View Full Version : Apologize for what i have done and said !

13th January 2015, 13:00
Hi ! is me Tung again

pls read the coloured line first !
My name in game is xXTungThaiXx! Am from Asian and not really good on english .
I'm using google translate to write this Ban appeal !
I may not understand what u saying some time!

I apologize for what i have said and done on the server that i did be a such bad person and here is the reason on below here !

This is my explan

I'm really sry for the round that I did took some of the block off it !
I'm sry for being a such mad person
I'm mad becuase of (When the first time i did really calm and I trying to make a ban appeal just like this, Jiro_89 (http://happydiggers.net/member.php?1493-Jiro_89) did tell me what to do but not really detail so i think ! . Why can i just joinin with another account to ask him what to do !
but when i joined in i said to him /tell Jiro_89 (http://happydiggers.net/member.php?1493-Jiro_89) hi is me Tung after I said that to him he tell me am not allow to use another account to joinin it is not alow or something then i got ban immediately.

I didnt even have a chance to ask or say anything else that why i was mad and come post up what i think !
One again i got ban from the forum by him !

After he baned me from the forum i was really really mad but . I really really scared after a day is that I will not able to play on anyother TFC server again T_T

pls give me a chance to fix my wrong ! :(

I promes ! I will do anything to get back on the server . ill not touch other people property or anything !
even if u have to donate for the server i will do pls let me back on the server i really really like it and please reply to me or talk to me on skype once ! for the godnes give me a chance ! T_T