View Full Version : TFC server mod-whitelist. These are the mods you can (optionally) use on our server.

11th January 2015, 22:28
The HappyDiggers TFC server now uses a mod-whitelist. This means that players may only have certain mods installed when they join our server. To be absolutely clear. You only need TerraFirmaCraft installed to be able to join, nothing else.

We have taken this measure in an attempt to prevent server instability and mass disconnects that happen from time to time.

The following list are OPTIONAL mods. They are all client-side mods that enhance visuals or provide extra information like mini-maps, tool tips and damage indicators.

DynamicLights (Be sure to update config for tfc torches.)
Opis (Use this instead of MapWriter, it's the same)
Schematica and LunatriusCore
Zan's minimap

We have chosen not to include Fastcraft. This mod is obsolete since the chunk generating problem was fixed in the current Forge version and it doesn't run on Cauldron. In regard to chunk loading (not generating) you are better off using Optifine. It is known to not only increase performance significantly, it also prevents certain crashes due to bugs in TFC in regard to fruit trees in b78 and b79.

If you would like us to add any other mods to this list, please use the following form:
Mod name:
Mod website/forum post: (url)
Why do you want us to allow this mod?:

11th January 2015, 22:45
Mod is no longer needed.

On the top of my head:

Mod name: FastCraft
Mod website/forum post: http://forum.industrial-craft.net/index.php?page=Thread&threadID=10820
Why do you want us to allow this mod?: It is recommended to use by TFC.

To fix this and many other issues with minecraft performance it is highly recommended that you use FastCraft by Player (http://forum.industrial-craft.net/index.php?page=Thread&threadID=10820) . This mod is optional and can be run by both a server or client to correct issues with vanilla code. -taken from: http://terrafirmacraft.com/download.html

though, you could be avoiding this for a reason, I don't really know.

11th January 2015, 22:51
I've updated the opening post of this thread saying we don't allow Fascraft. Perhaps at the same time as you were writing your post :)

We have chosen not to allow Fastcraft for two reasons:

Cauldron does not support Fastcraft.
The current version of Forge has fixed the chunk loading issue which has plagued Minecraft 1.7.10 for a really long time. This means Fastcraft has become obsolete.

11th January 2015, 23:35
It's su..s!!!

I can not log in.
I have no more mods
just these:

11th January 2015, 23:45
No inventory tweaks? I logged in earlier today with them, but now its not letting me on with them.

EDIT: Oh, I didn't know this post was literally an hour or two ago.

12th January 2015, 00:05
No inventory tweaks? I logged in earlier today with them, but now its not letting me on with them.
inventory tweaks?what's that?

12th January 2015, 00:51
It's su..s!!!

I can not log in.
I have no more mods
just these:
Those mods are all on the whitelist. When you try to log in, it will tell you the first mod it finds that you have installed that is not allowed. It looks a little like the screenshot below:
In this screenshot the server found a client which tried to connect while it had FastCraft installed.

Please do what the message sais and remove the mods you aren't supposed to be using. If you are not sure which mods are OK, remove all of them except for TerraFirmaCraft and try again.

12th January 2015, 00:59
Those mods are all on the whitelist. When you try to log in, it will tell you the first mod it finds that you have installed that is not allowed. It looks a little like the screenshot below:
In this screenshot the server found a client which tried to connect while it had FastCraft installed.

Please do what the message sais and remove the mods you aren't supposed to be using. If you are not sure which mods are OK, remove all of them except for TerraFirmaCraft and try again.

I got this! :(
but I have NOT FastCraft - I do not know what is it!

I have been looking forward to for over an hour to get a response
or at least to be noticed I have a problem with logging in!!!
Thanks for answer!
re-downloaded the launcer and removed all mods from mods folder!
and I can not log in still not!
I just would like to know: why?

now, I tried log in again and I got this:


what is that McMultipart?

12th January 2015, 01:03
Alright, i'll make it official then.

Mod name: Inventory Tweaks
Mod website/forum post: http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/minecraft-mods/1288184-inventory-tweaks-1-58-july-25
Why do you want us to allow this mod?: So I can organize my inventory and chests with one click.

12th January 2015, 01:17
I got this! :(
but I have NOT FastCraft - I do not know what is it!

I have been looking forward to for over an hour to get a response
or at least to be noticed I have a problem with logging in!!!
Thanks for answer!
re-downloaded the launcer and removed all mods from mods folder!
and I can not log in still not!
I just would like to know: why?

now, I tried log in again and I got this:
The screenshot I posted was an example. It was taken on my PC, not on yours :)

The screenshot you posted shows you are trying to connect using McMultipart. This mod can often be found in the Minecraft\mods\1.7.10 directory
If you delete all the mods that use McMultipart and the 1.7.10 directory, you may be able to join.

Alright, i'll make it official then.

Mod name: Inventory Tweaks
Mod website/forum post: http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/minecraft-mods/1288184-inventory-tweaks-1-58-july-25
Why do you want us to allow this mod?: So I can organize my inventory and chests with one click.

We have thought about this mod. It's really useful and we have it in our two mod packs: HappyDiggers AMP & RPG. However it rearranges inventories client-side and communicates that to the server. TFC is notorious for changing the way (player)inventories work. Iventory Tweaks basically does things no human player can do: rearrange an inventory super fast. We're not sure if this causes the problems we're trying to solve. For this reason I'm reluctant to allow this mod at this time.

First I'd like to see if the mod-whitelist will help with the mass disconnects and periodic lag-spikes. Maybe we'll add Iventory Tweaks later. We will definitely keep it in mind as it's a very useful mod.

12th January 2015, 01:36
The screenshot I posted was an example. It was taken on my PC, not on yours :)

The screenshot you posted shows you are trying to connect using McMultipart. This mod can often be found in the Minecraft\mods\1.7.10 directory
If you delete all the mods that use McMultipart and the 1.7.10 directory, you may be able to join.

I found and deleted it.
I'm able to join! :o
Thank you very much for your help!
Sorry, for my English, I'm not good in this language...

12th January 2015, 01:38
Alrighty sir, thank you for your reply. I have played both of your modpacks, that is how I came across this place, and I hope that this mod whitelist solves the connection problems.

12th January 2015, 02:00
Would a show durability mod be ok?

Also couldn't connect with damage indicators mod, what version is on the list?
The one I see for 1.7.10 is 3.2.0

12th January 2015, 02:44
Doesn't Waila show durability?

The server doesn't check for version numbers, just the mod's name. For Damage Indicators I have whitelisted "DamageIndicatorsMod". Please check which name is given when you aren't able to join the server and post back here. Screenshot is good too.

12th January 2015, 04:15
Damage Indicator Works, not sure what I was thinking =P


Its similar to bspkrsCore, I will check it out, see if the layout works for me.

And I use NEI to see what I am looking at, have never used waila, may check it out also.



12th January 2015, 04:43
Tried bspkrsCore, and the one that shows durability and got this.


19th January 2015, 20:04
We have added several mods to the whitelist:

Schematica and LunatriusCore

OpenEye is a mod that automatically submits crash-reports which can help mod developers track down issues faster.
Schematica adds an easy way to copy buildings.
BetterFolliage adds extra sprites to trees and other plants and generally makes vegetation and the world look nicer.
FastCraft optimizes the way Minecraft loads chunks. It's not nearly as good as Optifine (which we highly recommend) but if you want to use it, now you can.

22nd January 2015, 03:45
Can this one be added to the list please?

http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums...w-durability-2 (http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/minecraft-mods/1289508-forge-1-7-10-show-durability-2)

22nd January 2015, 04:02
Can this one be added to the list please?

http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums...w-durability-2 (http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/minecraft-mods/1289508-forge-1-7-10-show-durability-2)

Ooo, I like that. I may have to try that too if J whitelists it.

23rd January 2015, 20:25
Added ShowDurability2 and ArmorStatusHUD to the whitelist. After tomorro's scheduled restart you should be able to join with these mods.

23rd January 2015, 21:06
Is fastcraft on the list, then mentioned its not on the list in the paragraph below it?

23rd January 2015, 21:48
It's on the list, see opening post. I'll update the opening posts with the latest additions after they have become active.

12th February 2015, 13:05
I would like smart moving to be added on the list as i belive it adds some immersivness and still keep the TFC Feeling like: Making small narrow shafts in your mine Link: http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/minecraft-mods/1274224-smart-moving

12th February 2015, 16:00
Rabbit, I believe it's not compatible with cauldron, also will not install anything that requires users to download besides tfc. If I am incorrect I'm sure it will be pointed out, if not then that's the answer, thanks.

12th February 2015, 18:16
It's been requested dozens of times before. It's still not compatible with Cauldron, so we can't use it on the server.

SmartMoving is a mod that doesn't require a client-side component if we were to install it on the server. If you have it in your client then you can use it, if not then you won't notice any difference. Using it while it's not installed on the server causes weird issues and rubber banding. All of which people will blame us for. So we're not going to allow it at this time.

24th February 2015, 01:29
Hi, I like to use:

Inventory Tweaks and Mouse Tweaks when i play minecraft...


They are a staple when playing for fast loading and unloading of items, as well as easy sorting

I would like it if these mods would be added to the server :)

24th February 2015, 08:36
Thank you for your suggestion.

We have thought about Inventory Tweaks before and decided against it. There are a few reasons for this.

TFC has done some pretty crazy things to the Minecraft inventory. The result is that manipulating it is increasingly difficult. Just finding a reliable way for staff to be able to see and manipulate player's inventories (to confiscate stolen items, find griefers, etc.) has been somewhat of a challenge.
Inventory Tweaks needs to run on the server as well in order for it to work properly and that would require players joining the server to have it installed as well. That is something we will never do, we want players to be able to join with just TFC installed. Yes we know you can run it on your client only, but that causes syncing issues under heavy server load. And that will lead to players complaining which we really do not like ;)

We haven't tested Mouse Tweaks, but since it's essentially a mod that manipulates the inventory I'm hesitant to even try.

Long story short. Sorry, but no.

30th March 2015, 06:00
Could we get the add-on mod ExtraFirma added?
Link: www.terrafirmacraft.com/f/topic/4581-tfc-0789-extrafirma-addon-v104 (http://www.terrafirmacraft.com/f/topic/4581-tfc-0789-extrafirma-addon-v104)

30th March 2015, 08:08
Thank you for your suggestion.

ExtraFirma would require everybody to have that mod installed when joining the server. Our policy has always been that clients only need TFC to join. I'm not willing to change that at this time.

2nd April 2015, 06:07
Hello there Insanej! I was wondering if you could white list the mod "Mo_Bends" works fully with TFC(I tested it) its a client side mod that makes animations look better, wouldn't need to be a requirment, similar to Rei's Minimap mods and some others, would be something more to those that like immersion.

Best regards, Selzyr.


Link of the Mod ^

15th April 2015, 08:11
Hello there Insanej! I was wondering if you could white list the mod "Mo_Bends" works fully with TFC(I tested it) its a client side mod that makes animations look better, wouldn't need to be a requirment, similar to Rei's Minimap mods and some others, would be something more to those that like immersion.

Best regards, Selzyr.


Link of the Mod ^

Just posting to let you know I haven't forgotten about your request. I've just been really busy outside of Minecraft lately so I simply haven't gotten around to play testing the mod on our test environment :B

22nd April 2015, 05:30
Just posting to let you know I haven't forgotten about your request. I've just been really busy outside of Minecraft lately so I simply haven't gotten around to play testing the mod on our test environment :B

np man, been busy as heck now with the new job so haven't played for a bit, top of that moving soon too.

22nd May 2015, 19:47
It's su..s!!!

I can not log in.
I have no more mods
just these:

You need TerraFirmaCraft as well to join :P

23rd May 2015, 21:28
Mod name: InGameInfoXML by Lunatrius (originally by bspkrs)

Mod website/forum post: (url) http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/minecraft-mods/1284041-lunatrius-mods

Why do you want us to allow this mod?: It's basically an onscreen information mod that allows a player formatable text version of F3 and item durability to be displayed without all the extra cruft in the way. Requires LunatriusCore, which is already on your whitelist. No server-side supported needed at all.

Mod name: fpsplus by Abandenz

Mod website/forum post: (url) http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/minecraft-mods/1290619-freeuse-no-permission-needed-fpsplus-1-5-2-1-7-10

Why do you want us to allow this mod?: Small collection of java optimizations (especially with sin/cos functions) that can (sometimes) make a significant difference in fps in minecraft, especially on slower machines; again, no server-side support is required. Plays well with fastcraft (they don't address the same problems).

Mod name: Tabbychat by Killjoy1021 (originally by RocketMan10404)

Mod website/forum post: (url): http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/minecraft-mods/2181597-tabbychat-v1-11-2-smp-chat-overhaul-new-maintainer

Why do you want us to allow this mod?: Enhanced chat, and I wouldn't be playing SMP if it wasn't for chatting. Gives extended, configurable scrollback, allows whispers and system messages to be automatically broken out into their own tabs, allows spam filtering and gives the ability to block annoying players' chats. My favourite chat mod. I prefer the liteloader version, but since liteloader isn't whitelisted, I can live with the FML version. :) Client-side only.

Thank you for your consideration,


14th October 2015, 21:49
Mod name: Sound Filters

Mod website/forum post: http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/minecraft-mods/2158080-sound-filters-a-client-side-mod-adds-reverb-to

Why do you want us to allow this mod?: Changes how sound works a bit, makes it reverb more in caves and rocky hills. Kind of makes adventuring in extreme hills biomes and caves a bit more spooky. Purely client side only.

15th October 2015, 09:48
Have you tested this with TFC? Have you made a config file specifically for TFC with all of it's blocks that should add reverb? Willing to share it? :)

I know that Matmoss doesn't work well with TFC because of it's elevated terrain compared to vanilla Minecraft. Matmoss thinks you are way up in the hills when you are standing at sea level in TFC making everything sound very windy. I've tried making a custom config for that but it didn't work well so I decided to spend my time on other things instead :B

15th October 2015, 23:47
Have you tested this with TFC? Have you made a config file specifically for TFC with all of it's blocks that should add reverb? Willing to share it? :)

I know that Matmoss doesn't work well with TFC because of it's elevated terrain compared to vanilla Minecraft. Matmoss thinks you are way up in the hills when you are standing at sea level in TFC making everything sound very windy. I've tried making a custom config for that but it didn't work well so I decided to spend my time on other things instead :B

I haven't yet tested it out with TFC yet, but I'm pretty sure it may work just like normal. I just have to add it first to test. If I have to make config edits, then I'll share.

EDIT: I've tested it now and it works, I took a look at the config and it doesn't use a block list for the main parts, just for amplifiers for reverb and blocks that will act as a sound proof barrior. In the config it checks if you are in an area that can see the sky.

Here's a part of the config for the mod. The "Specific block reverb" is optional and doesn't require to be edited in order for it to work properly, it just works.

reverb {
# If this is true, when you're in an area that can see the sky, the
# there will be less reverb. This is for aboveground areas with
# lots of stone and such like extreme hills biomes. [default: true]
B:"Do sky checks:"=true

# If you are getting lag, set this number lower. The higher it is,
# the more realistic the reverb will be. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 1024]
I:"Number of blocks reverb will check through:"=1024

# Add values to this list (each on a new line) in the format
# <block id>-<metadata>-<reverb double>, to change how the block
# with that metadata absorbs or creates reverb. If the
# metadata is 16, that means it will apply to any metadata value.
# By default things like wool, snow, carpets, and plants absorb reverb
# (value 0.0), things like wood and dirt are neutral (value 1.0),
# and things like stone, metal, ice, and glass create reverb (value 2.0).
# So if, say, you wanted to add pumpkins of any metadata to the blocks
# that create reverb, you would put pumpkin-16-2.0 on a new line. [default: [soul_sand-16-2.0]]
S:"Specific block reverb:" <

I also uploaded the whole config to Pastebin if you want to check it out, click here (http://pastebin.com/1C1Xv0V6) to go there

26th October 2015, 05:28
i tried using TFC 79.25 and journeyMap to join, but it says i got disconnected due to "fatally missing blocks and items" not usre what im doing wrong. :/

edit: really?! it wouldnt let me join cause i had ONIONS turned off?! XD

27th October 2015, 00:19
Mod name: Sound Filters

Mod website/forum post: http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/minecraft-mods/2158080-sound-filters-a-client-side-mod-adds-reverb-to

Why do you want us to allow this mod?: Changes how sound works a bit, makes it reverb more in caves and rocky hills. Kind of makes adventuring in extreme hills biomes and caves a bit more spooky. Purely client side only.

I'd hate to bump this thread for this but I submitted a preview of the config and no reply after that. There is no need to make adjustments to the config since it looks for the sky. So in other words it "looks" for light from the sky.

27th October 2015, 05:48
Mod name: Item Physics

Link/URL: http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/minecraft-mods/2076336-itemphysic-1-2-4-more-realtistic-items-stone

Reason: Because it is a cool mod that adds better physics to item, this would be cool in TFC especially when I throw a torch onto a pit kiln. :)

27th October 2015, 08:58
I'd hate to bump this thread for this but I submitted a preview of the config and no reply after that. There is no need to make adjustments to the config since it looks for the sky. So in other words it "looks" for light from the sky.

Sorry, I haven't gotten around to testing it on a local server yet. I'm quite busy at the moment, adding mods isn't very high on my priorities list right now.

I'll try to get the mods tested this week.

27th October 2015, 10:09
Mod name: Item Physics

Link/URL: http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/minecraft-mods/2076336-itemphysic-1-2-4-more-realtistic-items-stone

Reason: Because it is a cool mod that adds better physics to item, this would be cool in TFC especially when I throw a torch onto a pit kiln. :)

Thank you for the suggestion.

That mod requires both server and client side. I'm afraid that because of this we're not going to install this mod, sorry. We've always maintained the policy that players should only need to install TerraFirmaCraft in order to join our servers.

6th November 2015, 09:23
I haven't forgotten about you guys. I've just been busy with other grand things related to our TFC server. Read about it here (http://happydiggers.net/showthread.php?1675-HappyDiggers-TFC-b79-server&p=13933&viewfull=1#post13933)if you missed it.

1st February 2017, 15:03
Mod name: Hardcore Darkness

Mod website/forum post: https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/hardcore-darkness

Why do you want us to allow this mod?
I have two main reasons for it:

Makes TFC even more believable - removes all minimum light from blocks and sky (3 config options for these), so everything goes completely dark during night/when in caves!
Makes really good company to already whitelist-ed DynamicLights

I did testing in singleplayer using TFC running on Forge10.13.4.1558-1.7.10 with LiteLoader. Hardcore Darkness seems to be also working fine along with other mods, such as Optifine (HD Ultra D1), DynamicLights (all components except UpdateCheckerMod-1.7.10.jar which seems to be not allowed in the whitelist for some reason), Fastcraft, BetterFoliage etc...

Note: I know that this mod can be loaded server-side and then requires players to have it installed. However, the description on Curse doesn't say anything about the mod needs to be installed on the server (I did testing in singleplayer, only - punch me if I'm wrong ;))

Thanks for your time on reviewing this!

6th February 2017, 21:36
However, the description on Curse doesn't say anything about the mod needs to be installed on the server (I did testing in singleplayer, only - punch me if I'm wrong )

A few details from: https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/hardcore-darkness
"If you install this mod on a server all clients will have to have Hardcore Darkness installed. Clients will also be forced to use the config file you specify on your server."

And from the post above:

We've always maintained the policy that players should only need to install TerraFirmaCraft in order to join our servers.

However, the last word hasn't been said yet :)
Good suggestion, btw :cool:

7th February 2017, 09:27
AFAIK you can have Hardcore darkness client-side only and then it works as expected: whoever has it, stays in the dark, whoever doesn't, still sees (some) light at night.

I could probably do a test in the afternoon...

7th February 2017, 09:39
A few details from: https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/hardcore-darkness
"If you install this mod on a server all clients will have to have Hardcore Darkness installed. Clients will also be forced to use the config file you specify on your server."

Yes, I am aware of this statement, but I understood it a little bit differently, sorry. According to the note I added to my previous post:

Note: I know that this mod can be loaded server-side and then requires players to have it installed. However, the description on Curse doesn't say anything about the mod needs to be installed on the server (I did testing in singleplayer, only - punch me if I'm wrong ;))

I am aware of the HappyDiggers' mod policy and I understand and truly respect it. But, the mod description states that if we were to install (× add to whitelist) the mod to the server, it'll ask the clients to have it installed too (I think this does not make it obligatory to have it installed both client and server-side imo). However, I am not an expert, so who knows, of course you can be right and I am speaking nonsense here.

//EDIT: Did testing on a local Forge server (same version of Forge & TFC as mentioned before) - I was able to login and use Hardcore Darkness without it being installed to the server, only clientside. (Can provide screenshots/configs/other info if needed)

7th February 2017, 13:27
Just to let you know we are discussing it right now, when we have an answer will post it :)

8th February 2017, 00:54
As I said - I like your suggestion :cool: I hope it gets approved :)

17th February 2017, 17:04
Just to let you know we are discussing it right now, when we have an answer will post it :)

So after more than a week, do we have any final words to the suggestion(s) yet?
I know you are probably busy with more important things, I am just curious :cool:

21st February 2017, 12:17
Jiro added HardcoreDarkness to the whitelist. Can you see if you can join the server with it now?

21st February 2017, 16:09
Jiro added HardcoreDarkness to the whitelist. Can you see if you can join the server with it now?

Yes, I was able to log in and use the mod just fine. Thank you guys for adding the mod!

21st February 2017, 20:54
Hardcore Darkness is a nice mod with dynamic lighting, make sure to update dynamic lighting to work with tfc torches, and would suggest mode 2 for moon light. This makes for some great lighting realism :)

22nd February 2017, 20:22
...make sure to update dynamic lighting to work with tfc torches...

I can offer a few config files rewritten to fit in the TFC items - torches, oil lamps, lanterns etc (also tweaked the light levels a bit). To update those configs, please refer to a brief guide I added to this post (spoiler). You can find 4 config files uploaded to Pastebin in plain text. More configs aren't needed since the entity config, for example, comletes itself as you encounter new entities.

To update your configs, you have to locate your config folder in your minecraft folder, usually:
C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\confi g\
Then simply paste the text from the linked pastebin posts below and paste the text to the respecitve .cfg file in your config folder. You can use Notepad to open the .cfg files, make sure you save them & close the notepad when finished.

DynamicLights_dropItems.cfg - config file/text to add TFC items to emit light when dropped on the ground: http://pastebin.com/uBNHwg9u
DynamicLights_mobEquipment.cfg - config text/file to make items generate light when held by an entity: http://pastebin.com/cFRAMMrg
DynamicLights_thePlayer.cfg - config which adds items held by the player: http://pastebin.com/L4ksSatu
DynamicLights_otherPlayers - config for items held by other players: http://pastebin.com/7Z89cjRy


Hope this helps somebody having trouble to make DynamicLights working!

1st June 2017, 23:13
<hr>[/HR]What is the mod Called?: The Mod is called "Blur"
Mod's Origin Website: https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/blur
Why do you want us to allow this mod?: Firstly, this mod adds a gaussian blur to the background when you are in your inventory, chest or other GUI. This mod doesn't give any tactical advantage and I find the Gaussian blur effect to be very aesthetically pleasing and would appreciate it if you could add it to the TFC server's mod whitelist list.

21st August 2017, 11:44
The first mod is Dynamic Surroundings. It replaces and adds sounds to the game. All the sounds that require biome or river/ocean detection don't work. But most importantly it replaces the original horrible rain sound. I have found no issues testing this with TFC.

If anyone here knows if it's possible to make this detect bioms with the config, that would be cool.


Second is Fancy Block Particles. Adds animation when breaking blocks. Works with TFC blocks.


Please consider these.


21st August 2017, 13:17
If anyone here knows if it's possible to make this detect bioms with the config, that would be cool.

I am pretty sure this would work if someone made external configs, check the mod's wiki.


Otherwise, the mod itself has a bit reduced use for me since many of its features require the mod installed server-side. Some of the client-side features would be nice if someone provided the right biome configs for TFC (I'm not motivated to do it at this moment).

23rd August 2017, 01:32
I had not realized some of the features only work if they are server side. If some of the features, like the change in rain sound work, with only a client side installation, please whitelist it.

I would test it, but I have no servers to log into.


I ran a server, and had no issues with just having the mods on client side. It doesn't seem to detect biomes with Dynamic Surroundings, but, it changes the rain sound to the soothing one.

No problems with block animations.

25th May 2018, 00:00
So using Terrafirmacraft mod thats all i have, i cannot join as it says fattaly missing blocks and items.. confused

25th May 2018, 01:07
If you are running TerraFirmaCraft- then delete (or move) your TFC config files. Chances are you have non-default block IDs.

18th June 2024, 19:16
Hey, sorry for kind of necro-ing this thread, but Schematica does not seem to be whitelisted after all. See this attached screenshot. I would really like to use this mod to build.

20th June 2024, 08:32
Don't worry about the necro. That's what this thread is for.

I've added Schematica to the whitelist.

7th September 2024, 20:49
I've added NeoDymium and it's requirement UniMixin to the whitelist.


NeoDymium is a performance mod. You can use the "all" version of UniMixins, I've included all the current flavours of Mixins.