View Full Version : Unban Request

6th March 2015, 20:58
Warning high levels of sarcasm detected

Hi I was banned for an inappropriate name so be warned the following player name is highly inappropriate, young children and the faint of heart should avert their eyes.

My player name, my despicable, DESPICABLE, player name, that I have use for multiple years on many servers without complaint, is Zaebos78. Now I must confess, I'm not exactly sure how this name is inappropriate since it breaks none of the server rules, nor do I think it is suggestive towards anything that does, but what else could I have been banned for? When has an Admin or Moderator in minecraft ever abused their power?

So the best reason I could come up with for why I was banned, without warning, is that Zaebos is the name of a demon who rides a crocodile. So even though that does't break any server rules to my knowledge, OMG HE'S A DEMON!!! BAN HAMMER MUST SMITE THEE!!! Well that's the best reason I could come up with for why I was banned. If there is a better one, please, enlighten me.

In conclusion, even though I know Zaebos is a fierce demon who's mere name followed by the numbers 7 and 8 strikes fear into mortals and Admins alike, as far as I know, this name does not break any server rules, and I will not be changing my name to the more religiously acceptable counterpart JohnSmith78.

If I seemed pissed it's probably because it took me forever to even find this forum, and I now have accounts on mcban.com and the mcban forums.

6th March 2015, 22:07
When has an Admin or Moderator in minecraft ever abused their power?

HappyDiggers staff do not abuse their power. Starting off your appeal with this is a sure fire way of getting denied.

So the best reason I could come up with for why I was banned, without warning, is that Zaebos is the name of a demon who rides a crocodile. So even though that does't break any server rules to my knowledge, OMG HE'S A DEMON!!! BAN HAMMER MUST SMITE THEE!!! Well that's the best reason I could come up with for why I was banned. If there is a better one, please, enlighten me.

All of our bans are public knowledge. If you had taken 2 seconds to actually open up the "Warned players and banlist" thread you would have seen that you were banned because "Zaebos" means "fuckers" in Russian. Being that our server has a large international community with several Russian players that regularly visit the server, I received a complaint related to your username.

In conclusion, even though I know Zaebos is a fierce demon who's mere name followed by the numbers 7 and 8 strikes fear into mortals and Admins alike, as far as I know, this name does not break any server rules, and I will not be changing my name to the more religiously acceptable counterpart JohnSmith78.

I realize that you may not have known your name was a swear word, that doesn't change that players were offended by it and swearing in another language is still swearing. We don't just cater to English speaking players only.

7th March 2015, 00:17
I realize my first post was quite a bit over the top. So I'll take responsibility for that.

HappyDiggers staff do not abuse their power. Starting off your appeal with this is a sure fire way of getting denied.

As soon as I saw that the same person who banned me was the one who would read the appeal I was quite sure my request would be denied. I just don't think that is a fair way to do appeals. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Furthermore, saying you will not consider repeals of those who say you have abused your power, even if they do it respectfully, seems like a pretty straight forward abuse of power. You're just threatening players if they speak their opinion to get them to hold their tongues. There's always a chance someone could abuse their power at some point, denying that this could ever happen is not reassuring at all.

All of our bans are public knowledge. If you had taken 2 seconds to actually open up the "Warned players and banlist" thread you would have seen that you were banned because "Zaebos" means "fuckers" in Russian. Being that our server has a large international community with several Russian players that regularly visit the server, I received a complaint related to your username.

First, I actually did read that thread and it told me there was a list stating ban reasons for players. I read what was in that post and saw a list stating the exact same reason as before in the first post. It was never made clear that there were individual posts with more details.

Second, I thought my name might have been a swear word in another language and searched the internet to see if that was the case before my first post and found nothing. I have now searched to see if zaebos translated to fuckers in Russian and came up empty again. Honestly I don't believe zaebos means fuckers in Russian to any extent and you should consider the player who reported me might be lying. Did you verify their claim or require any proof? I have played on servers with people who speak other languages before and this was never complained about. If it is true that zaebos means fuckers in Russian I would greatly appreciate a link or other evidence proving this.

I realize that you may not have known your name was a swear word, that doesn't change that players were offended by it and swearing in another language is still swearing. We don't just cater to English speaking players only.

Again I have seen no proof that this is true and even if I have no chance of ever getting my ban repealed, if I see some proof of this I will consider changing it so in the future others won't accidently interpret my player name that way.

7th March 2015, 02:35
I realize my first post was quite a bit over the top. So I'll take responsibility for that.

As soon as I saw that the same person who banned me was the one who would read the appeal I was quite sure my request would be denied. I just don't think that is a fair way to do appeals. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Furthermore, more saying you will not consider repeals who say you have abused your power, even if they do it respectfully, seems like a pretty straight forward abuse of power. You're just threatening players if they speak their opinion to get them to hold their tongues. There's always a chance someone could abuse their power at some point, denying that this could ever happen is not reassuring at all.

Just your first post? Your second post is just as bad.

1. I consider all unban requests fairly.
2. Any and all staff are qualified to answer appeals regardless if they instituted the ban or not.
3. What does absolute power have to do with anything? You infer that I'm some sort of God. You, sir, shouldn't be drinking the water in TFC.
4. I never once said I would not consider your appeal. I warned you that your attitude would disqualify you from a successful appeal.
5. How is giving you a warning threatening you? It seems more like you're "raging" to coin a term and spewing out whatever you can before you sink your own ship fruitlessly.

First, I actually did read that thread and it told me there was a list stating ban reasons for players. I read what was in that post and saw a list stating the exact same reason as before in the first post. It was never made clear that there were individual posts with more details.

Second, I thought my name might have been a swear word in another language and searched the internet to see if that was the case before my first post and found nothing. I have now searched to see if zaebos translated to fuckers in Russian and came up empty again. Honestly I don't believe zaebos means fuckers in Russian to any extent and you should consider the player who reported me might be lying. Did you verify their claim or require any proof? I have played on servers with people who speak other languages before and this was never complained about. If it is true that zaebos means fuckers in Russian I would greatly appreciate a link or other evidence proving this.

I don't take bans lightly. Of course I verified the allegation. Claiming that the reporting player is lying was probably not the best move given that I trust the reporting player a hell of a lot more than I trust someone dishing me a bunch of crap instead of being civil.

Again I have seen no proof that this is true and even if I have no chance of ever getting my ban repealed, if I see some proof of this I will consider changing it so in the future others won't accidently interpret my player name that way.

Zaebos (заебос) is a slang of Zaebis' (заебись). A simple search turns up THIS (http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%D0%B7%D0%B0%D0%B5%D0%B1%D0%B8%D1%81%D1%8C).

Here's the summary. I banned you due to a report of an inappropriate name by someone that the community trusts and I support. I also checked up on the report and found that the allegations were indeed correct. You were local banned and I gave explicit instructions on the ban thread saying that you would be able to play with an alternate account or appeal with a name change without any issues. Mind you that playing with alternate accounts after being banned is illegal on HappyDiggers so this was a special dispensation just for you. Instead of appealing your ban in a civil and respectable manner you came out guns blazing and ripped on the staff, community, and myself. Bottom line is I don't think you're a good fit for the community given your attitude and at this point I'm considering holding your ban permanent.

7th March 2015, 03:57
Yeah, I agree I am not a good match for this server, nor is it a good match for me. I no longer have any desire to play on this server, but I wish all who enjoy it the best. I will not be commenting on anything else besides this one line, because that will lead nowhere.

Zaebos (заебос) is a slang of Zaebis' (заебись). A simple search turns up THIS (http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%D0%B7%D0%B0%D0%B5%D0%B1%D0%B8%D1%81%D1%8C).

The word in the link is neither zaebos or zaebis but instead zajebís. It says that this word is slang and it is also unofficial and makes no reference to any other form with an o in it, I also question how common the use of this word even is. That seems like a huge stretch to me. To get from Zaebos to the Russian word you think my name refers to in the link you need to add a j after the letter a and change the o to an í. Many english words could be turned into swear words if you added one letter and changed another or even less, consider all the words that rhyme with the cunt. Bigger is only one letter away from the N-word. If there was context to my name like all[blank]arezaebos then a ban would make sense, similar to how saying "fook you" would get one banned. One more example would be a person named nagger should not be banned or required to change their name, but someone named Stupidnaggers should likely be required to change their name at the least.

I realize it's likely they might have still interpreted this as a swear and were in fact not lying. Just the way they saw my name. I will not be changing my name though just because one person thinks it looks a little to close to a swear word in their language and in their opinion. Frankly I'm quite shocked I could be banned for my being two letters away from a slang swear word in some language with no context. I doubt I will ever be banned for this name on any other server I join, even if there are russian players.

If you had been using a name for multiple years on many servers who now know you by that name, and were told you had to change it to play on one single server for the sole reason of it looking somewhat like a swear word in another language not only do I doubt you would change it, but you would also feel the sense of injustice I have felt. It seems to me you went out of your way to appease one player who you value more than another.

Requiring me to change my name to play on this server is basically a perma ban, because I am just not going to change my player name on all servers just because this one does not approve.

7th March 2015, 04:20
As I understand, the slang is the equivalent of turning "fuck" into "fuk" or however you want to look at it. You were not banned due to favoritism. You were singled out because your name was offensive and a concerned player brought it up with staff. I'm not an expert at Russian and don't claim to be. I do trust the reporting player to give me accurate information and he has no reason to mislead me or be at odds with you. What I can do is confer with more sources over this issue.

7th March 2015, 10:44
Players like this...

What the story hasn't told the readers at home thus far is that Jiro consulted me before the ban. After reading the posts made by that guy I'm glad he's banned. Like he said, he's a bad match for our community.

Staff can only abuse their power if they do something that I don't want them to do. Everything else is well within their rights to do so. To be clear: players have zero rights to be on the server. They didn't pay for the server meaning they are guests to the party I'm paying for. My party, my rules. And my rules are simple: respect the staff and other players. No bad language. Someone made a complaint against this guy. That is why Jiro investigated the matter and found that his nickname was indeed a poor choice to use in an international setting.

We will tolerate angry responses in ban appeals to a certain degree. This will allow banned players to vent some of their frustration and maybe allow us to get to the heart of the matter. When Jiro said that guy's behavior was a sure fire way of getting his ban appeal denied, Jiro was doing him a favor. He gave him the opportunity to try again in a different tone. That guy choose not to and continued to make assumptions about staff, judging us and being disrespectful. That was his choice, he didn't have to behave in such a way.

What was also his choice is the name he came up with. It's not our fault that it's bad language in another language. He's on the Internet, meaning international contacts. Now that he knows he's going by the name of: "fuckers", he can do two things:
1. continue the way he always has.
2. change his nickname through the Mojang name change program. He only has to do this once, his name will then be changed on all the servers he plays on. It takes less than 5 minutes to do.

I don't care either way. If he had chosen to consider changing his name and not be disrespectful and judgmental, this ban appeal might have gone in another direction. But as it stands now, I don't want this guy on my server.

7th March 2015, 11:45
Small story kinda similar to this.

My brother used to have a night elf rogue (World of Warcraft) named "Huorix", which was four random letters he chose and suffix -ix like in Obelix and Asterix :D. Sounded like a pretty good name to me. One day however he was forced to change his name because "huora" meant whore in Finnish (or some other scandinavian language).