View Full Version : Unban Request

29th January 2015, 02:34
Hello, this is AwesomeBlock2000
I am (was a very devoted player to the happy Diggers TFC server. But, on the last version I was banned for "Item Duplication" now I know TFC is a very glitch mod, and yes there were dupe bugs in the last version... But I did not use them. I promise, I am loving the new version of TFC and your server was the only server I liked on the last version and I would love to come back to the server and play on b79. If I could be unbanned I would be so happy, I need somewhere to play TFC and I absolutely loved the towny on the last server. All I ask is to be unbanned, thanks. - AwesomeBlock / John

29th January 2015, 03:38
Please do us all a favor and don't lie to us. There is a huge amount of supporting evidence found that you duplicated items. I found tons of varying levels of armor all with the SAME EXACT DURABILITY. I found tons of rum littered among all your chests for which you used the duplication bug. You claimed you had a certain amount of colored steel in the game chat yet you gave away 3x as much to people for free. The records showing your usage of the blast furnace and anvils don't support the amount of materials you had/gave away. I know you and 15Darkstar15 both worked together and duplicated these items.

On to the next point of business, you evaded your ban TWICE. You showed up on the server under an alternate account and attempted to advertise your little server you put together. After I banned the said account, you immediately showed up on a second alternate account.

Please don't think that by simply waiting 4 months after your original ban that I will be swayed by a little talk and apologies. You tried contacting me on the TFC forums after your ban asking to be unbanned. I told you that you had to appeal on our forums. Then you tried using Sierzoe to ask to be unbanned, I told her the same thing. Next you then tried to ask InsaneJ publicly on our HappyDiggers TFC server thread. He told you THE SAME EXACT THING. Then nearly 2 months later, you come rolling in here and ask for your ban to be appealed. Why is that?

I'm not saying I won't consider your appeal, we consider all appeals fairly given the evidence that has been supported for the ban. But you are in one of the deepest holes I've seen for a ban appeal and the fact that you still won't admit you duplicated your items seems to make this whole process in itself a futile endeavor.

29th January 2015, 22:31
Please do us all a favor and don't lie to us. There is a huge amount of supporting evidence found that you duplicated items. I found tons of varying levels of armor all with the SAME EXACT DURABILITY. I found tons of rum littered among all your chests for which you used the duplication bug. You claimed you had a certain amount of colored steel in the game chat yet you gave away 3x as much to people for free. The records showing your usage of the blast furnace and anvils don't support the amount of materials you had/gave away. I know you and 15Darkstar15 both worked together and duplicated these items.

On to the next point of business, you evaded your ban TWICE. You showed up on the server under an alternate account and attempted to advertise your little server you put together. After I banned the said account, you immediately showed up on a second alternate account.

Please don't think that by simply waiting 4 months after your original ban that I will be swayed by a little talk and apologies. You tried contacting me on the TFC forums after your ban asking to be unbanned. I told you that you had to appeal on our forums. Then you tried using Sierzoe to ask to be unbanned, I told her the same thing. Next you then tried to ask InsaneJ publicly on our HappyDiggers TFC server thread. He told you THE SAME EXACT THING. Then nearly 2 months later, you come rolling in here and ask for your ban to be appealed. Why is that?

I'm not saying I won't consider your appeal, we consider all appeals fairly given the evidence that has been supported for the ban. But you are in one of the deepest holes I've seen for a ban appeal and the fact that you still won't admit you duplicated your items seems to make this whole process in itself a futile endeavor.

Okay, I will explain everything. I joined your server in march 2014, I made my first town and loved the server. I worked and worked and finally got to a good area in the game. But I hated the physical structure of my town so I moved, when I moved one of the first things I set up was a brewery and I had made some rum, by accident it killed me and I discovered this glitch, yes, I did duplicate items, but did I use it to an abusive extent? no. For the first part I duped basalt for my town's roof. It went well and it seemed to be an easy glitch so I duped some metal not to an abusive extent, but to have enough to make some extra tools and to give away. I hated having this glitch in my knowledge and everyone else was there like "I cant find any metal" so I primarily used it to help people. As for 15Darkstar15 he was a member of my town until he left and he wanted to build a town so I told him the glitch (he is an IRL friend and I wouldn't give it to anyone else) and he used it. a LOT more than I did... So I got a good town established and I still collected stuff but the things that were especially tricky to get hold of I used the glitch for. Now after I got banned for this, I tried to appeal but I didn't know what forums so I went to the TFC forums and tried messaging someone (which was definitely the wrong thing to do) and I got pretty bad response. But when I was on the TFC forums I found the link to this website and decided to post here. also as for the alternate accounts at first I was taking screen shots of my town because I loved it but I could not come on any more but marc_ried and I started talking about the new version and then he asked if I knew any servers. I set up a really small server for me and sierzoe to explore the new version on and a few of my friends came on, but marc wanted to also so I used the alt to talk to him cause I had no other communication. and those accounts were banned too. So in its entirety, I did dupe items, I shouldn't have. I did not abuse the glitch to a harmful extent, but I did use it. The alts were me looking at my town, and talking to a member of the server.. In the new version (which I love) I would like to restart and go 100% legit. I love the towny on your server. and its so fun. I wasn't harmful to any of the community, or the other players. and there are no glitches I know of in the new version and I want a second chance to be a part of the TFC community. If its necessary you an inspect my town on a regular basis, and seeing as I'm in a deep hole already, ban me again if you find anything on the b79 server.

30th January 2015, 00:25
...yes, I did duplicate items, but did I use it to an abusive extent? no. For the first part I duped basalt for my town's roof. It went well and it seemed to be an easy glitch so I duped some metal not to an abusive extent, but to have enough to make some extra tools and to give away...

...I did not abuse the glitch to a harmful extent, but I did use it...

Can you explain to me how duplicating redsteel armor and materials isn't abuse? Let alone handing out the very same duplicated items to other people. The action of using the bug to duplicate items, no matter what they are, is in itself abuse.

Now after I got banned for this, I tried to appeal but I didn't know what forums so I went to the TFC forums and tried messaging someone (which was definitely the wrong thing to do) and I got pretty bad response.

What "bad response" did you get? Both InsaneJ and I told you that you had to appeal on our HappyDiggers forums. That's it.

30th January 2015, 01:57
Can you explain to me how duplicating redsteel armor and materials isn't abuse? Let alone handing out the very same duplicated items to other people. The action of using the bug to duplicate items, no matter what they are, is in itself abuse.

What "bad response" did you get? Both InsaneJ and I told you that you had to appeal on our HappyDiggers forums. That's it.

By "not abuse" I mean I didn't spam the glitch, its not like the majority of my materials were the result of duplication; and by bad response I meant only telling me to post elsewhere. All in all, the situation is: yes; I did duplicate items; yes, I did duplicate some of my materials; yes, I gave some of these materials to help out other people, have I learned my lesson about glitches? YES, do I love the server still? YES.. I won't use any glitches in the future. Its not like I was a bad person and was bullying people, I used a glitch to my advantage. and I shouldn't have. I want to play on the server again, keep me on the major warning list. If I do anything again ban me because I promise, I just want a place to play TFC again.

30th January 2015, 17:01
I think it's important that you understand where staff is coming from. We have to evaluate appeals based on what the user did, how the user reacted, and if they are seemingly sincere or not. Essentially it's a risk assessment. We don't like having to ban people, warn people, etc. It's a waste of our time and it takes a lot of resource management to accomplish it. That being said..

I feel that unbanning you would cause too much risk. In every encounter I've had with you since your ban you've maintained that you did not duplicate items and that you were innocent. It wasn't until I forced your hand on your own appeal that you admitted to duplicating.

Another issue is that you evaded your ban twice under alternate accounts. This shows a lack of respect for our decisions as staff and a lack of respect for our server.

Now you've played on our servers for quite some time, back since March you mentioned. You would know first hand that we have a zero tolerance policy on rule breaking no matter how minor. I'm still not convinced that you understand that abusing a bug no matter how little you used it is a major offense. You are essentially cheating your way above the rest even if you didn't spam the abuse.

I feel for you, I really do, but in this scenario I don't think it would be wise to unban you.

30th January 2015, 20:48
I think it's important that you understand where staff is coming from. We have to evaluate appeals based on what the user did, how the user reacted, and if they are seemingly sincere or not. Essentially it's a risk assessment. We don't like having to ban people, warn people, etc. It's a waste of our time and it takes a lot of resource management to accomplish it. That being said...

I see where you are coming from, it is time consuming to deal with bans, etc. And I am trying to be sincere.

I feel that unbanning you would cause too much risk. In every encounter I've had with you since your ban you've maintained that you did not duplicate items and that you were innocent. It wasn't until I forced your hand on your own appeal that you admitted to duplicating.

Yes, I tried to maintain that I didn't use the glitch, thinking it would be better that way.

Another issue is that you evaded your ban twice under alternate accounts. This shows a lack of respect for our decisions as staff and a lack of respect for our server.

When I went on under other accounts I was screenshotting my town. And talking to a friend from the server which I had no other contact with.

Now you've played on our servers for quite some time, back since March you mentioned. You would know first hand that we have a zero tolerance policy on rule breaking no matter how minor. I'm still not convinced that you understand that abusing a bug no matter how little you used it is a major offense. You are essentially cheating your way above the rest even if you didn't spam the abuse.

I know the policy is no rule breaking, no exceptions. And I can see how this would cause a major offence due to your policy, but my intention wasn't to cheat above the other players.

I feel for you, I really do, but in this scenario I don't think it would be wise to unban you.

But its your decision to not unban me, ill find another server. Sorry for wasting your time and potentially causing a major offence.

2nd March 2015, 08:33
I received the following PM today:

Goedendag InsaneJ,
Ik zag dat uw TFC server was geupdate. Ik sprak met Jiro op de HappyDiggers forums, maar hij was onredelijk, ik heb uitgelegd wat er was gebeurt, maar hij wou er niet anders over denken. U bent de eigenaar van de server, en ik wil er graag met u over praten, omdat ik het echt heel leuk vindt op de HappyDiggers server. Ik snap waarom ik gebannt werd, maar ik vind niet dat het permanent moet zijn. Ik beloof dat ik het nooit meer dezelfde fout zal maken. Kunnen wij hier alstublieft over praten?

Met vriendelijke groet, Awesomeblock2000

Don't ever send me PMs about bans. It will not get you unbanned. If anything it will make me go:
For wasting my time you get extra ban points. For saying Jiro was being unreasonable you get bonus ban points. He wasn't being unreasonable, you were. You got access, for free, to the largest non-whitelisted TFC server in the world. All you had to do was follow a few simple rules. You choose to break those rules and you knew you would be banned for it beforehand.

AwesomeBlock2000 gets additional ban points for the following:

Yes, I tried to maintain that I didn't use the glitch, thinking it would be better that way.Lying to us and then trying to maintain the lie. That sort of behavior is a huge time waster and shows serious lack of respect to the people you are dealing with. Frankly, it pisses me off.

When I went on under other accounts I was screenshotting my town. And talking to a friend from the server which I had no other contact with.Justifying bad behavior is the dumbest thing you can do. We don't care why you broke our rules. You break our rules. You get banned.

I know the policy is no rule breaking, no exceptions. And I can see how this would cause a major offence due to your policy, but my intention wasn't to cheat above the other players.
Again: don't care why you did or didn't do it. You broke the rules and you got banned for it.

But its your decision to not unban me, ill find another server. Sorry for wasting your time and potentially causing a major offence.Good luck on the other server. We'll even point you in the right direction: Outlast TFC. They are the only alternative to our server in that they are running Cauldron with Towny and have no whitelist. Too bad for you most of the players we ban end up going there. Also their server got kicked of the TFC forum a while ago because it was a pay to win server. They got back after they made some changes to their shop. Not sure how much has really changed though. So yeah, hope you enjoy that crowd. Bye now.


2nd March 2015, 20:32
Dankjewel voor uw tijd, ik zal de andere server gaan checken.