View Full Version : Which theme color are you using?

3rd May 2015, 08:26
Everyone can now choose between six theme colors for the HappyDiggers website (it's at the bottom left of the page). Which one did you choose?

3rd May 2015, 08:42
Ehum Life.earth fixed width

3rd May 2015, 09:32
Which is broken on the current version of the software... oh. Now I understand why you wanted to change the color of that menu part :)

I'll remove that template. Sorry. It was broken before and it's completely broken now. I thought I set everybody's template to the new blue one. Guess that didn't work entirely as planned. Let me know if it's fixed for you.

3rd May 2015, 11:05
Yep, it's gone. I went with green because it reminds me most of the Life.earth. Plus it is more minecrafty :rolleyes: