View Full Version : Un-ban me please

30th December 2014, 18:10
Hello, today I accidentally crashed the server on 12/30, I accidentally put a warm/hot pork chop a vessel BY accident!!! So, I would enjoy if you would un ban me and understand my issue because it was a accedent

30th December 2014, 20:29
The first crash occurred yesterday and I sent mail to everyone regarding the issue around 11:36 AM PST December 29th. I also posted on the forums. InsaneJ has since then input a login message that everyone sees when they login. The letters are big and red, hard to miss. How could you have missed all these warnings?

30th December 2014, 21:03
I didn't miss it, I just put the food into the vessel by accident, It was a simple mistake and you could easy restart the server, I just want to be unbanned because I love the server and it was just a mistake oh by the way my IGN is star_bolt

30th December 2014, 21:18
I didn't miss it, I just put the food into the vessel by accident, It was a simple mistake and you could easy restart the server, I just want to be unbanned because I love the server and it was just a mistake oh by the way my IGN is star_bolt

The server isn't "easily restarted". The crash report has to be analyzed so the location of the crashing item can be located. Then the world has to be combed in the configuration files since we can't open the world due to the crash. Once the region is identified it must be removed to MCEdit outside of the server files, the object removed, then re-integrated into the server files. As you can see it's quite a process and causes considerable downtime/work on our part.

Given that the bug isn't your fault, only the accidental triggering you will be unbanned tomorrow. Don't do it again ;)

30th December 2014, 21:24
Hey, I just got banned and I didn't relise that you responded on the forum so please just let me stay unbanned :) ok.... sowry ;)

30th December 2014, 21:26
Joining the server with your alt and saying you just want to be unbanned was a dumb move.

We were going to unban you tomorrow. Not so sure about that now.

31st December 2014, 15:42
Common J, it was a dumb move on my part but it was a mistake this is only the first time :I

31st December 2014, 16:10
If only you had been patient.

We were really going to unban you today. But now I have decided not to for the simple reason, I don't like the way you behave yourself.

You tried to get around your ban by using an alt.
You aren't patient enough to let us handle this in our own time.
You don't ask to be unbanned, you're telling me to.
Basically you're being very disrespectful towards us.

We rarely deal in temp bans. Yours was to be an exception. Now instead it's going to be just another ban.

31st December 2014, 16:17
J, don't be mean to me just because I didn't notice Jiro's post saying that it was a temp ban, do you relize that, I didn't want to use the alt account at first, I just wanted to talk to the ppl I was in a town with, so calm down OK

31st December 2014, 16:26
Plus, I didn't command ANYONE to unban me, I just said "All I want is to be unbanned" That's not a command it's a request, so don't type words into my mouth

31st December 2014, 16:36
See here's the part you're not getting. You were banned. We did not want you on our server any longer. And yet you joined the server again. You justify it by your selfish desire to talk to people as if that makes everything alright.

Then you talk to me in a demeaning tone. "Come on", "Calm down". I don't have to "come on" and I'm not upset with you. I can run my server any way I see fit. And I see fit not to let you in anymore.

You have caused me a lot of extra work. It's not trivial removing just 1 block from a 80x80KM world without doing collateral damage. And I have to spend time dealing with your ban appeal.

Not once in all your posts have you apologized for the trouble you've caused. Seriously, do humanity a favor and go talk to your parents. Ask them to do a better job at teaching you some manners.

I'm done with you and your ban.

1st January 2015, 14:13
i want him to be un-banned :mad: he is a great guy who always help me and my friends in ironforge town please un-ban him everyone make mistakes :(
and i know he didnt even think what to say when we posted this thread because he was angry and sad at the same time and he just said that but you didnt think about what he feels when he posted this theread please un-ban him InsaneJ (http://happydiggers.net/member.php?1-InsaneJ) :(

1st January 2015, 19:45
i want him to be un-banned :mad: he is a great guy who always help me and my friends in ironforge town please un-ban him everyone make mistakes :(
and i know he didnt even think what to say when we posted this thread because he was angry and sad at the same time and he just said that but you didnt think about what he feels when he posted this theread please un-ban him InsaneJ (http://happydiggers.net/member.php?1-InsaneJ) :(

This is not your ban appeal. It doesn't matter what you "want", administration has already concluded this appeal. Assuming that we don't take into account all aspects of the appeal (including the attitude!) of a player is rather insulting. We don't take bans lightly, and given the circumstances, this is exactly why we rarely use a temp-ban.