View Full Version : They cry and they poop and poop and they cry

23rd May 2015, 17:52
As some of you already know or may have noticed I've been less active the past few weeks. Here's why:

He's a healthy boy of extraordinary powers. The fury of the special p00namy he can unleash is the stuff legends are made of.

23rd May 2015, 19:44
Many congratulations! :D I hope Mupje is doing well too.

P.S. Nose in the shirt method is my favorite ;)

23rd May 2015, 20:14
Omg congrats! He's beautifull!

23rd May 2015, 20:26
cry poop and sleep (and not sleep) :rolleyes:

nice build! :)

23rd May 2015, 20:39
Congratulations to mum and dad!

Wat een schatje :D

24th May 2015, 09:34
Congrats on the new slave. Remember that the darn things don't come pre-trained, nor can they support their own heads, but I'm sure you'll make do. Just like, attach it to the wall for use as a burglar alarm or something. No batteries needed!

But in all seriousness, good on ya, mate! Congratz on mini-J! Tell the wife that too for us!

24th May 2015, 10:22
Thanks guys :)

25th May 2015, 11:26
Congratulations! He is also a lucky man to have great parents :)))

His shirt shows his extraordinary powers right away :) It's clearly the "telnyashka (http://https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telnyashka)", the sacred undershirt of Russian sailors, and not only Russian. The black color is for submarine crews. There is a popular saying "We are few in number, but we wear telnyashkas!", so he is soooo powerful :)))

25th May 2015, 17:34
Congrats! Welcome to the club =P

26th May 2015, 05:45
Congratulations! Hope you have a good time with all that stuff (fyi, that's a lot of stuff), and Good Luck! :)