View Full Version : Busy time

14th October 2014, 18:56

I'm sorry, but I am a bit busy this days. I can't connect to HappyDiggers for some time and I am really sorry I miss helping on TFC. I will be back soon.

Jiro, don't worry I will finish my town plots as soon as I can :o.
I saw a friend of mine as applied for small World (MonsieurNezlong). If you see him online, could you add him to town and to our plots ? he is a really good architect.

Thanks and see you soon.


14th October 2014, 19:16
We use an IP blocklist of known spammers, crackers, malware servers, etc. that sits in front of our Minecraft servers. Perhaps your ISP got itself listed, it's not uncommon for bad ISPs.

I have just added your IP to a whitelist. Please let me know if you are able to connect now. And next time please don't wait too long to report connection issues. It's what these forums are for :)

14th October 2014, 19:21
I'm sorry, my english is not enought precise. I wouldn't want say that I couldn't connect to server because of a problem, but only because I have no time to do so.

Sorry for the confusion.

14th October 2014, 19:27
No worries :)

Hope you have more time to play soon.

14th October 2014, 19:28
Jiro, don't worry I will finish my town plots as soon as I can :o.
I saw a friend of mine as applied for small World (MonsieurNezlong). If you see him online, could you add him to town and to our plots ? he is a really good architect.

Thanks and see you soon.


Next time I see him I'll definitely add him. Don't worry about getting busy with things, I've been fairly busy myself :P Life > Minecraft