View Full Version : Steve's Quest

7th May 2015, 14:40
Hello there lads and lasses,

lots of people are getting creative due to minecraft and no just IN the game by building stuff, they create Let's pleys and other videos. So I figured I can go creative too. But... I don't fancy myself as a youtuber, I'm more of a writter. I recently started a story about our dear Steve we all know and love, and I would like to share it with you. It's not a regular gameplay description, I'm focused more on the story.. and i threw some mysterious stuff in it :) Or at least I plan to do that in future parts of the story. So... here we go:

Steve's quest - part I (http://duchma.deviantart.com/art/Steve-s-Quest-Part-1-Awakening-531066336)

Oh and while you're on it, have a look on my other stories there :)

27th May 2015, 19:19
How about a new part of the story? :)

Part 2 (http://duchma.deviantart.com/art/Steve-s-Quest-Part-2-Food-and-bones-535737673)