View Full Version : The solution to not get banned

20th February 2015, 11:10
Some players may want to consider what this guy is doing as Obi Wan silently judges and laughs at his reactions.



This thing works, one way or the other.

20th February 2015, 11:26
Bark control collar :)))

Is it possible to write a plugin which will sniff what user types in chat and will call lightning or drop an anvil when a message containing a rude word is sent? :)

20th February 2015, 16:01
Bark control collar :)))

Is it possible to write a plugin which will sniff what user types in chat and will call lightning or drop an anvil when a message containing a rude word is sent? :)

There are filters you can use, so if someone says a word in the filter, then you may be able to kill them or something once that word is said in the filter. But I'm not sure, I'm going on a wild guess.

20th February 2015, 17:58
... or something ...
Just got a new lol idea - the plugin could also place a gravestone with a text (sign) describing the crime.
E.g. "20 Feb 15 APunishedUserName was extorted from the server for his dirty words". But with more pathos.
After some time such graves will be everywhere :)