View Full Version : XBOX edition

6th May 2012, 21:46
I have a pre-released copy of the xbox edition. My Gamertag:

Da Ork Masta

Request me so we can play together when you guys get the game!

7th May 2012, 03:48
I have a pre-released copy of the xbox edition. My Gamertag:

Da Ork Masta

Request me so we can play together when you guys get the game!

ah hell yeah! We be playing on the PC server and the xbox server-ish thing too! well hopefully...

Im yogi btw

10th May 2012, 00:05
Dom and I were rocking out :)

Then he left and I went to watch castle forgetting my game was open for people to join. I wa griefed :(

10th May 2012, 00:29
Dom and I were rocking out :)

Then he left and I went to watch castle forgetting my game was open for people to join. I wa griefed :(

You can get greifed? i put mine on invite only

10th May 2012, 00:41
Dom and I were rocking out :)

Then he left and I went to watch castle forgetting my game was open for people to join. I wa griefed :(

You can get greifed? i put mine on invite only

I had it open to random people. Idiotically...

11th May 2012, 21:21
I Friend Requested you 'Addicted2Banana'