View Full Version : Project Jackal Guard

9th February 2015, 11:22
So I got wind from my brother that he and my Dad were going up to the Emerald City Comic Con this year (In Seattle). I went with them 3 years ago and had a great time. I even got to see Christopher Judge, Jason Mamoa, and The Futurama crew. I worked it out with the wife and the work schedule to head up with them again. So, you might ask "So what?". Well I was inspired to actually make one of those super nerdy/geeky costumes and be "That one weird guy".

I'm working on making a Jackal Guard costume from the movie Stargate (as the Jackal guard was never actually introduced in the series). And not just a few whiskers on the cheek sorta costume, I'm going all out and making the actual head and (hopefully) the animatronics to go with it. Again you ask "Why tell us?", well it's mostly for me. You see this project is way out of my realm of knowledge or experience. I'm finding a way to keep myself accountable so I can finish on time.

Let the crazy crafting commence!

Step one - Getting the modeling done right so I can print out the design specs to make my life way easier.


9th February 2015, 17:31
Good luck with the build :)

9th February 2015, 20:57
What are you going to make it with?
1/4 foam board looks like it may work well for it.
What animitronics will you be adding?

9th February 2015, 21:07
What are you going to make it with?
1/4 foam board looks like it may work well for it.
What animitronics will you be adding?

Card stock is just the preliminary material to get a solid model, after which I'll try multiple things like paper mache, foams, and probably spackle to help strengthen it and give it some form.

For animatronics I'll likely be using an arduino controller with wired in fan gears and small servos. But as I said I'm still contemplating that one since I'm not entirely confident I could get it to function. There are very detailed guides out there though so I may be able to make it happen. Ideally the result would be a moving head piece with the ear fans rotating a few degrees. Lit up eyes are a given and won't require any sort of fancy controls since it'll just be LEDs.

9th February 2015, 21:28
I'll likely be using an arduino controller

MMMM.... Arduino... my favorite hobby controller!

10th February 2015, 04:10
MMMM.... Arduino... my favorite hobby controller!

Oh good! You can help me when I inevitably get stuck!

3rd March 2015, 02:29

It's taken a long time to get this far. Getting the plans drawn/printed out took some time and then cutting/folding/gluing the parts together sucked the life out of me! But the main frame for the body is done at last and I can start using some paper mache to strengthen it and smooth out the rough bits. I'm so bloody thankful that the Pepakura program has line numbering options.

Here's a few pics of the body so far. Remember I've never done any real arts and crafts stuff so be gentle :sheep:

No really, it's a bit rough..


3rd March 2015, 03:07
Lookin' Good! Can't wait to see it all done :D

3rd March 2015, 04:15
Wow, more detail then I was thinking! So far it looks great :)

3rd March 2015, 06:48
Looks great! Leave it as it is, it's very beautiful when pure paper!

3rd March 2015, 09:42
By the way, could you please describe (briefly) how you designed this model? I mean how did you get from a nice movie 2D screenshot of the helmet to a 3D model of it's main part and then to 2D net to print and glue?
Or am I overcomplicate things and you just found a ready net for that Pepakura software and printed it?

3rd March 2015, 11:04
OMG. How did we not see this before?!


3rd March 2015, 13:26
Searched what people do by pepakura - omg!
