View Full Version : Help?

2nd August 2015, 06:59
So, I'll go ahead and explain what's going on. Last time I joined the server was while in Oklahoma, because my family took a small vacation there. Same day, though, we head back to where we live, and I try to connect to the server. Can't, apparantly, because the server disconnects me, saying 'We can not let you in since you are not on the same computer or IP you logged on with before!'. If anyone can help me with this, it would be greatly appreciated.

2nd August 2015, 07:44
Thank you for your report.
It's likely a problem with our auto caching plugin that allows you to log into the server when the Minecraft authentication servers go down. But it may have gone into a bugged state where it thinks the authentication servers are still down. We're working on it and will get back to you soon :)

2nd August 2015, 12:34
I've removed the AlwaysOnline plugin. It was doing pretty much the opposite of what it's supposed to do. So now people can join like any normal Minecraft server, as long as Mojang's authentication servers are up and running.