View Full Version : New PayPal policy allows robocalling for any reason

7th June 2015, 12:12
Probably you have already heard about upcoming changes in PayPal policy, which allows PayPal call you for whatever reason they want. And not only on your phone specified in the account, but on any your phone they managed to found.

Since I nearly don't use PayPal, I have deleted my account.
I remember the similar scandal when Google stated in their policy that anything created using ... forgot, was it Chrome .... will be Google property. They surrendered after public reaction.

What do you guys think about this?

7th June 2015, 15:40
Their EULA does not supersede the law. In my case this means that if I don't want calls from them and I tell them this, then they may not call me. If they do they'll be fined.

But I live in the Netherlands where consumers have tons of rights. In the United States that isn't the case and companies can do crazy stuff like this.