View Full Version : Turkey bans Minecraft?

11th March 2015, 14:45
A Russian IT site (rus: http://geektimes.ru/post/247060/)
tells that Turkey plans to ban Minecraft for citisens.

Some time ago they started investigation if it is too violent:

Then The Family Ministry decided it is and should be banned.

11th March 2015, 15:04
Thats the funniest thing I have heard all week!

Too violent?! I don't see how breaking stone with a pickaxe or cutting down trees with an axe or building houses out of wood or digging holes is violent!

All of those things are real people's jobs!

Yes killing zombies, skeletons, creepers, and giant spiders could be considered violent, but NONE OF THOSE exist in the real world!

The game isn't even that emersive; All of the textures and meshes are so low-res that it cannot be compared to the real world. So how can anyone believe that slaying a zombie that is square and 18 pixels high with a sword made of pure BLUE diamond with NO EDGE can transfer to the real world?

Either way, violent video games don't cause violence in the real world. Stupid people cause violence and stupid people raise their children to be stupid, violent people.

People are idiots. Plain and simple.

11th March 2015, 16:07
If you can kill a cow in Minecraft, you can do so in real life too.

Stop the violence! xD

11th March 2015, 17:00

12th March 2015, 18:06
Interesting: today about 4 (new?) players came to the TFC server, speaking (I presume) Turkish, not understanding English (at least not responding). TrkTeam town.

I wonder, is it because the sad things from the news are happening and their servers close, or because HD web site mentions Turkey now on the forum. Or just a coincidence.

I asked them twice about the news, but they didn't reply. But it kinda seemed in their chat that my question influenced their chat :)))