View Full Version : getting that a lot lately...

1st January 2015, 13:19
getting that a lot lately...http://happydiggers.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=1443&stc=1

what to do.. and the server isnt even down there is players in the server....

1st January 2015, 19:38
The authentication servers are tied to Mojang. It checks if your account is real (afaik) and after that you can play your character on minecraft servers. The authentication server is different from the server where for example the b79 TFC world is located, hence people that logged on before the authentication server went down, can stay online.

So in short: authentication issues is nothing HD can do anything about

1st January 2015, 19:49
You check the status of Mojang's authentication (and others) servers here:

It's not always 100% accurate. But if the servers there are down, it's a fair bet you won't be able to play online.

1st January 2015, 19:51
The authentication servers are tied to Mojang. It checks if your account is real (afaik) and after that you can play your character on minecraft servers. The authentication server is different from the server where for example the b79 TFC world is located, hence people that logged on before the authentication server went down, can stay online.

So in short: authentication issues is nothing HD can do anything about

Metamofos summed it up. It's all Mojang's side.

Edit: Or look at J's ninja post

2nd January 2015, 08:33
thanks guys :D!