View Full Version : Please unban me

9th July 2015, 19:51
I'm being honest with you I did break the glowstone because I thought I was far enough from spawn and the grass and stuff I thought in chat it would have said like you cant build here or cannot destroy I didn't know that that was griefing. But I promise I never took those fences and I had like a power rail in my inventory but I swear I never took that stuff but the rest was not on purpose. Please give me one more chance I thought that was the stuff you banned me for in the first place. I am actually not that kind of person to grief Ive never played TFC and I really wanted to play it I wont make another mistake I promise you can keep and eye out on me or you can spawn me somewhere where I know its ok to build at. Please!

10th July 2015, 03:18
You can't take no for an answer can you? :P

I'll tell you something. One thing that annoys me about these kinds of appeals (especially with the sudden surge of very similar ones within the past day or two) is that one of the reasons people give as a reason to get unbanned is that they want to continue playing on the server, or that this is the best or only TFC server they've found. I ask, if you wanted to keep on playing because of whatever reason, why did you break the rules? Did you not expect something to happen?

For your case, I'll think about it. You've already shown that you're desperate to get back online, but you also seem impatient. In any case, I'll get back to you, yeah?

10th July 2015, 06:53
You can't take no for an answer can you? :P

I'll tell you something. One thing that annoys me about these kinds of appeals (especially with the sudden surge of very similar ones within the past day or two) is that one of the reasons people give as a reason to get unbanned is that they want to continue playing on the server, or that this is the best or only TFC server they've found. I ask, if you wanted to keep on playing because of whatever reason, why did you break the rules? Did you not expect something to happen?

For your case, I'll think about it. You've already shown that you're desperate to get back online, but you also seem impatient. In any case, I'll get back to you, yeah?

Sorry Thank you I appreciate it . But Idk why I broke it, all the grass and logs it said I chopped down I thought I was in an area that you could build I didn't know where to start building. I did read the rules but I guess I didn't read them carefully which is not a good thing but I will read them carefully if im ever on that server again. The server was just very different, Ive never played on TFC before so I didn't really know what I was doing neither did jackmilly, we thought we found a place to build by the road like we saw many people doing so we just thought we could build there. Im sorry but thank you for thinking about it. . Also I hate to be annoying and stuff but I was wondering at the same time is you do unban me if you could unban jackmilly just because he's made threads to get unbanned for the same reason as me because we both did the same stuff but no one ever reads them or people are just sick of it but if maybe you could talk to him or unban him if you have read his threads but if you cant or don't want to thank you for trying.:)