View Full Version : BrandonMetz banned for swearing appel/request

21st July 2015, 02:15
Hey I've been banned for swearing.not disputing the fact that I did it cause I clearly did but just hoping I can get back in on the server, I have spent many hours playing and enjoying the server. and if possible I would just like to know what I said and when it was
Brandon Metz

21st July 2015, 03:46

21st July 2015, 11:14
In addition to multiple graphical evidence: me and other VIP warned the player about swearing. It happened before the first official warning and is independent from the warning case. That swearing was not implied (like in the official warning evidence), it was plain.
After our warnings the swearing happened again, so I made a ticket (#11).
It was about 10th July, I have a private forum letter exchange with a staff member, discussing it (i.e. bad timing/confusion between the official warning and my ticket).

22nd July 2015, 07:57
I'm inclined to tell you to just go away. You were warned about your language, and how it would get you banned, but you still did it, and continued on swearing.

22nd July 2015, 15:43
I'm inclined to tell you to just go away. You were warned about your language, and how it would get you banned, but you still did it, and continued on swearing.

man just let up a bit please, there are people that are griefing and stealing things that effect other people and they have been let off. i swore I know but the "excessive" part was when no one else was online but my friend and I can assure you they haven't spent as much time and enjoyed the server as much as me and my mates have

22nd July 2015, 21:40
Anybody who breaks the rules is held accountable. Nobody is "let off".

23rd July 2015, 00:28
Anybody who breaks the rules is held accountable. Nobody is "let off".

yes i understand that that is true but for example the guy who stole form elbe was banned then i can see that he is back on the server and he directly influenced the game and hinderd a players experience game play wise, all i did was swear a few times. I know that it is still a rule that is punishable for breaking but is it completely necessary for a permanent ban to the server? not just a temp ban?

23rd July 2015, 07:41
Why'd you swear then?

23rd July 2015, 23:56
Why'd you swear then?

idk man things slip out, people mess up right? so please just let me play the game I wont do it again

bilbo beggins
24th July 2015, 00:22
You guys are honestly stupid if you think saying "shiz" or swearing is bannable and probably should end your lives now. Its the internet and people swear therefor that is a dumb rule. I'm guessing all of you are 8 year olds who run the server then I guess that would make sense. Goodluck on the internet fellows, just try not to cry every time someone is being mean to you :*(

24th July 2015, 00:26
You guys are honestly stupid if you think saying "shiz" or swearing is bannable and probably should end your lives now. Its the internet and people swear therefor that is a dumb rule. I'm guessing all of you are 8 year olds who run the server then I guess that would make sense. Goodluck on the internet fellows, just try not to cry every time someone is being mean to you :*(

for the record he is not apart of my appeal here, hes just a disgruntled "friend"

24th July 2015, 02:15
You guys are honestly stupid if you think saying "shiz" or swearing is bannable and probably should end your lives now. Its the internet and people swear therefor that is a dumb rule. I'm guessing all of you are 8 year olds who run the server then I guess that would make sense. Goodluck on the internet fellows, just try not to cry every time someone is being mean to you :*(

We know swearing is a banable offence, it is the rules. People do swear, whether its the internet or not. We do not want that type of language on this server. People who can not control themselves enough not to type swear word or implied swear word are more likely to be in the age group you are referring to. We don't cry over "mean" people, we just don't put up with it. Feel free to make your own server with your own rule, or find one more to your liking. No one is forcing you to spend your time here. How would you feel if someone thought your rules where stupid?

24th July 2015, 02:22
We know swearing is a banable offence, it is the rules. People do swear, whether its the internet or not. We do not want that type of language on this server. People who can not control themselves enough not to type swear word or implied swear word are more likely to be in the age group you are referring to. We don't cry over "mean" people, we just don't put up with it. Feel free to make your own server with your own rule, or find one more to your liking. No one is forcing you to spend your time here. How would you feel if someone thought your rules where stupid?

completely agree, don't put his post in the mind set of my appeal. (just for the record not near that age group)

24th July 2015, 08:13
You guys are honestly stupid if you think saying "shiz" or swearing is bannable and probably should end your lives now. Its the internet and people swear therefor that is a dumb rule. I'm guessing all of you are 8 year olds who run the server then I guess that would make sense. Goodluck on the internet fellows, just try not to cry every time someone is being mean to you :*(

Instead of trying to understand the rule, you judge us. Thanks for that.

It's not the swearing that I really care about. It's the fact that people who swear are generally bad players to have on a server. People who swear are usually also people who do not respect the staff and other players. Having this rule is a filter to keep most of such people out.

You yourself have just proven how effective this with your post. You are disrespectful simply because you do not agree with a rule one a server you do not even pay for. The server was made available to you for free. It costs a lot of money and a lot of effort from of our awesome staff that volunteer their precious spare time to the community. And yet you felt it necessary to insult us, simply because you don't agree with a rule that's very easy to follow: just don't type anything rude or insulting on that keyboard before hitting the enter key.

for the record he is not apart of my appeal here, hes just a disgruntled "friend"
No worries. He doesn't have to join our server anymore.

25th July 2015, 02:30
So is there any chance I can get back on the server? I would really like to play on it again and promise I wont use any fowl/demeaning language while talking in game and so I don't have to check this post every hour.

25th July 2015, 02:41
AIright, I think I'll give you another chance. Keep in mind that you will only be lowered to warning level, so breaking another rule will get you banned again, and I can almost guarantee you it will be permanent. Sounds fair, yes? :)

25th July 2015, 02:50
I think I'll give you another chance. Keep in mind that you will only be lowered to warning level, so breaking another rule will get you banned again, and I can almost guarantee you it will be permanent. Sounds fair, yes? :)

like 150% man, thanks a lot ( oh and the part of my swearing that was excessive was when only me and my friend was on just btw)

25th July 2015, 02:53
Doesn't matter mate. We still have dynamic maps people could be looking at, or chat logs staff could be checking. No swearing means no swearing.