View Full Version : Little light, please?

7th June 2015, 04:07
Hello there,
I was reading a few articels about hte currenct state of Mojang and Minecraft (mostly related to Microsoft) and I run into some interesting but rather confusing information. There was something about Mojang trying to aquire some mods, and when I dug a little more I found about the situation around bukkit and the ELUA change and enforcement and nothing more. I am really interestied in these things, since it has some rally disturbing info in it (at least for me), but trying to figure out what actually happend after quite a long time when I was completely ignoring the game is little hard.

Is there anyone who would be able and willing ´to shed some light on those things and try to explain me what happend?

7th June 2015, 15:54
Bukkit was an open source project with a lot of people writing code for it. Bukkit was released as part open source and part closed source. The closed source was the Minecraft server made by Mojang.

The open source license used by Bukkit does not allow for this kind of construction. However nobody really cared about this. Mojang unofficially allowed this to go on for years. All was well. Then at some point Mojang bought the Bukkit project but left it mostly alone. They only bought the rights to the name so to speak. Since it was an open source project they didn't really buy the code.

Then some jackass Wesley Wolfe got upset about the whole thing and slapped the Bukkit project with a DMCA take down notice. As a result Bukkit and derivatives like Spigot and Cauldron could no longer distribute the Bukkit code.

Spigot provided byte code updates to the latest version which you would have to download "somewhere" and then apply the patch. Cauldron stopped altogether. With this action Wesley Wolfe has seriously hurt Minecraft multiplayer. A lot of servers couldn't be updated for a while and people lost interest in the whole thing.

Spigot choose to remove the Bukkit parts and create something new which you can get now and run Minecraft servers with. The Cauldron dev focused his efforts along with a couple of other community 'greats' to start building a Minecraft server implementation from scratch. This is done under the project Sponge which should become available for Minecraft 1.8 and later.

I have left out a ton of stuff in this short summary. If you want to know more then here are a few links:

Searching for: "Bukkit DMCA" will also provide you with a bunch of useful links.

7th June 2015, 19:48
Mh, so the phrase I found about Mojang trying to illegaly get some mods etc. is reffering just to the situation around Bukkit? Or was it something else? The stuff around Bukkit is kinda confusing, with people throwing their opinions left and right...

Anyways, thanks for the explanation J :)