View Full Version : Hard Core Whitelist Application

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6th May 2015, 23:27
usin the correct ip but its not letting me connect

6th May 2015, 23:33
I guess InsaneJ is doing a upgrade in the server machine many HDs, but a bit slow to 2hours. :rolleyes:

7th May 2015, 09:24
In game username: bdog1281
How long have you been playing TFC: on and off for 1 year
Why do you want to join the Hard Core group?: I want to play a more vanilla experence of this mod, but also i want to be more challanged.
Name a rule from the [/rules] command in the TFC server: Respect the staff and other players.

7th May 2015, 11:55
Please sir may I join Hardcore

In game name: Balakhan
How long have you been playing TFC: about 1 year
Why do you wish to join the Hardcore group: The challenge, and no TPing
Name a rule from the [/rules] command in TFC server: respect the staff and other players.


7th May 2015, 22:55
In game username: SeaDiver
How long have you been playing TFC: I would estimate about 3 years.
Why do you want to join the Hard Core group?: I like harder game modes. Looking forward to the community.
Name a rule from the [/rules] command in the TFC server: I like how the rules are based off of the first rule [1] Respect the Staff and other Players

7th May 2015, 23:39
bdog1281, Balakhan, and SeaDiver have been added to the HC whitelist.

8th May 2015, 17:35
Heey is it possible for me to join HC? :)
In game username: Holagrimola2272
How long have you been playing TFC: Almost 2 years I believe, though I haven't played for the last months...
Why do you want to join the Hard Core group?: Because it would be awesome to play actual terrafirmacraft without cheating with commands and other nonsense... :P
Name a rule from the [/rules] command in the TFC server: Respect the staff and other players.

8th May 2015, 18:17
Holagrimola2272 has been added to the HC whitelist.

8th May 2015, 20:14
In game username:IronCubemc
How long have you been playing TFC:10 days (statistics)
Why do you want to join the Hard Core group? i want play terrafirmacraft in ultrahardcore with people
Name a rule from the [/rules] command in the TFC server: dont say lag


9th May 2015, 08:25
IronCubemc has been added to the HC whitelist.

9th May 2015, 17:27
In game username:noch324567

How long have you been playing TFC:1 year

Why do you want to join the Hard Core group?:Because it would be awesome to play terrafirmacraft like it should be played

Name a rule from the [/rules] command in the TFC server:respect staff and other players.

9th May 2015, 17:50
noch324567 has been added to the HC whitelist.

10th May 2015, 02:56
after playing in the normal world for a while and being inactive for even longer i would finaly like to apply for the hc-world:

In game username: joethemonk

How long have you been playing TFC: Played it for the first time like a year ago

Why do you want to join the Hard Core group?: I want to expirience how hard transportation will get and what im capable of building there

Have you fully read and understand what you are applying for?: Yes i did

10th May 2015, 04:15
Joe, read the first post and fix you app please :), post when it is fixed, thanks!

10th May 2015, 04:51
Hard Core TFC will be considered a special group in the HappyDiggers TerraFirmaCraft server. In orderhttp://cdncache-a.akamaihd.net/items/it/img/arrow-10x10.png (http://happydiggers.net/) to join you must applyhttp://cdncache-a.akamaihd.net/items/it/img/arrow-10x10.png (http://happydiggers.net/) using the appropriate applicationhttp://cdncache-a.akamaihd.net/items/it/img/arrow-10x10.png (http://happydiggers.net/) guidelines. This is so anybody joining the HC TFC group understands exactly what they're getting themselves into.

This group will be considered in all cases a Vanilla of TerraFirmaCraft. There will be no home teleports, town teleports, or special game play server commands.

A large separate world has been set aside that will specifically cater to members of the hardcore group. This land will only allow whitelisted HC group members access to enterhttp://cdncache-a.akamaihd.net/items/it/img/arrow-10x10.png (http://happydiggers.net/) it. The whole point of the special area is to allow HC members a large area with varying temperatures, biomes, mineral distribution, etc to establish a livable community. Inventories are completely separate from the regular TFC and only whitelisted members can enterhttp://cdncache-a.akamaihd.net/items/it/img/arrow-10x10.png (http://happydiggers.net/) the world. This will promote a specialized community of similarly focused players.

In orderhttp://cdncache-a.akamaihd.net/items/it/img/arrow-10x10.png (http://happydiggers.net/) to reach the HC World, HC members can use [/server tfchc], use the click portals in the lobby, or use the portals in the lobby.

Towny, lockette, and basic protections are still in effect in the HC area, but you won't be able to utilize town teleportation. All new members will start in a trial period where they will not be able to create a town until they've played on the HC world for 48 hours. New HC members may still use lockette or join other people's towns during the trial period. HC members are allowed to return and play on the lobby and regular TFC world as well.

About the Hard Core World

Hard Core World is 30,000 by 30,000 blocks large. Hard Core world was pre-generated in version so graphite, for example, is generated correctlyhttp://cdncache-a.akamaihd.net/items/it/img/arrow-10x10.png (http://happydiggers.net/). There are also some extra rules in the HC world:

- Towny firespread, mobs, and explosions are force toggled to ON so you can burn yourhttp://cdncache-a.akamaihd.net/items/it/img/arrow-10x10.png (http://happydiggers.net/) town down if you're not careful or be overrun by mobs.
- Revert explosion after creeper damage is deactivated.
- The world is set to Hard mode.

applicationhttp://cdncache-a.akamaihd.net/items/it/img/arrow-10x10.png (http://happydiggers.net/): updatedhttp://cdncache-a.akamaihd.net/items/it/img/arrow-10x10.png (http://happydiggers.net/) 4/25/15)

In gamehttp://cdncache-a.akamaihd.net/items/it/img/arrow-10x10.png (http://happydiggers.net/) username:
How long have you been playing TFC:
Why do you want to join the Hard Core group?:
Name a rule from the [/rules] command in the TFC server:

Ive been playing TFC for about 6 months
I want to join the hardcore group so I can as you said have my own space and grow a decent community or join one.
Respect the staff and other players The first rule it says on there.

10th May 2015, 04:56
In game username: KOONKLAWS
Ive been playing TFC for 6 months now.
I thought it would be fun seeing skilled players creations and see if I can get close to what they have.
Respect the staff and other players.

10th May 2015, 17:05
Sry for my mistake - was late in the night for me :S

Ingame username: joethemonk
How long have you been playing TFC: started around a year ago
Why do you want to join the Hard Core group?: because i want to see what i can achieve there
Name a rule from the [/rules] command in the TFC server: [2] No stealing or griefing (just like rule 3 and 4 this is based on rule #1)

10th May 2015, 21:03
KOONKLAWS and joethemonk have been added to the HC whitelist.

IronCubemc has been removed from the HC whitelist after finding evidence of grief in the regular TFC server.

13th May 2015, 05:48
In game username: ___Frank
Long enough to remember making tin axes over a firepit.
Need something more challenging.
Respect the staff and other players.

13th May 2015, 20:10
___Frank has been added to the HC whitelist.

14th May 2015, 20:05
___Frank has been added to the HC whitelist.

Thank you Jiro.

15th May 2015, 04:21
Charles_Sparrow and Silentveteren have been added to the HC whitelist via the TFC forums.

17th May 2015, 15:31
In game username: ThePerfectAsian
How long have you been playing TFC: 2 Months And 17 Days
Why do you want to join the Hard Core group?: Cause I Wanna Play All Legit TFC With Other People
Name a rule from the [/rules] command in the TFC server: Don't Complain About Lag

17th May 2015, 20:38
ThePerfectAsian has been added to the HC whitelist.

18th May 2015, 06:45
In-game username: Redwuff

How long have you been playing TFC: On and off for a very long time. Most recently, on HappyDigger's TFC server, but not for the last few months, due to computer problems and RL.

Why do you want to join the Hard Core group?: To play with friends in 'real' TFC. :)

Name a rule from the [/rules] command in the TFC server: Respect the staff and other players



18th May 2015, 07:04
Tenandra has been added to the HC whitelist via the TFC forums.

Redwuff has been added to the HC whitelist.

20th May 2015, 15:14
In game username: D3emonic
How long have you been playing TFC: Month or two, I recently found it
Why do you want to join the Hard Core group?: It has more stable population. I think I got hang of the mechanics on regular and want to try something more challenging.
Name a rule from the [/rules] command in the TFC server: 1, Respect the staff and other players

20th May 2015, 18:05
Morrisyman has been added via the TFC forums to the HC whitelist.

D3emonic has been added to the HC whitelist.

20th May 2015, 23:21
In game username: HyperGamer925

How long have you been playing TFC: About a year or so

Why do you want to join the Hard Core group?: I've been playing on the regular world for a while now and I want to move on to something more difficult

Name a rule from the [/rules] command in the TFC server: "[4] Do not turn your town spawn into a death trap"

21st May 2015, 17:41
Treyflixia has been added to the HC whitelist via the TFC forums.

HyperGamer925 has been added to the HC whitelist.

22nd May 2015, 06:51
IGN: TheForestHermit
How long have you been playing TFC: Over a year? Time blurs when you get old.
Why do you want to join the Hard Core group?:I just want my primary account white listed now that the servers are separate.
Name a rule from the [/rules] command in the TFC server: Don't Complain About Lag

23rd May 2015, 17:56
In game username: nixx59
How long have you been playing TFC: About a week
Why do you want to join the Hard Core group?: Because, I like TerraFirmaCraft, and I want a extra challenge.
Name a rule from the [/rules] command in the TFC server: 1: Respect the staff and other players.

23rd May 2015, 20:32
TheForestHermit and nixx59 have been added to the HC whitelist.

24th May 2015, 07:14
Joanght and Electr0ninja have been added to the HC whitelist via the TFC forums.

24th May 2015, 23:48
Zothen has been added to the HC whitelist via the TFC forums.

25th May 2015, 08:53

Please add me to the group.

In game username: hntrofdmnds
How long have you been playing TFC: Coupla years
Why do you want to join the Hard Core group?: Tfc should be played this way and should be like this.
Have you fully read and understand what you are applying for?: Yes.

25th May 2015, 13:05

Please add me to the group.

In game username: hntrofdmnds
How long have you been playing TFC: Coupla years
Why do you want to join the Hard Core group?: Tfc should be played this way and should be like this.
Have you fully read and understand what you are applying for?: Yes.

Sorry, forgot a rule. Do not turn your town into a death trap.

26th May 2015, 23:07
Hntrofdmnds has been added to the HC whitelist.

27th May 2015, 14:17
In game username: Svartulf
How long have you been playing TFC: About a week or two.
Why do you want to join the Hard Core group?: I'm looking for a brutally challenging, immersive survival experience.
Name a rule from the [/rules] command in the TFC server: Don't beg the administrators for free stuff.

Looking forward to playing with you all.;)

28th May 2015, 19:32
Svartulf has been added to the HC whitelist.

dat_moosey has been added to the HC whitelist via the TFC forums.

29th May 2015, 20:17
In game username: monkeyzocky
How long have you been playing TFC: 5-6 months
Why do you want to join the Hard Core group?: Something Challenging, and I like the community aspect.
Name a rule from the [/rules] command in the TFC server: The mentioning of the word "Lag" is forbidden and shall not be complained about!

I hope to join! :diamond::goldingot::ironingot::pig::rawpork:

29th May 2015, 20:40
monkeyzocky has been added to the HC whitelist.

Ramirez77 has been added to the HC whitelist via the TFC forums.

31st May 2015, 23:13
In game username: Bofgirn
How long have you been playing TFC: on and off for approx 1 year
Why do you want to join the Hard Core group?: I feel that the ability to use the teleport takes away from TFC
Name a rule from the [/rules] command in the TFC server: Respect the staff and other players

31st May 2015, 23:18
Bofgirn has been added to the HC whitelist.

1st June 2015, 14:06
In game username: chongshaohong
How long have you been playing TFC: 2 months or so
Why do you want to join the Hard Core group?: Infrastructure finally has a purpose! And horses too!
Name a rule from the [/rules] command in the TFC server: Respect the staff and other players. Don't be a dick.

1st June 2015, 15:38
In game username: Kentela
How long have you been playing TFC: About a year on and off
Why do you want to join the Hard Core group?: Want to play TFC without all the easiness of tping everywhere and have more of a challenge.
Name a rule from the [/rules] command in the TFC server: Lag shall not be complained about. Mentioning of the 'l' word is forbidden!

1st June 2015, 18:25
chongshaohong and Kentela have been added to the HC whitelist.

1st June 2015, 22:55
In game username: HeatStroke1598
How long have you been playing TFC: Just under a year
Why do you want to join the Hard Core group?: I'm looking for a bit more of a challenge than the normal TFC world being that I've completed most of my projects over there. Though I plan on stopping by to help out my old town every once in a while.
Name a rule from the [/rules] command in the TFC server: Protect your town with Towny. Use /t for more info.

1st June 2015, 23:32
HeatStroke1598 has been added to the HC whitelist.

2nd June 2015, 22:24
Cyborg001 has been added to the HC whitelist via the TFC forums.

16th June 2015, 06:41
Zomgpig has been added to the HC whitelist via the TFC forums.

21st June 2015, 01:05
IGN. Godzillla1965
How Long I Played TFC. about 6 months
Why I want to join. I like challenges even if there hard
Rule from Rules command. Respect Staff and other players

21st June 2015, 03:23
Godzillla1965 has been added to the HC whitelist.

24th June 2015, 21:06
POGOSTER has been added to the HC whitelist via the tfc forums.

26th June 2015, 18:36
IGN. PrzemkuPrzemku
How Long I Played TFC. about 2 weeks
Why I want to join. I like real survival
Rule from Rules command.see rule 1: That means not stealing and grefing

27th June 2015, 11:49
Hey everyone,
I want to apply to the WhiteList on the HardCore Servers
In game username: DarkMed356
How long have you been playing TFC:Playing TFC since 1 year
Why do you want to join the Hard Core group?:To try the Hard multiplayer version of TFC and I want to challenge myself
Name a rule from the [/rules] command in the TFC server: 1.Respect staff and other players

27th June 2015, 13:47
my ign is 77deathsi have been playing tfc for about 3-6 monthsi would like to join the hard core server to have a challenge well playing with others a rule is no stealing or griefing

27th June 2015, 21:26
Imofexios has been added to the HC whitelist via the TFC forums.

PrzemkuPrzemku, DarkMed356, and 77deathsi have been added to the HC whitelist.

27th June 2015, 23:46
i think you might have got my name wrong because it still says that i ma not white listed it is 77deaths. sorry for the mistake i made.

28th June 2015, 00:30
my ign is 77deathsi have been playing tfc for about 3-6 monthsi would like to join the hard core server to have a challenge well playing with others a rule is no stealing or griefing

I copy pasted your name from your application. It seems you combined an "i" at the end of it and that came with the entire name copy. I always copy/paste the name to ensure that a typo on my part can't occur which is also why we had a copy/paste format for our application rather than typing it out in a sentence format ;)

I'll re-add the name without the "i".

28th June 2015, 01:10
ok thank you

28th June 2015, 01:41
In game username: Queenofinsanity6
How long have you been playing TFC: I have not, but PersianPenName thinks I should try it.
Why do you want to join the Hard Core group?: Persian suggested I do so
Name a rule from the [/rules] command in the TFC server: Don't swear

28th June 2015, 03:18
Queenofinsanity6 has been added to the HC whitelist.

28th June 2015, 06:26
Hooray! ^_^ I'm showing her the dynamap and wiki as we speak.

28th June 2015, 18:25
in game username: DutchMCmaniac
How long have you been playing TFC: half a year
Why do you want to join the Hard Core group?: because i want to play TFC on difficult setting without commands.
Name a rule from the [/rules] command in the TFC server: 1. Respect the staff and other players.

28th June 2015, 23:09
DutchMCmaniac has been added to the HC whitelist.

29th June 2015, 23:46
In game username: Apapyrus
How long have you been playing TFC: 2 days
Why do you want to join the Hard Core group?: I was always fond of immersive gameplay and roleplaying. I also think that the Hardcore map is more challenging, which means more self-rewarding and fun
Name a rule from the [/rules] command in the TFC server: "[6] Lag shall not be complained about. Mentioning of the 'l' word is forbidden!"

30th June 2015, 02:19
in game username:Evanite415
How long have you been playing TFC:Few days
Why do you want to join the Hard Core group?: It will be more fun without teleports
Name a rule from the [/rules] command in the TFC server:protect your town with towny. use /t help for more info.

30th June 2015, 02:39
In game username: Vena_Tasuh
How long have you been playing TFC: About 2 years
Why do you want to join the Hard Core group?: Because I would like to play it as it was intended. No Commands and a lot of walking.
Name a rule from the [/rules] command in the TFC server: 6: Lag shall not be complained about. Mentioning of the "L" word is forbidden!

30th June 2015, 06:03
Apapyrus, Evanite415, and Vena_Tasuh have been added to the HC whitelist.

30th June 2015, 13:09
In game username:Antoine_smso
How long have you been playing TFC: 3 days
Why do you want to join the Hard Core group?: Because i really love roleplaying and i think the Hardcore World is "how survival should have been" since the start.
Name a rule from the [/rules] command in the TFC server: Respect the staff and other players

30th June 2015, 18:02
Antoine_smso has been added to the HC whitelist.

30th June 2015, 22:51
In game username: cannon0006
How long have you been playing TFC: 1 1/2 years
Why do you want to join the Hard Core group?: I enjoy playing TFC with others, and tend to enjoy a challenge
Name a rule from the [/rules] command in the TFC server: #6: Lag shall not be complained about. Mentioning the 'L' word is forbidden!

EDIT: Also, I enjoy the food portions of TFC a little to much, my single player game has chunks and chunks of just farmland >>

1st July 2015, 02:29
cannon0006 has been added to the HC whitelist.

1st July 2015, 20:42

I would like to be added to the HC server for TFC.

Username: Boogey2
How long have you been playing TFC: Just started, looking to learn while having a challenge
Why do you want to join the Hard Core group?: My friends and I want a challenge and to have fun!
Name a rule from the [/rules] command in the TFC server: #1, respect the staff and others

1st July 2015, 21:53
Boogey2 has been added to the HC whitelist.

1st July 2015, 23:12
IGN: The_Nar_King
How long have you been playing terrafirmacraft? I have played terrafirmacraft when it first came out, however I haven't played it in a few months. I'm looking to get back into it with my friends.
Why do you want to join the hardcore group? My friends and I want a fun, challenging game to experience. Looking to have fun and meet new people on the server!
Name a rule from the [/rules] command in the TFC server: Rule #1: Respect the staff and others!

1st July 2015, 23:13
In game username: The_awesom_withN
How long have you been playing TFC: Played it a year ago, came back recently
Why do you want to join the Hard Core group?: More of a challenging, realistic experience.
Name a rule from the [/rules] command in the TFC server: If it's not yours, don't take it.

2nd July 2015, 19:18
The_Nar_King and The_awesom_withN have been added to the HC whitelist.

3rd July 2015, 01:19
In game username: Tp21
How long have you been playing TFC: i have just started and have watched videos of people playing and want to give a stab at it myself and want it to be challenging.
Why do you want to join the hard group because I like a good challenge
A rule from the rules command is "lag shall not be complained about"

Thank you,
Tp21 :)

3rd July 2015, 22:13
In-Game Username: m4n0123456789
I played TFC for some days.then my pc started to not process mods, then i had to fix it and now im back to play more.
I want to join HC cause i dont see too much challenge in the normal world, then i chosed to join HC
Respect the staff and other players.

4th July 2015, 04:55
Tp21 and m4n0123456789 have been added to the HC whitelist.

4th July 2015, 13:12
Thanks!:ironingot: <------- (wrought iron)

5th July 2015, 02:58
Username: harrison008

How long have you been playing TFC: I have never played it before but i have alot of experience in different mods in minecraft and i am looking for a challenge in a survival game something to really test me. I also have a friend playing TFC and has recommended it to me.

Why do you want to join the Hard Core group?: I have a friend who is on the server and would like to play with him.

Name a rule from the [/rules] command in the TFC server: if its not yours, dont take it.

5th July 2015, 19:46
Username: Percykeith

How long have you been playing TFC: I have never played TFC before, but I have had extensive time within mods like FTB and Technic and would like a challenge.

Why do you want to join the Hard Core group?: I'm looking for a fun and mature community to be apart of and would like to make friends. I also have a friend that is joining because of another friend and would like to play with them.

Name a rule from the [/rules] command in the TFC server: PVP is only allowed if all sides of the party agree to it. Use chat to make this clear.

5th July 2015, 19:58
IGN: Brotherware

How long have you been playing TFC: I have only started playing today.

Why do you want to join the Hard Core group?: It sounds like a challenge and I am up for a new challenge, I also have a friend that is joining.

Name a rule from the [/rules] command in the TFC server: Respect staff and other players.

5th July 2015, 21:40
LiSh4 and Octothorpe have been added to the HC whitelist via the TFC forums.

Percykeith, Brotherware, and harrison008 have been added as well.

Side note: Percykeith, that rule you listed is for our MC server, not the TFC server. PVP is toggled off in our TFC worlds.

5th July 2015, 22:03
TheMegaDim and SuperstuHD have been added to the HC whitelist via the TFC forums.

7th July 2015, 20:03
Hey, I'm interested(for the sake of play) in playing on the Hardcore Server.
LEDlump(IGN among other things)
'Mentioning of the "l" word is forbidden!'
I've been popping in & out for awhile.
So ya know who I am and maybe this'll be funny.
Knowing my track record of dying regularly.

I'll try to refrain from that though :3
I hope I'm soon to be whitelisted.

7th July 2015, 22:02
LEDlump has been added to the HC whitelist.

8th July 2015, 03:10
In game username: TheUnseenDeath
How long have you been playing TFC: About a year, maybe a little more. Never got far, so may need help occasionally... (steel age and up)
Why do you want to join the Hard Core group?: Looking for a bit more of a challenge with TFC. Also like the idea of not being able to teleport places.
Name a rule from the [/rules] command in the TFC server: Be respectful to players and staff (Also means no swearing caps etc.)

10th July 2015, 03:51
In-Game Username: kcrazy78
How long have you been playing TFC: around a year
Why do you want to join the Hard Core group?: I need a challenge, and have made a few friends that were on Hard Core and I want to join them.
Name a rule from the [/rules] command in the TFC server: Respect the staff and other players.

Cheers! :diamond:

10th July 2015, 08:16
kcrazy78 and TheUnseenDeath have been added to the HC whitelist.

Leoteix_2009 has been added via TFC forums.

10th July 2015, 16:52
In game username: Norbert118
How long have you been playing TFC: 0 hours
Why do you want to join the Hard Core group?: For Fun and playing with firends
Name a rule from the [/rules] command in the TFC server: Respect the staff and other players.

10th July 2015, 19:09
Norbert118 has been added to the HC whitelist.

12th July 2015, 19:58
In game username: maxwell76576
How long have you been playing TFC: since the beta, but I took a VERY long break
Why do you want to join the Hard Core group?: Because Holagrimola is on there, and he was an old trading partner of my town before the reset (maybe multiple resets ago) and now I want to be in his town :3
Name a rule from the [/rules] command in the TFC server: respect the staff and other players

12th July 2015, 22:05
In game username:Romani499
How long have you been playing TFC: I have been playing for about 2 weeks but am going to continue playing for as long as I can
Why do you want to join the Hard Core group?: I figured I wanted a challenge in this awesome mod
Name a rule from the [/rules] command in the TFC server: Rule #1 No stealing or griefing

13th July 2015, 00:28
Romani499 and maxwell76576 have been added to the HC whitelist.

15th July 2015, 23:41
In game username: ExplodingJ
How long I have been playing TFC: 2 weeks,I've watched videos on it for up to 2 years though.
Why I want to join the Hard Core group: I want to join the hardcore group so I can have a better experience with the HappyDiggers server,and to have fun with some of my other friends in the hardcore world.
Name a rule from the [/rules] command in the TFC server: [1] Respect the Staff and other Players.

If I am accepted,I will reward you with dinner,it's on me :cookedpork::rawpork::rawpork::cookedpork::cookedp ork::cookedpork::rawpork:

17th July 2015, 17:28
ExplodingJ has been added to the HC whitelist.

21st July 2015, 00:12
Hey there!

In game username: oregon315
How long have you been playing TFC: 8 months
Why do you want to join the Hard Core group?: Because i want the game to be harder, but still keep the social multiplayer gameplay a server gives. This server is awsome so far and i wanna experience the Hardcore gameplay on it.
Have you fully read and understand what you are applying for?: Yes

Thank you for your time.

21st July 2015, 03:42
oregon315, check the first post please.

21st July 2015, 03:58
oregon315, check the first post please.

Um.. Yes i read it before writting my post. But you probably mean to show me that i should do /server tfchc in-game

21st July 2015, 04:00
Um.. Yes i read it before writting my post. But you probably mean to show me that i should do /server tfchc in-game

**nevermind, it's only for HC members..

21st July 2015, 04:01
**nevermind, it's only for HC members..
Or maybe i wrotte my application wrong.....

21st July 2015, 05:03
Read the entire first post please :)

21st July 2015, 05:59
Read the entire first post please :)

I hope this second application works. (Doing my best to understand english, not my primary language..)

In game username: oregon315
How long have you been playing TFC: 8 months
Why do you want to join the Hard Core group?: Because i want a more difficult and true gameplay on this awesome server. I want to experience HC as i like the challenge of hardcore survival with no protection and no teleport.
Name a rule from the [/rules] command in the TFC server: [1] Respect the staff and other players.

22nd July 2015, 08:44
oregon315 has been added to the HC whitelist.

23rd July 2015, 00:23
In game username: I__Illuminati
How long have you been playing TFC: A bit longer than a week, and I plan to play longer.
Why do you want to join the Hard Core group?: Because a harder experience and fresh start sound good and fun for me.
Name a rule from the [/rules] command in the TFC server: Respect Staff and other players

26th July 2015, 04:24
I__Illuminati has been added to the HC whitelist.

26th July 2015, 20:36
In game username: xurksice

How long have you been playing TFC:About a year

Why do you want to join the Hard Core group?: I am interested in joining the hardcore group because I like the fact that there is no teleportation. It enhances the TFC experience for me making it harder. Also, after doing some research and asking around on the server, it seems that there is a tighter nit community in Hardcore than regular which is a bonus for me because i am interested in doing trade and commerce.

Name a rule from the [/rules] command in the TFC server: "Lag shall not be complained about. Mentioning of the 'L' word is forbidden!"

26th July 2015, 21:00
In game username: darkknight10447

How long have you been playing TFC:about 2 weeks,plan to play longer

Why do you want to join the Hard Core group?: I think that hard mode and no teleportation are some of the aspects of "survival".

Name a rule from the [/rules] command in the TFC server: 1:Respect staff and other players.

26th July 2015, 22:43
username: GopherCuresElf
playtime: over 1 yr
reason: would enjoy having the option to play SSP-style on HD
/rules: from rule 6. the L-word is forbidden

26th July 2015, 23:19
GopherCuresElf, darkknight10447, and xurksice have been added to the HC whitelist.

27th July 2015, 01:04
In game username: Erlae000
How long have you been playing TFC: Around 2 yrs
Why do you want to join the Hard Core group?:I have been inactive for a while but just got into it again and to bring it back i want to do it with a challenge and an untouched world
Name a rule from the [/rules] command in the TFC server: 'Mentioning of the "l" word is forbidden!'

27th July 2015, 01:48
My in game username: _DragonTamer
How long I've been playing TFC: I have been playing TFC for about 2 months, and on the HappyDiggers server for a little over a month. I still refer to wiki, but my wiki reading is decreasing.
Why I want to join the HC group: Since I began playing on TFC, my friend swimminglego showed me the ropes, gave me a water ju etc... but he has recently been inactive a lot due to unforseen circumstances. He trusted me with his town, and I have raised it up. We went from a hamlet of 2, to being a village of 7 with a blast furnace and livestock. More to the point, I want to try being more independant of other players, and challenge myself.
Name a rule from the [/rules]: I'm gonna go with rule #6: "Lag shall not be complained about. Mentioning of the 'l' word is forbidden."

27th July 2015, 17:24
DomTheDuck_ has been added to the HC whitelist via the TFC forums. Erlae000 and _DragonTamer have been added as well.

30th July 2015, 03:00
In game username: Nightrange55
How long have you been playing TFC: Roughly, a year, but it has been a little while since I have played it. But being on the normal Happy Diggers server has refreshed my memory.
Why do you want to join the Hard Core group?: I like to challenge myself so I figured this would be a fun way to do it.
Name a rule from the [/rules] command in the TFC server: I'm gonna go with Number 6. "Lag shall not be complained about. Mentioning of the 'l' word is forbidden!."

I would greatly appreciate being in the community of like minded people.

30th July 2015, 16:27
Nightrange55 has been added to the HC whitelist.

3rd August 2015, 18:43
FranzSchist, 2 months - despite that short time, I know what i'm doing as far as processes and recipes. I want to join the HC server because single player is getting a bit old, and I'd like to try out multiplayer. This seems like a strong server with good folks, and still fresh enough I could have an impact I hope. I like an as-close-to-vanillaTFC as possible experience, including the vast distances meaning something.

Rule: Be respectful to staff & players

4th August 2015, 19:38
RagwortShire via TFC forums and FranzSchist have been added to the HC whitelist.

4th August 2015, 19:48
In game username: Vikusha
How long have you been playing TFC: about 2 weeks? i think?
Why do you want to join the Hard Core group?: Hmm , i would like to test my limits.
Name a rule from the [/rules] command in the TFC server: No griefinf or stealing. No bad language.

4th August 2015, 19:52
Vikusha has been added to the HC whitelist.

4th August 2015, 19:54
My In game username: MisterJB_PT
How long have you been playing TFC: Started Now
Why do you want to join the Hard Core group?: To have fun
Name a rule from the [/rules] command in the TFC server: No griefinf or stealing. No bad language.

4th August 2015, 20:06
My In game username: MisterJB_PT
How long have you been playing TFC: Started Now
Why do you want to join the Hard Core group?: To have fun
Name a rule from the [/rules] command in the TFC server: No griefinf or stealing. No bad language.

After it was painfully obvious that this player hadn't read what HC was about I denied the application in game for one week's time. Thereafter the player became immature and threw a tantrum. I have since banned the player.

6th August 2015, 18:03
AJDeBres has been added to the HC whitelist via the TFC forums.

13th August 2015, 03:54
In game username: pot80z
How long have you been playing TFC: 2 years ( ever since etho did his tfc series)
Why do you want to join the Hard Core group?: only way to play the game.... as close to real life as you can get! and the challenge
Name a rule from the [/rules] command in the TFC server: don't grief / steal , no foul language etc

[/QUOTE]( played minecraft since inception) ( learned about computers at school an a commodore 64 and Apple III with floppy drives ) ahhh where has the time gone..lol

13th August 2015, 13:21
In game username: MykytaI
How long have you been playing TFC: 6 months
Why do you want to join the Hard Core group?: more challenge
Name a rule from the [/rules] command in the TFC server: respect the staff and other players.

13th August 2015, 20:50
MykytaI and pot80z have been added to the HC whitelist.

27th August 2015, 21:51
In game username: YoloSwagObama
How long have you been playing TFC: 27 days
Why do you want to join the Hard Core group?: I have gotten pretty far into the regular world and I now want to move into a fresh start in harder circumstances.
Name a rule from the [/rules] command in the TFC server: Respect staff and other players.

28th August 2015, 04:12
In game username: YoloSwagObama
How long have you been playing TFC: 27 days
Why do you want to join the Hard Core group?: I have gotten pretty far into the regular world and I now want to move into a fresh start in harder circumstances.
Name a rule from the [/rules] command in the TFC server: Respect staff and other players.

There's probably not many problems making a thread for your app, but you might want to post in the main thread. :)

28th August 2015, 06:44
In game username: YoloSwagObama
How long have you been playing TFC: 27 days
Why do you want to join the Hard Core group?: I have gotten pretty far into the regular world and I now want to move into a fresh start in harder circumstances.
Name a rule from the [/rules] command in the TFC server: Respect staff and other players.

Moved your thread to the official Hard Core white-listing application thread.

Try to not create threads meant to be a post in a thread already created next time ;)

28th August 2015, 21:03

28th August 2015, 21:07
YoloSwagObama has been added to the HC whitelist.

30th August 2015, 11:26
ING: TheKiller2015
How long have you been playing TFC: 38 days
Why do you want to join the HC Group: I've finished the mod,by reaching the steel age, in the normal TFC server, and i want a fresh start that will let me play for a really longer time.
Name a rule from the [/rules] command in the TFC server: Do not turn your town spawn into a death.

2nd September 2015, 04:41
TheKiller2015 has been added to the HC whitelist.

6th September 2015, 01:36
IGN: killermen962
How long have you been playing TFC: 4 days
Why do you want to join the HC Group: Play with friends who only play hc now and to restart in the game
Name a rule from the [/rules] command in the TFC server: Respect Staff and other players, Dont make your town spawn a death trap, Dont complain about lag, dont ask for stuff from admins

Note: A friend asked me to make this since he cannot make a forum account for some reason

6th September 2015, 19:30
killermen962 has been added to the HC whitelist.

6th September 2015, 20:19
In game username: solfato94
How long have you been playing TFC: 3 months on an italian server then it closed and i found this server.
Why do you want to join the Hard Core group?: because HC have the same rules/permission of the other server where i played
Name a rule from the [/rules] command in the TFC server:
Respect the staff and other players.that means not stealing or grefing.

7th September 2015, 11:38
In game username: Reilo_Jenkins
How long have you been playing TFC: 1 months on an italian server then it closed and i found this server.
Why do you want to join the Hard Core group?: because HC have the same rules/permission of the other server where i played
Name a rule from the [/rules] command in the TFC server:
Respect the staff and other players.that means not stealing or grefing.

7th September 2015, 18:20
In game username: Reilo_Jenkins
How long have you been playing TFC: 1 months on an italian server then it closed and i found this server.
Why do you want to join the Hard Core group?: because HC have the same rules/permission of the other server where i played
Name a rule from the [/rules] command in the TFC server:
Respect the staff and other players.that means not stealing or grefing.

You literally copied the application before yours and just changed your name and the number of months played. Did you actually read the original post about HC?

solfato94 has been added to the HC whitelist.

11th September 2015, 04:27
In game username: DarlingDeirdre
How long have you been playing TFC: Almost a year.
Why do you want to join the Hard Core group?: I'm a hardcore person. I don't want bonus goods and special commands, I want immersive survival gameplay.
Name a rule from the [/rules] command in the TFC server: The mention of lag is forbidden.

11th September 2015, 19:29
DarlingDeirdre has been added to the HC whitelist.

25th September 2015, 22:47
In game username: Colorshock
How long have you been playing TFC: Since 7/7/15, so about 3 months.
Why do you want to join the Hard Core group?: I like the idea of practical building that HC will inspire and the natural demand for infrastructure. On HC, I plan on building similarly to how I have on normal TFC, but with more attention on defense, well-being, and shelter.
Name a rule from the [/rules] command in the TFC server: No stealing or griefing.

26th September 2015, 09:45
Colorshock has been added to the HC whitelist.

1st October 2015, 20:51
IGN: RaymondIII
How long have you been playing TFC?: over a year now started in July 2014, I believe and have masterd the art of smithing in TFC during that time
why do i wish to join hardcore group: i was hired as a smith from the forums by someone on this server who is forming a town in the hardcore world
Name a rule from the rules: No cussing and treat all players with honor and respect

1st October 2015, 23:09
In game username: LarsonPacific
How long have you been playing TFC: Over a year
Why do you want to join the Hard Core group?: Completed gameplay in regular. Prefer hard mode and enjoy making things as difficult as humanly possible for myself.
Name a rule from the [/rules] command in the TFC server: Do not mention the "L" word!! lol

4th October 2015, 22:30

In game username: Yogert231
How long have you been playing TFC: 3 Months
Why do you want to join the Hard Core group?: I feel that a multiplayer environment would be a better experience all around.
Name a rule from the [/rules] command in the TFC server: 4 - Do not turn your town into a death trap.

8th October 2015, 18:01
RaymondIII, LarsonPacific, and Yogert231 have been added to the Hardcore whitelist.

9th October 2015, 06:31
RaymondIII, LarsonPacific, and Yogert231 have been added to the Hardcore whitelist.

Thanks Jiro_89 :D :D

20th October 2015, 12:10
In game username: Daysies
How long have you been playing TFC: I used to play a bit on a different server, for 3-4 months. I just joined the regular TFC server on Happy Diggers a week or so ago.
Why do you want to join the Hard Core group?: Firstly, as much as I love taking shortcuts with towny, it adds realism if you can't teleport all over the place and mobs can still walk into town. Secondly, I prefer the smaller communities to bigger ones. Thirdly, there's more untouched nature to be uncovered.
Name a rule from the [/rules] command in the TFC server: Respect the staff and other players, i.e no swearing or abusive language.

23rd October 2015, 18:11
Daysies has been added to the HC whitelist.

2nd November 2015, 17:40
I've been playing terrafirmacraft for aproxamtly 3 months I would like to join hardcode mode because I would like a smaller community and a normal version of the game with more challenge. I still want some players but more land so I don't have to travel forever for items which have been taken.

Many thanks


Username: alexneal2003

2nd November 2015, 18:50
There will be far more travel in HC them normal, if that is something your are trying to get away from hc may not be for you. There is no teleporting in HC. So you have to walk or ride to resorces.

4th November 2015, 21:50
Sorry, i fourgot that i must tell you more things to apply properly.
I have played TFC for one year (build 78) with a 4 months gap (I played vanila only)
I also understand that i won't be able to teleport and safely walk around the town (fire spread, mobs, explosions). I understand.
The rule: respect staff and other players, do not steal or grief, don't have more then 1 type of anvil, 4 animals of each kind, 16*3 tilled soil/berry bushes per town. And many other rules.
Received via private message. Others applying please reply to this thread with your application.

Spieler4096 has been added to the HC whitelist.

Alexneal2003 please use the proper application format and consider RainnMannx's question. We've seen plenty of people try to join HC because they want to have status and what not but quickly burn out because it's not their play style.

9th November 2015, 20:54
greatorder added to the HC whitelist via TFC forum.

11th November 2015, 21:47
In game username: CaptainLarson
How long have you been playing TFC: Just over a year.
Why do you want to join the Hard Core group?: I have been playing TFC for over a year, and have found that I prefer a much more challenging way to play. And my dad plays TFCHC religiously.
Name a rule from the [/rules] command in the TFC server: Respect all staff and players and don't whine about lag.

13th November 2015, 18:58
CaptainLarson has been added to the HC whitelist.

13th November 2015, 19:04
In game usernames: Kingolly999 and Emo0402
How long have you been playing TFC: I (Olly) have been playing for 8-9 months on and off, and Elias has been playing for just over a year, we have both been on the server for over a week on the TFC server. Thats where I have met Elias and we are an insane team at TFC
Why do you want to join the Hard Core group?: We want a new challenge where we can work more independantly, but also expand our knowledge even further about TFC. Also the fact that it is hardcore really hints at that the newer players will not be seen on there, and more experienced players we will be playing around, therefore I can feel alot more comfortable and friendly as a person. In addition think we have made a great impression as a pair on the normal TFC server and wish to be granted the permission on the hardcore server. We just want a bigger challenge within a community we like.
Name a rule from the [/rules] command in the TFC server: Rule 6, Never ever say the 'L' word. Lag. Wait, I just said - never mind, you get the idea.

14th November 2015, 06:39
Hey Jiro, sorry, I forgot to add a 1 at the end of CaptainLarson, so could you please whitelist CaptainLarson1?
Thanks, CaptainLarson1

14th November 2015, 20:05
CaptainLarson1, Emo0402, and Kingolly999 have been added to the HC whitelist.

14th November 2015, 20:22
Thanks Jiro, sorry for the inconvenience

15th November 2015, 02:21
How long have you been playing: 11 months
Why do you want to do hardcore:because normal is so easy and I love the server too much to change
name a rule: Lag shall not be complained about. mentioning of the 'l' word is forbidden!

17th November 2015, 20:33
FoxRonin has been added to the HC whitelist.

21st November 2015, 23:16
It seems that when I do /server tfchc it says I'm not whitelisted

25th November 2015, 07:41
It seems that when I do /server tfchc it says I'm not whitelisted

The whitelisting was correct but the uuid tied to your name was incorrect. (Your minecraft identification code)

I've edited the incorrect uuid with the correct one. The whitelist should recognize you now.

12th December 2015, 01:57
In game name: jacob123babc
I've been playing MC for ~2.5 years and TFC for ~1
I want to do hardcore because normal is really easy and I like challenges.
Lag shall not be complained about. Mentioning of the 'l' word is forbidden!

13th December 2015, 21:21
jacob123babc has been added to the HC whitelist.

20th December 2015, 17:57
In game username: Heptagon_ru
How long have you been playing TFC: 2 years
Why do you want to join the Hard Core group?: To see the HC Ark, Spawn and people's towns while there is still time left. And try HC a bit, since in Regular I am set and just preparing to The Departure.
Name a rule from the [/rules] command in the TFC server: 1. Respect staff and other players and praise Jiro!.

20th December 2015, 19:51
In game username: Heptagon_ru
How long have you been playing TFC: 2 years
Why do you want to join the Hard Core group?: To see the HC Ark, Spawn and people's towns while there is still time left. And try HC a bit, since in Regular I am set and just preparing to The Departure.
Name a rule from the [/rules] command in the TFC server: 1. Respect staff and other players and praise Jiro!.

Praise Jiro is not an official rule, sorry.


You've been added.

21st December 2015, 02:58
In game username: Ginesis
How long have you been playing TFC: Over a week
Why do you want to join the Hard Core group?: To play with a friend
Name a rule from the [/rules] command in the TFC server: 'Lag shall not be complained about. Mentioning of the "l" word is forbidden!'

22nd December 2015, 02:27
Ginesis and Heptagon_ru have been added to the HC whitelist.

28th December 2015, 17:25
In game username: Dourne
How long have you been playing TFC: 6 months (MC about 2-3 years)
Why do you want to join the Hard Core group?: While I like using teleports it kinda takes away from the overall game play. I'm wanting a more vanilla approach and will probably play on both regular TFC and HC often.
Name a rule from the [/rules] command in the TFC server: Lag shall not be complained about. Mentioning of the 'L' word is forbidden!

29th December 2015, 17:10
Hello, I was added to the whitelist for the HC world before but I lost it (I don't know why, maybe due to inactivity) and I would like to rejoin :)

In game username: superbanana98
How long have you been playing TFC: Allmost 1 year (I think I can say without pauses)
Why do you want to join the Hard Core group?: To get a different playstyle without any teleportations. Also I want to test/improve my TFC skills :rolleyes:
Have you fully read and understand what you are applying for?: Yes, I do
How do you get to the Hard Core World?: WallBridge Outpost (following the red carpet)
How do you return to the normal world?: There's no normal world, HC is the real world. Now for real, u can't once u are HC, there is no way back.

29th December 2015, 18:26
Dourne and superbanana98 have been added to the HC whitelist.

3rd January 2016, 04:36
In game username: kcj08
How long have you been playing TFC: 1 year
Why do you want to join the Hard Core group?: I like a challenge and the teleportation system along with other things towny provides kinda takes away from the vanilla feel.
Name a rule from the [/rules] command in the TFC server: Lag shall not be complained about. Mentioning of the 'L' word is forbidden!

3rd January 2016, 04:40
In game username: ashcrafter505
How long have you been playing TFC: 1 year
Why do you want to join the Hard Core group?: I enjoy playing tfc with my friend, kcj08, and we both like playing the game with a challenge.
Name a rule from the [/rules] command in the TFC server: Lag shall not be complained about. Mentioning of the 'L' word is forbidden!

3rd January 2016, 20:21
kcj08 and ashcrafter505 have been added to the HC whitelist.

12th January 2016, 18:08
I made my own post, but I'll just append the thread here, since this thread seems to be more active.

IGU: Benanov
How long playing TFC: maybe a few months?
Why HC? Because I actually like not having teleports. TPs, IMO, make TFC too easy. Die 10k from home? Oh well, I just set a home point before I started exploring! I prefer a game without easy tp commands. Sure a rail network mitigates this somewhat, but this has an in-game cost. Getting to more remote sections of the world actually requires effort.

Rule #1: Respect the staff and other players.
Rule #6: Use of the "L" word is forbidden.

12th January 2016, 22:00
Benanov has been added to the HC whitelist.

16th January 2016, 20:33
PosingChutoy has been added to the HC whitelist.

17th January 2016, 03:57
2 1/2 years
more of a challenge
no swearing

19th January 2016, 02:37
Woodchopper3000 has been added to the HC whitelist.

20th January 2016, 00:53
In game username: latyper
How long have you been playing TFC: years
Why do you want to join the Hard Core group?: sounds like more fun than teleporting all over the place
Name a rule from the [/rules] command in the TFC server: 'Respect the staff and other players'

21st January 2016, 05:21
In game username: Jeffg10
How long have you been playing TFC: almost since it was started, but i took a long break and only just go back into it recently
Why do you want to join the Hard Core group?: because i think a harder challange would be more appriciable, and its what all of the cool guys are doing : P
Name a rule from the [/rules] command in the TFC server: #1: Respect staff and other players
(lag rule no longer accepted, see i do read things : D)

21st January 2016, 08:33
Fixed my application. I didn't catch the thing about the lag rule before.

In game username: latyper
How long have you been playing TFC: years
Why do you want to join the Hard Core group?: sounds like more fun than teleporting all over the place
Name a rule from the [/rules] command in the TFC server: 'Respect the staff and other players'

23rd January 2016, 04:08
latyper has been added to the HC whitelist.

25th January 2016, 08:09
In game username:

How long have you been playing TFC:
I played it last year, for a month or so. Mostly just a little lan game, though I am whitelisted on the normal HappyDiggers TFC server.

Why do you want to join the Hard Core group?:
I always like Minecraft better without porting or other commands. Plus my little lan TFC game had no mods, so the majority of my experience with TFC is already hardcore. I like TFC for the challenge over regular Minecraft, and the travel, etc is part of that. Plus I'm friends with TheForestHermit, and they play hardcore, mostly. :) I'd likely be playing after the migration.

Name a rule from the [/rules] command in the TFC server:
Respect staff and other players.

25th January 2016, 22:56
Hydralyncs' TerraFirmaCraft Hardcore Application

In game username: Hydralyncs
How long have you been playing TFC: 3 months or so
Why do you want to join the Hard Core group?:I really want to try out the hardcore experience without the home setting and teleporting around. I think it would be fun to play in a more vanilla feel to tfc. I haven't applied yet because I used to still be pretty bad at tfc.
Name a rule from the [/rules] command in the TFC server: Rule 2: See rule 1: That means no stealing or griefing.(I don't want to be repetitive and say "Lag shall not be complained about. Mentioning of the 'l' word is forbidden!" and "Respect the staff and other players.")

-Hydralyncs out

(Hope i make it, even if its really late now!) :D

26th January 2016, 07:32
Nicodemas and Hydralyncs have been added to the HC whitelist.

29th January 2016, 01:10
In game username: Sariak
How long have you been playing TFC: few years
Why do you want to join the Hard Core group?: no specific reason - to be even more isolated
Name a rule from the [/rules] command in the TFC server: Don't complaint about lag, be nice, don't grief (be a responsible human being)

29th January 2016, 19:21
Sariak has been added to the HC whitelist.

25th February 2016, 22:45
In game username: galros
How long have you been playing TFC: a few years
Why do you want to join the Hard Core group: I want to challenge the hard life in the HC world and enjoy the game like I like it. And bring something good to the community.
Name a rule from the [/rules] command in the TFC server: Respect, NO swearing, NO stealing.

26th February 2016, 01:05
Galros has been added to the HC whitelist.

29th February 2016, 05:50
In game username: Lazerchic
How long have you been playing TFC: I've played for about 3 years.
Why do you want to join the Hard Core group?: I like the aspect of not teleporting to random locations
Name a rule from the [/rules] command in the TFC server: Do not turn your town spawn into a death trap.

29th February 2016, 06:05
Lazerchic has been added to hardcore.

1st March 2016, 16:19
In game username: azariven
How long have you been playing TFC: 2 yr
Why do you want to join the Hard Core group?: giving myself a bigger challenge
Name a rule from the [/rules] command in the TFC server:
rule 1: Respect Others
rule 2: follow rule 1.
rule 3: follow rule 1. =)

1st March 2016, 22:08
Azariven has been added to HardCore.

4th March 2016, 00:59
Galros has been added to the HC whitelist.

I've tried both the Hard Core portal at the spawn and HMS at the WallBridge Outpost to get to HC. But it doesn't work :confused: Could you check this again please?

4th March 2016, 01:56
Use /server tfchc

4th March 2016, 12:04
In Game Username:
How long have you been playing TFC:
2 years
Why do you want to join the Hard Core group?:
I want to play TFC normal, I tried to play on another servers, but they got closed after 1 month :(
Name a rule from the [/rules] command in the TFC server:
No swearing or abusive language

7th March 2016, 06:16
Tararaboom has been added to the HC whitelist. Keep in mind that the new happydiggers TFC HC server will be going online in 4 days.

10th March 2016, 02:37
In game username: Kusagai
How long have you been playing TFC: Not long
Why do you want to join the Hard Core group?: Immersive play and with a friend
Name a rule from the [/rules] command in the TFC server: The mention of lag is forbidden.

10th March 2016, 03:00
HardCore is now able to be played by donating, no need to be whitelisted here now.