know, but it can also be used to summon fire (obviously). I don't like the idea of people being able to use the items for anything other than aesthetics or bragging rights.

15th December 2014, 18:06
Here you go, the perfect item!

Other food items might be used as intermediary to gain the ultimate prize. Although I'm not sure NPCs can detect specific items in a player's inventory. Those items would need to be tagged with the player name so player A can't give his items to player B and have player B just collect the cake without actually having done the work.

We can summon tagged items easily now. Although we'd have to test to see if we can get command blocks (or NPCs) to summon items with a variable player name in one of the tags in them. And then of course there's the matter of reading all those items back.

Perhaps we should look into the McMMO plugin for this. Although right now I think we should probably focus on getting the server released.

15th December 2014, 21:18
100% agree with release priority.
Just relaxed discussion of that achievements feature, like a brainstorm.
I would prefer these achievement items be different and shiny. Because having on the wall 40 cakes with different names is kinda repetitive. Something also useless but shiny and colorful. And matching the outpost. E.g. wool is often used on adventure maps for monuments.
Also the far outposts should have more shining achievements.
Well, I'm looking at the MC block/item list ... nothing good :( Blaze rods/powder. Magma cream. Mob heads. Need like 30 more :) Idk.
Btw, how about a spawn egg for final prize? Can frame it or use it, getting ... chicken? :)

16th December 2014, 01:02
As far as I know capes aren't available unless you use a client side mod to show it. If I remember correctly they were removed after the UELA changes to prevent a bit of pay for perks.

I can certainly try something out, over time. I have a lot of quest plans to implement that will take time and learning on my part. I don't expect to have them finished very quickly and at this point I plan on implementing them in small installments post release. The problem I'm expecting is Denizen not being able to accommodate TFC item handouts similar to how many plugins only deal with basic vanilla items. I already implemented one place with a hidden item Easter egg that really is pointless other than showing that the player found an Easter egg using a command block code.

I know capes were no longer being distributed after the UELA, but from what I seen recently they may have changed it. When I join servers now I have a cape and everyone else has a cape too (they are all the same cape as well), so I'm wondering if they were added back into being able to get them again, or if it's just MC making it a thing so everyone has a cape lol.

16th December 2014, 03:40
I know capes were no longer being distributed after the UELA, but from what I seen recently they may have changed it. When I join servers now I have a cape and everyone else has a cape too (they are all the same cape as well), so I'm wondering if they were added back into being able to get them again, or if it's just MC making it a thing so everyone has a cape lol.

It is just an advertisement.

Mojang Support (https://twitter.com/MojangSupport/status/543059893083992064)

16th December 2014, 17:46
On lunch break, saw something about spawn and town plots , what about embassy?

17th December 2014, 07:20
Perking up the thread.

The long road Imperial Tower -> Les Invalides is finally finished. What is left for the SE ring is to chisel road Museum -> Les Invalides and build a bridge there. And lightly make underground lighting.

InsaneJ, have you reserved the pleasures of chiseling your road for yourself or I can do it?

Tenterro, do you plan to have fun building the bridge there (3270 -8500) or I better do it?

17th December 2014, 09:21
InsaneJ, have you reserved the pleasures of chiseling your road for yourself or I can do it?
Go for it :)

17th December 2014, 17:12
Yaw! I found a nice reproducible bug! :)

Two stone blocks adjanced, on one level horizontally. One is slab-chiseled one level from the top. Second one has a rock laying on it. If you chisel the one with the rock from the side of the first stone, through the opened gap, the space left after chiseling - server kicks you out, telling "Internal server error". No problem logging back right away.

On this picture if I do a right-click, server will kick me out.

Confirmed in singleplayer, game crashes. So fun! Will report to TFC later.

17th December 2014, 17:51
Cool :)

18th December 2014, 17:56
Two questionable builds on the server are still unprotected, we need to decide, protect them or delete.
1. 758 -13395, a ruined house. Afair, it was an intentional build, looks nice, but has no purpose, e.g. NPCs or sth.
2. 810 -13522, marked as "Templo de Luna, in progress by ben82003". Prism shows no activity. ben82003, are you planning to finish it asap?

18th December 2014, 20:15
Two questionable builds on the server are still unprotected, we need to decide, protect them or delete.
1. 758 -13395, a ruined house. Afair, it was an intentional build, looks nice, but has no purpose, e.g. NPCs or sth.
2. 810 -13522, marked as "Templo de Luna, in progress by ben82003". Prism shows no activity. ben82003, are you planning to finish it asap?

1. I'm not a big fan of a ruined type of house the way it was presented there. It is reminiscent of extreme griefing which we don't condone so I removed the "structure".
2. Ben hasn't been on the forums since Nov 13th and hasn't been on the server since Nov 6th. Due to inactivity and the outpost appearing to have just begun construction around 5 minutes of work I removed the structure. If ben82003 returns he is welcome to make a complete outpost :)

- Spawn Display plots should be functionally ready for usage, it could use some more beautifying but isn't necessary.
- I've created a spawn book that should outline important issues for folks.
- Added a special worldguard region around the spawn maze to prevent people from using /spawn and from returning to the maze after completion. If somebody can test the functionality of this that would be great just let me know and I can set up the intro for you.
- Added some more NPCs

Working on:
- A new system for starter kits. J and I are struggling to get the food metadata to operate correctly so we'll see what we can come up with for introductory food.
- Considering a new questing add-on for Citizen npcs as the denizen seems to be having some errors and isn't as specific in some regards as I'd like.

19th December 2014, 17:46
Trying to update server to 79.14 atm, Forge is busy making an extra backup of the world because of a misssing item terrafirmacraft:item.Seeds Hemp. Ofc we have no diskspace for a world backup on the SSD's, but with some creativity I've moved the server apart from the world to another disk where its doing its thing right now. Fingers crossed.

19th December 2014, 18:50
Server updated to TFC 79.14, world backup is a whopping 59G.
Hopefully everything is still working :o

23rd December 2014, 20:47
The server is as ready as it's going to get. Thank you all for participating in it's preparations. Some of you really went above and beyond to make it a reality. You guys are awesome :)

The most difficult thing we need to figure out now is when we'll launch. We could launch today, or tomorrow. Or on Christmas day even. But we do need to have staff available to help out new players and to sort out the initial problems that are bound the be discovered by the regular players.

If anyone has any ideas for this, please share.

24th December 2014, 04:39
Good luck with the release guys. I wont be available to help because I'll be out of town until the new year.

24th December 2014, 09:19
The server is as ready as it's going to get.

Great and nice and cool!

Will some [b+] members be allowed to work in creative mode after release?
To finish roads mostly?
Personally I would like to, since I don't plan to rush playing survival right away.
But I understand it can be bad, like socially and stuff, so no problems if not.

24th December 2014, 10:04
is it to late to ask if i can help?

24th December 2014, 10:04
If builders want to stay on to build stuff then we're ok with that. However they will have to let us know in advance. And we will enforce strict rules for those who choose to remain in creative mode.

No teleporting of other players.
Do not give items of any kind to other players.
Do not help players build their own homes/structures.
Do not stash items for later use.

We only provide the road network and outposts. Everything else is up to the players.

As far as the items go, we will consider it stealing and you will receive a global ban. Meaning your Minecraft account will be less likely to be allowed to join other (non HappyDiggers) servers in the future.

Sorry for the harsh words. But we're serious about this stuff :B

24th December 2014, 10:13
i undersand the rules and why and i would like to join

24th December 2014, 11:48
If builders want to stay on to build stuff then we're ok with that. However they will have to let us know in advance. And we will enforce strict rules for those who choose to remain in creative mode.

No teleporting of other players.
Do not give items of any kind to other players.
Do not help players build their own homes/structures.
Do not stash items for later use.

We only provide the road network and outposts. Everything else is up to the players.

As far as the items go, we will consider it stealing and you will receive a global ban. Meaning your Minecraft account will be less likely to be allowed to join other (non HappyDiggers) servers in the future.

Sorry for the harsh words. But we're serious about this stuff :B


I'm explicitly asking to let me stay as a builder for a while, to try to finish roads and maybe some outpost interiors,
and I 100% agree with the rules and promise to follow them and agree with the punishment if I break them, even because of some unintentional silliness. :) I also understand that there are more (implicit) rules, like not telling survival players where ores are, etc. I will even not save a poor naked dude from a spider. Or gather their stuff for them after death.

I really hope this will not cause any trouble. Well, will see how it goes.

24th December 2014, 16:03
I think WallBridge Outpost needs a few more directions. If you don't know already, it's not clear that you need to find your way to the ship to enter the HardCore area.

Also I think we should explain a couple of things bit more. For example that players need to apply to join the HardCore group. Right now it seems anyone can just go there and join with the press of a button. Then when you arrive at the other side you get a boat and a bed and that's it. You press a button, jump the plank.... and then what?

That being said, I like the way it's been set up :)

24th December 2014, 16:05
Cant we protect the ship with a guard or something that only allows players in that are in the HC group?
So people need to apply before they can actually push that button.

24th December 2014, 16:13
We could put up a WorldGuard region in that room with the button so only HC members can enter. Kinda like the room on the other side where only HC members may exit. But that still wouldn't explain how to become an HC member and would probably cause confusion since you'd expect to be able to enter and join HC.

24th December 2014, 17:45
I think WallBridge Outpost needs a few more directions. If you don't know already, it's not clear that you need to find your way to the ship to enter the HardCore area.

Also I think we should explain a couple of things bit more. For example that players need to apply to join the HardCore group. Right now it seems anyone can just go there and join with the press of a button. Then when you arrive at the other side you get a boat and a bed and that's it. You press a button, jump the plank.... and then what?

That being said, I like the way it's been set up :)

The Hardcore area is already set up to do just that ;) You can teleport to the HC area via the boat but non HC members won't be allowed to pass the worldguard boundary that intersects the ships hull. The non HC members would have to return or be trapped aboard the ship.

I'll see about adding some more information about HC. An NPC at spawn does mention the application process, but I haven't added anything about the ship so I'll fix that.

So besides the spawn book already talking about applying on the forums to join HC group, I've added two more NPCs at spawn mentioning the ship and how to apply. I've also set up a board at the ship dock stating that only players that are HC members will be able to continue after being transported.

24th December 2014, 20:16
If builders want to stay on to build stuff then we're ok with that. However they will have to let us know in advance. And we will enforce strict rules for those who choose to remain in creative mode.

No teleporting of other players.
Do not give items of any kind to other players.
Do not help players build their own homes/structures.
Do not stash items for later use.

We only provide the road network and outposts. Everything else is up to the players.

As far as the items go, we will consider it stealing and you will receive a global ban. Meaning your Minecraft account will be less likely to be allowed to join other (non HappyDiggers) servers in the future.

Sorry for the harsh words. But we're serious about this stuff :B

sorry i forgot to mention this but my minecraft name is 3x25 so if you can still add me i would like to help if you need any help.

25th December 2014, 00:37
The Hardcore area is already set up to do just that ;) You can teleport to the HC area via the boat but non HC members won't be allowed to pass the worldguard boundary that intersects the ships hull. The non HC members would have to return or be trapped aboard the ship.
True, but by that time they will have lost the contents of their inventories. Better sure than sorry. Thanks for adding NPCs :)

25th December 2014, 18:17
Logged in just now.
1. I'm in survival mode.
2. My walking speed is again limited, looks like I am returned a block back each 1.5 block I walk. Extremely uncomfortable.
3. I don't remember where those command buttons for builders are, couldnt find them to switch to creative. Were they removed?
4. After the login the last message after all usual "You have no new mail" was "You are not permitted to be in this area" or sth. I appeared in the middle of Spawn.
5. I hobbled to that [b+]-only door surrounded by yellow blocks, hoping the command buttons were there - couldn't open it - no lever or sth.
6. There are some remains of a brush template at 944 -12465 just east of Spawn, don't forget to remove it. ;)

Guess it wasn't my evening today ;)

27th December 2014, 18:08
Sneak walk there is no problem.
Regular walk its moves you back, seems maybe the anticheat move amount is set to low?

27th December 2014, 19:24
Logged in just now.
1. I'm in survival mode.
2. My walking speed is again limited, looks like I am returned a block back each 1.5 block I walk. Extremely uncomfortable.
3. I don't remember where those command buttons for builders are, couldnt find them to switch to creative. Were they removed?
4. After the login the last message after all usual "You have no new mail" was "You are not permitted to be in this area" or sth. I appeared in the middle of Spawn.
5. I hobbled to that [b+]-only door surrounded by yellow blocks, hoping the command buttons were there - couldn't open it - no lever or sth.
6. There are some remains of a brush template at 944 -12465 just east of Spawn, don't forget to remove it. ;)

Guess it wasn't my evening today ;)

1. You can use the button in the b+ area
2. We think we fixed the issue, I don't see any walking issues.
3. B+ room, the spawn buttons were removed in anticipation of release.
4. Fixed the spawn maze permission, the intro spawn is giving us trouble though so we're working on it.
5. Added you to the lockette door, should be accesible
6. Removed

27th December 2014, 23:39
We've put in some more work today. Most of the things we wanted to get done are done now. So we're going to launch the server tomorrow (Sunday) :)

28th December 2014, 03:55
Is it Sunday yet?? =P

28th December 2014, 11:09
Are we allowed to use NEI?

28th December 2014, 11:31
Yes it's Sunday, no the server isn't open yet. Soon ;)

Using client side mods that don't give you an unfair advantage like NEI, MapWriter, Rei's mini map, Waila, etc. are all allowed.

28th December 2014, 11:48
ok thanks

28th December 2014, 12:07
To all the builders. I've moved the development server to the production server. (what I actually did was shutdown the b78 server, and change some server ports on the dev server around).

Long story short: please connect to tfc.happydiggers.net:4000 and use http://tfc.happydiggers.net for Dynmap from now on :)

Also don't forget to rename your mapwriter folder in your Minecraft\saves directory!

28th December 2014, 13:13
Good luck today guys! Y'all put in a lot of work and I guarantee the community will appreciate it!

28th December 2014, 13:43
I noticed a considerable amount of lag on the server. Digging a bit deeper using Spigot timings I discovered that we had a bat problem. So I took my tennis racket and axed the little critters.

Check the timings: before (http://timings.aikar.co/?url=9634455) and after (http://timings.aikar.co/?url=9634486).

Jiro, I've commented the bat NPCs in the Citizens config file. Perhaps you can replace them with something else?

I've also tweaked the activation distance of entities in the Spigot section. Basically this will deactivate entities if there are no players nearby. I went with the recommendations given by Aikar but left the original values in the config file as comment.

21st February 2015, 22:40
Well, since the Google Spreadsheet with the building data was deleted,
and my extremely low [b+] productivity last months,
and most building jobs completed anyway,
and people already build awesome roads by themselves,
could staff please convert me from the [b+] to an ordinary player on the TFC server?
Starting fresh and blank, wiping inv, from the maze, etc.
If it's ok. I hope it's not too much additional work for you, all this converting.

21st February 2015, 22:58
Your status has been changed to VIP

25th February 2015, 17:01
Thank you, Overlord Jiro, everything works fine.

25th February 2015, 18:37
Travelling from Spawn by the south road as an ordinary lad, I quickly reached the limit of tickets I am allowed to open by reporting possible road griefs, so I have to put the last possible road grief I found here.
I was unable to see by prism the details in most of the cases because was chased by mobs.
And I was afraid to mail this last to e.g. Jiro because I just saw his statue at Spawn and was extremely afraid to annoy him by tons of tickets+messages. :)
Sorry for that, I hope after several pagan sacrifices my fear will be cleansed and melted into something better, cleaner and higher.

788 149 -6937 , facing south, possible road grief.

25th February 2015, 19:15
Feel free to send me that info by /mail send RainnMannx
I'll investigate it and get it taken care of, thanks :)

26th February 2015, 17:30
Has just reported the mentioned issue by an ordinary ticket. :)

16th March 2015, 05:42
I just found a single 1x1 hole that goes from the surface down through bedrock into the void. Prism shows no history meaning that it happened a while ago and since I doubt any admin was careless enough to leave a hole into the void so close to spawn I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that it was caused by a builder getting a little frisky with creative. Nobody is in trouble and the problem is fixed, but if any builders recall leaving holes like this ANYWHERE please let me know so I can take care of them. Fortunately I found it instead of some poor adventurer.
