View Full Version : Steam refunds changes: nearly any purchase, for any reason.

3rd June 2015, 13:26
I have just read on some IT resource that Steam improved its refund policy, allowing to return games during 14 days after purchase and if you played less then 2 hours. For bundles - summary play time is considered. Returning full-price purchase when a discount has just appeared - ok. Details: http://store.steampowered.com/steam_refunds

3rd June 2015, 17:52
So you can just buy a game, play it for 1h and 59min, then give it back? That sounds like renting a game for free ain't it? ;)

3rd June 2015, 19:33
If you do it too often your account gets flagged and you loose the right for refunds.

6th June 2015, 13:56
Also keep in mind that the default return policy puts the refunded money into your Steam Wallet. You can opt to have it refunded in other ways if you prefer.