View Full Version : Happydiggers somewhat weekly COOP

28th January 2015, 12:43

Date/time: Saturday March 26th from 20:00CET? Compare time zones. (http://everytimezone.com/#2016-3-26,420,c8l)
Requirements: Be a HappyDiggers V.I.P. or staff member + Teamspeak + microphone
Game: Vanilla Minecraft 1.9
Max 20 players, only HappyDiggers V.I.P. members this time.
People who said they'd come:


We'll hang out on TeamSpeak and go from there.

30th January 2015, 12:58
Stupid Synergy motd is stupid for not letting me use HTML. So instead I put up the nice little banner I slapped together in the opening post :p

So far I've gotten confirmation from Sverf, DOM, Jiro and Sirbab and myself. That's five people which will cause a ton of chaos in City 17 and should be a lot of fun. If anyone else would like to join us, feel free to drop by on TeamSpeak at the date/time in the opening post or just leave a reply here :)

DOM and Sverf will try to record as well. Their footage will be included in my video a additional camera views so you can see the action from different angles. I'm exited to see how that works out!

Also I found a nice site for comparing timezones: http://everytimezone.com/#2015-1-30,420,cn3

30th January 2015, 13:12
How long u guys plan to play this time btw? I.e. what do u expect the event duration to be. Approx.
(I meet the requirements and have the desire but not sure about playing at night (starting at 10pm for me) since I'm a bit ill. Will see closer to the event.).

30th January 2015, 13:59
The event will probably be 3 to 4 hours. But some may not play through the entire thing or start a little bit later. That's all good though.

Even if you drop by for one or two hours it'll be a lot of fun :)

30th January 2015, 16:32
My hard drive is ready.

31st January 2015, 00:37
For me the funniest thing was to listen to you guys :-D U rock :) And Jiro(?) smashed by the oven, ofc.

31st January 2015, 10:28
Look out below! Oops :B


I had a lot of fun yesterday :)
Hope you guys can make it again next week. Same time, same place?

31st January 2015, 13:51
I will most definitely be late that day. I can pop in when I get home though.

1st February 2015, 22:21
Who is available on Saturday 2015-02-07 from 20:00CET?

Compare time zones. (http://everytimezone.com/#2015-2-7,420,cn3)

1st February 2015, 22:32
Sign me up :)

1st February 2015, 22:36
Im free, glad to come!

(im a half-life noob)

1st February 2015, 23:33
Legendair986 and I will be there!

2nd February 2015, 02:20
This does sound like fun, I may be free on Saturday. Just... please don't drop any ovens on me

2nd February 2015, 05:19
Depending on what comes up I may be able to jump on.

2nd February 2015, 07:05
Of course, as soon as Jiro was smashed, everyone wants to play and get this achievement.
It seems the slots are mostly taken already, if any will be free I'll definitely join.

2nd February 2015, 11:56
Sorry for this tough post. It's not aimed at you directly Rainnmannx, but a general notice. I just want to try to keep things running smoothly if we get 10 players on all at once.

Depending on what comes up I may be able to jump on.
After having played 'official' UnrealTournament clan wars for years I know one thing is very important:
Keep things simple. It's either yes or no. Please commit to a simple appointment, don't leave other people wondering if you'll show up or not.

I mean no offense by this and you are very much welcome to join, but when people say 'maybe' I'll consider that a no. I've updated the opening post with the current date/time and which people said they are going to attend.

If you are going to be late, that's fine. Just let us know in advance if you can. We will try to start at 20:00 CET. Last time people started joining TeamSpeak to test their mic, Synergy, HL2 settings, etc. long before that. If you're not sure everything is working perfectly yet, try to be there 15~30 minutes early or so and we can help you out. Or find me on TeamSpeak somewhere before Saturday.

In the mean time I'll try to figure out if we can have more than 10 players on all at once. Just in case we get that many players. The list is currently at 7.

2nd February 2015, 13:10
Ok, then count me out, thanks.

2nd February 2015, 15:48
Sorry to hear that. If you change your mind, you know where to find us :)

Flesh_Pile is also going to attend. He's not really into Minecraft, he prefers the blood and gore kind of games. However his son is one of my biggest fans on YouTube ;)

3rd February 2015, 13:24
First episode is up:


Synchronizing and figuring out the screen sizes was a bit of pain. But I think it turned out ok.
Let me know what you guys think :)

3rd February 2015, 19:47
That split screen looks a bit weird , but I don't think you can get it better than it is right now. You should leave there your own perspective only and show what DOM or Sverf captured on special moments. Other than that everything looks nice.

If you can add that cinematic mod for more eye candy, if it will run without problems. ;)


3rd February 2015, 22:10
Cinematic mod doesn't work with Synergy unfortunately. Also if 1 person would get it to work, all the other players would be required to use it as well. Which of course isn't possible for everyone.

7th February 2015, 12:13
I won't be able to accompany you tonight, as I havent got enough money to buy the game itself.

Enjoy it all!

7th February 2015, 12:23
Oh look, someone just send you an Orange Box key via PM :B

Better start downloading so you're ready for tonight ;)

7th February 2015, 13:29
My initial post was a little vague but I'm just confirming that I am available and I've got everything set up. I may be a little late, maybe 20:20 your time but I can see if I can minimise that. I take it just regular Half-Life 2 is required, not any of the other episodes?

7th February 2015, 13:38
We're starting where we left of last time in HL2, a little over halfway done I think. Plan is to continue with EP1 and EP2 after that. How far we will get tnite we'll see, but I think we will finish HL2 main game for sure.

7th February 2015, 15:02
We left of at d2_coast_09.

We're getting close to Nova Prospect. There's a creepy tunnel in our way, then some more Antlion stuff where we get the squishy stress ball thingy. Then we need to make our way through Nova Prospect, get to the Citadel, blow it up and listen to the Gman some more. So I think we're a little less than half way through?

7th February 2015, 17:57
we left of at d2_coast_09.

We're getting close to nova prospect. There's a creepy tunnel in our way, then some more antlion stuff where we get the squishy stress ball thingy. Then we need to make our way through nova prospect, get to the citadel, blow it up and listen to the gman some more. So i think we're a little less than half way through?
spoiler alert!

9th February 2015, 10:54
Well, squishy smelly ball was kinda a disappointment, but Jiro was smashed few times, right? and did smash back nicely at least once, so mission accomplished :). Aside all the fun :)
The fights with ant lion looked like pictures from StarCraft of Starship Troopers - 10 guys first spend all rockets and then desperately wasting tons of ammo, keeping the lion in a web of crossfire.

10th February 2015, 20:49
It was a lot of fun, albeit it a bit more hectic with 10 players this time around. Also, Sverf splat was awesome :)




So who can make it this Saturday 2015-02-14 20:00 CET?

10th February 2015, 21:02
So who can make it this Saturday 2015-02-14 20:00 CET?

No can do, I've got work most of the day. Besides, it's Valentine's day :rolleyes:

10th February 2015, 21:13
That's right. It totally did not forget about that :B

We got a much larger turnout last time. I don't know if that's because more people got excited for it or if it was because it was on a Saturday. If it's because it's a Saturday then maybe we should just bump it to next week?

10th February 2015, 22:03
I'm not available this Friday or Saturday.

10th February 2015, 22:06
It may be a busy weekend for most, might not be a bad idea to bump it.

10th February 2015, 22:18
Bump plz

11th February 2015, 08:08
If you bump it, you might have to put up with me. :P

11th February 2015, 10:06
Does "bump" mean "postpone"? :) Strangely it's not clear from a dictionary. :)

I'm ok with Friday or Saturday. And ok with postponing.

11th February 2015, 10:32
We are "bumping" our little play date to next week.


Saturday 2015-02-21 from 20:00CET it is.

11th February 2015, 10:58
:))) So literally. Thanks.
Interesting, that white unicorn has a part of my employer's logo on it's tooshie.

18th February 2015, 10:15
Just a reminder that on Saturday 2015-02-21 from 20:00CET the mayhem continues :)

18th February 2015, 11:19
It seems we are very close to the end of HL2 campaign, could be like 30 mins of play time left, right? What are you planning to do after it? To "fill" the remaining time of the meeting.

I will do my best to attend, but since we are having Maslenitsa (Crepe Week) in Russia, there is a small possibility I will be busy.

18th February 2015, 12:06
How about we play some Half-Life 2 Episode 1 after we finish the campaign?

18th February 2015, 13:37
We we're at the last map already when the server crashed when we took the elevator up to the reactor last time. So if it works this time we should be done in 10 min tops I think, if even that long. The speech part we ended with last time will probably take the longest :p

Obviously we continue with EP1 and EP2 :cool:

18th February 2015, 16:54
Nice, thanks! I'm pretty sure I have them both.

23rd February 2015, 18:11
Heptagon send me the following pic of our coop session from Saturday :)


I'm not exactly sure what's going on, but it was fun nonetheless ;)

26th February 2015, 13:25
By the way, who is constantly shouting russian word "граната" (pronounced like "granata")? It's a russian analog to the western "fire in the hole" or "frag out".
Is is somebody of you guys or a game sound? I have English as the game language, so it should be you. But the pronunciation is pretty good, so probably not you :) It's usually sounded during tight skirmishes, so I get too distracted to pinpoint the source. :)

26th February 2015, 14:41
That was me :B


26th February 2015, 17:31
:) I guess you picked it up in some RTS game with russian troops as one side? Which was it?

26th February 2015, 18:28
Actually it was an FPS called Project IGI (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_I.G.I.:_I%27m_Going_In).

I totally forgot to ask. Who is available this Saturday February 28th for some coop?

26th February 2015, 19:29

26th February 2015, 23:54
I will be busy again. Have fun guys.

27th February 2015, 03:17
I'll be there ;)

27th February 2015, 05:35
Not tomorrow, no. Have fun exploding people.

27th February 2015, 10:39
I will plan to be there.
Btw I'm ok if you decide to postpone bump the event.

27th February 2015, 11:33
I have no other plans, so yeah sign me up.

28th February 2015, 11:30
Ow wait, made a derp. Im away this evening, so can't come :(

28th February 2015, 12:47
No worries :)

That leaves 3 people so far. With that I'm going to postpone today's event to next week.

Please leave a comment on your availability for Saturday March 7th 20:00CET.

28th February 2015, 13:27
I'm not available. Got a wedding to attend...

28th February 2015, 13:58
Saturday March 7th 20:00CET - I'm available.

28th February 2015, 17:49
Should be available March 7th if nothing comes up. Got a busy schedule beginning of March so no guarantee.

1st March 2015, 00:54
I'll get back to you about this.

5th March 2015, 16:36
The Day Of The Final Battle Is Coming! (Or the first of two days.)
Who Is Available? Start Warming Up Your Gravity Gun!

6th March 2015, 10:24
Oh, cmon, guys! I understand that you are thinking like "Meh, Alyx is hanging in stasis field, Gordon is in anabiosis, they can wait few more weeks".
But you forget about the people! The ordinary people under the Alliance tyranny! The ones we stole two bikes and numerous tvsets from! They suffer like every day. And that suppression field is still active, right?

6th March 2015, 13:16
Oh, cmon, guys! I understand that you are thinking like "Meh, Alyx is hanging in stasis field, Gordon is in anabiosis, they can wait few more weeks".
But you forget about the people! The ordinary people under the Alliance tyranny! The ones we stole two bikes and numerous tvsets from! They suffer like every day. And that suppression field is still active, right?

I would really like to be there for the event, but I wont even be in the same city for a few days.

6th March 2015, 17:54
I wasn't sure I was going to make it until now. Got it worked out that I should be able to play tomorrow.

7th March 2015, 14:53
Just got back from a two day wedding party which was totally awesome!

I should be around @20:00 CET, otherwise J can poke me to come on :o

7th March 2015, 22:17
Was fun guys :)

Please let us know if you are available for next Saturday March 14th from 20:00 CET.

The game we'll play after we finish Half-Life 2 Episode 2 could be Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter.
You can pick it up cheap for €1.97 here: http://www.g2play.net/category/1568/serious-sam-hd-the-second-encounter-steam-gift/

8th March 2015, 00:31
I already know I won't be there :c

8th March 2015, 00:59
I plan to be available. And have the next game too. Cool!

8th March 2015, 10:28
A little bit sad that I couldn't join you guys on this journey, but picking up the game at this time wasn't an option for me :\. Anyway if you plan to play any game from the Serious Sam franchise, count me on. It would be awesome to play Serious Sam's story in chronological order and maybe custom maps too.:D (I think SS3 was the start of the story)

12th March 2015, 11:16
Hey guys!

It's Thursday again, which means that in 2.5 days we will have a chance to finally have a chance against The Alliance by *spoiler* and *spoiler* !

It should be extremely fun - the final battle with striders is the only place of whole game I remember. Because died a lot there.

We need you! Alyx needs you! Dog needs you! Humanity needs you! Let's do it for science!

So, I guess, please post who will be available, right?

12th March 2015, 12:53
I will not be available again sadly... Wedding planning going on...

12th March 2015, 15:24
Looking good for me, so I'll be there!

13th March 2015, 18:30
Heptagon, Sverf and myself. That makes 3 people so far. We need at least 1 more :)

Who here has Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter? And who is interested in playing it after we finish Half-Life 2 Episode 2?

13th March 2015, 18:57
I have the whole Serious Sam franchise, so pick a game and I'll be there for sure. :)

14th March 2015, 13:41
Who here has Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter? And who is interested in playing it after we finish Half-Life 2 Episode 2?

I do and I am. I also have Serious Sam 3: BFE, just in case.

14th March 2015, 17:32
Tonight the plan was to finish Half-Life 2 Episode 2, but so far we only have 3 players. Unless more people tell us they will attend I'm cancelling tonight's event.

Sorry for the late update :B

14th March 2015, 18:27
Can't do it today, family visiting at some point and I'm not sure when.

14th March 2015, 19:03
Oh well, np, some other time :)

20th March 2015, 14:09

12th April 2015, 21:39
I think we're done with HL2 for now. Next week let's play some Serious Sam HD: The Second encounter :)

Date/time: Saturday 2015-04-18 from 20:00CET? Compare time zones. (http://everytimezone.com/#2015-4-18,360,cn3)


You can grab a copy for €2,65 here: http://www.g2play.net/category/1316/serious-sam-hd-the-second-encounter-steam-key/

Please let us know if you will be available or not :)

13th April 2015, 00:56
I plan to be available.

13th April 2015, 09:56
We gonna need more chainsaws! I'll be there ;)

I've set this as an event on our steam group. You can check it out there and comment if you would like to.

13th April 2015, 11:35
Put me as a no for now. Really don't think I'll be up to staying awake/waking up at 4am, specially if I have work to do during the day. :3

13th April 2015, 12:56
The next few weeks are full for me every day. Need a weekend...

13th April 2015, 20:12
Mother's birthday party, so cant play on Sat :(

13th April 2015, 22:35
Sverf, Wish her happy birthday from some random strangers on the internet ;)

I hope to be there, all depends if I can acquire the game in-time.

Put me down as a hopefully ;)

18th April 2015, 00:46
Right now we've got 3 confirmed attendees. That's not a lot :B

Anyone else up for playing some Serious Sam? If not then I'm afraid we'll have to postpone and try again next week.

18th April 2015, 03:20
Until my project is submitted I will not have time on the weekends... Also, this Saturday and next Saturday I have important appointments to be at. Sorry guys.

18th April 2015, 18:05
I was holding out to the last minute waiting for a solution, but alas things didn't pan out. I'll be missing this one.

19th August 2015, 01:57
Let's try this again :)

Saturday 29th of August from 20:00 CET.
Serious Sam HD: The Second Encouanter (see opening post)

Post if you're available (or not).

19th August 2015, 02:01
My wife's birthday is the 29th haha. That'll be a no-go for me, maybe next time though

19th August 2015, 07:07
My ISP is dead for a week now, but they started to fix the issue 2 days ago, so there is a good chance I will be able to join :)))
So I plan to join and will do my best.

19th August 2015, 11:32
I'm game for Aug 29th

19th August 2015, 14:53
I have a mate's birthday on that night, so I wont be able to make it

20th August 2015, 11:59
Nothing to do on 29th, so why not? I'll be there :)

21st August 2015, 12:56
Caterer appointment...

21st August 2015, 14:30
Hmmmmm food :)

22nd August 2015, 17:26
Caterer postponed our appointment! Woot! I'll try to be there.

27th August 2015, 12:09
I bought the game, count me in :)

27th August 2015, 12:41
My ISP fixed the line, should be able to join.

27th August 2015, 18:17
Nice nice :)

Serious Sam is one of those games where the fun scaled linear to the amount of players that are on. As do the enemies, mayhem and general craziness of the game. Don't worry, I'll turn on hippy blood ;)

29th August 2015, 17:03
I got dates mixed up :(

Im out at the races until about 11pm my time.

If your still playing id happily join you then :)

29th August 2015, 23:02
Wow, we beat the entire game in one sitting. That's pretty awesome :)

29th August 2015, 23:02
Uff, this was awesome :) Unfortunately it ended quickly and that last cathedral didnt transform into any huge monster :)

29th August 2015, 23:03
Was awesome indeed :cool:

29th August 2015, 23:51
Was pretty chaotic at some parts, but fun still :)

30th August 2015, 02:02
Thx for the fun guys. Sorry for leaving early. I would love to join y'all again somtime!

30th August 2015, 13:33
Serious Sam COOP is always a blast :)

For our next COOP session I suggest Serious Sam 2. I'll just let the thought of that linger for a while. So... maybe in two weeks time?

Compared to Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter, Serious Sam 2 is much more cartooney. The levels are still large, but not as crazy huge as the ones in SSHDTSE (abbreviation lol). And the action is a little less hectic but never dull.

If you don't have Serious Sam 2 yet, you can grab it here for €1,89. If money is a problem don't fret, just send me a PM and we'll work something out :)

After a second helping of Serious Sam we may perhaps want to take a look at WarCraft II (not 3). I recently came across an IPX wrapper so with a little work we should be able to play that across the Internet as well, without having the need for Battle.net. Let me know what you guys think.

30th August 2015, 16:00
Im all for serious sam, I've never actually played the SS properly, so this should be fun :B

As for warcraft II, Ive never played it either so I'm happy to play.

If its in 2 weeks, ill be back to school. So play sessions will be a bit smaller for me ;)

30th August 2015, 18:39
SS2 - great!

WC2 - do u mean against each other? Or coop against computer?
To be honest I am totally afraid avoid to play competetive RTS. I usually play turtle-style in single-player, and often suck, despite I love RTSes. And I hate build orders.

Edit: Waitaminute, I have just realized WC2 is not on steam or GOG. And blizzard.com doesnt sell it as i see. Can it be purchased these days?

5th September 2015, 20:31
Anybody up for Rocket League?

Its basically football with cars, (it sounds rly bad, it isnt)

The only downside, is its quite expensive at £15 (17 Euros)


5th September 2015, 21:15
SS2 - great!

WC2 - do u mean against each other? Or coop against computer?
To be honest I am totally afraid avoid to play competetive RTS. I usually play turtle-style in single-player, and often suck, despite I love RTSes. And I hate build orders.

Edit: Waitaminute, I have just realized WC2 is not on steam or GOG. And blizzard.com doesnt sell it as i see. Can it be purchased these days?

Coop vs computers.

Since you can no longer buy it from Blizzard we'll have to look for other means. The few shops that still sell it ask ridiculous prices. I happen to have a "shareware" version that we might use.

As for Rocket League. It's a fun game and I'm sure a lot of us would like it. But like ethe said it's a bit more expensive than the previous games we've played. I don't mind playing it, but I'm not sure I'd like to exclude people just because of it's price.

6th September 2015, 16:27
Wanted to get familiar with SS2 ... and completed it. Awesome game! Can't wait to coop it again!

16th September 2015, 09:20
I'm in need of a lot of Ender Pearls and killing Endermen in the overworld isn't cutting it anymore. So let's go to The End on the HappyDiggers FTB server.

I've already found the fortress but we still need to activate the portal. I have enough Ender Pearls for that, but not blaze powder.

Anyway, who's up for slaying the dragon? :)

Saturday September 19th from 20:00 CET. Please let us know if you'll be joining or not.

16th September 2015, 10:13
I guess there is not much use for me - without hi-end gear and knowledge of vanilla. So I'll pass.

16th September 2015, 14:08
I got the blaze powder, Ill be there

16th September 2015, 17:45
I guess there is not much use for me - without hi-end gear and knowledge of vanilla. So I'll pass.

I'm sure we can provide you with some fancy armor and a bow :)

16th September 2015, 20:51
I'm sure we can provide you with some fancy armor and a bow :)

Oh, ok then :) So when dragon eats me, you guys attack it from behind!

17th September 2015, 08:44
Damn it, won't be here on the weekend. >.>

18th October 2015, 23:31
New event!

Saturday October 24th, 20:00 CET, Serious Sam 2.

Serious Sam 2, not the second encounter, is the crazy sequel to the game we played a couple of weeks ago. It's more cartoony and a ton of fun. You can grab it for a little over 4 euro on g2play (http://www.g2play.net/category/1317/serious-sam-2-steam-key/) if you don't already own a copy.

It's actually one of the few games I also have a physical copy of :)


18th October 2015, 23:58
Gotta full plate that weekend, but hopefully next time I'll be available to play :D

19th October 2015, 11:28
Awesome! I plan to be present with all my silence powah. :)
P.S. Oktobeer u mean?

19th October 2015, 14:02
Got other plans that Sat, so cant come :-(

Have fun!

19th October 2015, 22:27
I have a lot of things planned for that day, but I will try to show up if possible!

19th October 2015, 23:24
Good news everyone! The last Serious Sam 2 update includes a new mod loading menu. You can now easily select and play the InSamnity mod.

See the mod in action below. Things get serious at about 1:30 when the giant spiders show up. It's Serious Sam at it's finest :)


24th October 2015, 16:56
Running on Windows 10 Serious Sam 2 kept crashing every few minutes for me. The solution for me was to run Serious Sam 2 in Windows 7 compatibility mode.

Go to Serious Sam 2 folder in:

Steam\steamapps\common\serious sam 2\Bin
Right-click Sam2.exe -> choose Properties -> go to Compatibility tab -> select Run this program in compatibility mode for: Windows 7

24th October 2015, 22:53
Heaps of enemies dissolving in red mist accompanied by parrots' cries. What can be more relaxing? :)

25th October 2015, 07:04
The InSamnity! mod is pretty epic. Too bad Serious Sam + that mod is kinda buggy. But definitely had fun last night :)

25th October 2015, 19:27
Well, I could not wait and completed the game again with this mod :))) Awesome. Can't wait when we will gather again and finish our coop journey :)

13th March 2016, 08:13
Found this earlier today and thought it might be worthy of another round of HappyDiggers COOP.

Sven Co-op (http://store.steampowered.com/app/225840/)


13th March 2016, 09:01
Found this earlier today and thought it might be worthy of another round of HappyDiggers COOP.

Sven Co-op (http://store.steampowered.com/app/225840/)


Looks interesting. There's only 'realistic' mode though. Which means that pretty much anything in-game can kill you. So it might be a bit of a challenge. I'm not saying that's a bad thing. Just something to keep in mind. This is not happy go lucky guns blazing Serious Sam where you are showered in guns, ammo and powerups :)

13th March 2016, 09:12
Looks interesting. There's only 'realistic' mode though. Which means that pretty much anything in-game can kill you. So it might be a bit of a challenge. I'm not saying that's a bad thing. Just something to keep in mind. This is not happy go lucky guns blazing Serious Sam where you are showered in guns, ammo and powerups :)

We are hardcore people! We can sure handle it. Some mobs here, some mobs there, what can go wrong? ;)

13th March 2016, 11:40
Looks interesting but maybe too complicated. Definitely should give it a try.

23rd March 2016, 15:20
How about we open the updated Vanilla server next Saturday and turn that into a COOP event? Only VIPs allowed of course. But since everybody here already has Minecraft it's just a simple client update for most and the server update is just a matter of deleting the current world and putting up a new .jar file.

23rd March 2016, 16:17
Sounds interesting. How exactly will we coop in this? Usually players prefer to build their own bases, don't they? Or you plan to unite into one team and kill the dragon in 4 hours?

23rd March 2016, 16:44
We could set up some basic stuff near spawn.
The new Vanilla server will have a simple rule set:

Each player that starts a base away from spawn must build a (powered) railroad to spawn as soon as he or she is somewhat settled. Everybody is of course free to help with building railroads for other players.
This will hopefully mean we'll get a bunch of railroads leading away from spawn. So we'll need to set up a nice looking railway station there. Participation in this building project is optional.

So we need a nice looking railway station.

Optional stuff:
Motel where we can spend our time until we fan out
Mob farms
Automated plant farms
Automated tree farms

I think that's enough to keep us busy for a few hours :)

23rd March 2016, 17:01
Ah, now I get it. I have nearly no experience with farms but could be helpful for other things. It is good the event will be at the server's opening, otherwise I would ragequit like on AMP :-D

23rd March 2016, 17:27
So, who's up for some Vanilla Minecraft action this weekend?

23rd March 2016, 18:21
I'll drop in

23rd March 2016, 18:38
I can do a bit of that on Saturday, haven't done vanilla for a while

23rd March 2016, 19:22
I'll be there, ill get a mouse this weekend aswell, isn't great playing with a trackpad

23rd March 2016, 21:38
I'm game to come and relive some vanilla. When are people going to be on you think?

24th March 2016, 22:16
The idea is to start at 20:00 CET.

I've updated the opening post.

24th March 2016, 23:15
I no longer have a mic, can I still dig quietly in the corner somewhere? Can do various redstone automations and resource gathering, I'd like to set up a low-altitude organised mine with minecart assistance and item sorting etc since we'll be needing many red stones

25th March 2016, 11:12
We should prepare several topics to discuss which Llama would find very interesting. But since he has no mic, he will have to gnash his teeth the whole session. And then buy a mic. :creeper:
So at least each of us should read Wikipedia about llamas and communists.

25th March 2016, 12:06
Such cruelty to animals!

26th March 2016, 11:35
I've officially bought a mouse for tonight :B

27th March 2016, 09:44
I'm glad you were with us last night ethe :)

It's been a while since I've last played Vanilla Minecraft. I really have to get used to the new nerfed combat mechanics and dual wielding not working as you'd expect (being able to wield whatever you're holding in each hand, only certain combinations work). The many mobs spawning at night are a hazard making it exciting to go out and gather supplies. I like the world gen and the location of the spawn area on the world.

So yeah, I had fun. Hope you guys enjoyed yourselves as well.

Now that we have the new Vanilla server launched, how about we get back to Jiro's idea?

Found this earlier today and thought it might be worthy of another round of HappyDiggers COOP.

Sven Co-op (http://store.steampowered.com/app/225840/)


Who would like to play this coming Saturday, April 2nd?

27th March 2016, 10:04
Me. But I don't understand much what to do in there. Tried some levels, they are strange :)

27th March 2016, 10:32
Me neither. But since it was Jiro's idea, he can figure it out ;)

27th March 2016, 19:23
I am so sorry I didn't show. I had completely forgotten that the time coincided with the Washington state caucus.
And unlike some places, my state makes you actually sit down and have a large political debate with the people that live within your neighborhood to decide which presidential nominee your 5 delegates will vote for.
It involved crowds and public speaking. Meh. The whole bloody system is set up to discourage people from showing up, so I felt obligated to show up. Power to the people and all that jazz.
That's where I was. Sorries!

27th March 2016, 20:27
... caucus ... A new word and conception for me at least ;)

1st September 2016, 23:01
GoldenEye HD



1st September 2016, 23:55
4 player couch battles were a ton of fun on the N64 :)

4th September 2016, 10:57
Do we have enough agents for this one? :cool:

25th November 2017, 12:07
What do you guys think about this one? It's not out yet, but if it stands up to its promises it gonna be a cool adventure game to spend time on with your crew. :)
