View Full Version : Gaming Blog

20th September 2015, 18:37

I have just created a new blog for school. All it contains at the mo is 1 article, that I have just published.

The gig for this website is for a portfolio, I'm looking into freelance writing and its always good to have some experience behind you in writing blog posts.

Check it out:

It is still .weebly, as I don't have the money for my own domain on the web imo, hopefully ill be able to have it .com or .net some time in the future.


20th September 2015, 18:39
I have plans to perhaps do podcasts, but first ill need a new microphone

21st September 2015, 09:26
Looking good ethe.

Don't worry about your mic, just start recording. There's a lot of stuff you can do to increase sound quality in post :)

21st September 2015, 12:38
My very subjective remarks:

1. The menu of the site looks slightly too big for me. When I select BLOGS->Gaming, the only thing which changes on the page is the title in the bottom of the page ("Home page" -> "Gaming news & reviews"), and sometimes it is hard to notice this change. E.g. I click the menu and temporarily switch to another tab to let your page load. Then I switch back and don't notice any difference and click menu again. Honestly, done this twice until got what is the trick.

2. Also personally I don't like that I have to click and then scroll to even start reading. And it is not obvious that some big text appeared under the header, I can understand it only by looking to the scroller element in my browser. I would prefer one click to lead me to content. But your design has its attractivity, so ... subjective :)

3. Why the picture is shifted to the left, to the edge of the screen? Maybe it is my Firefox browser? When shifted so far left, it looks broken and not a part of the text flow. The cut of Lucky 38 tower increases this feeling, making me think the picture shifted a bit further then the left edge, and I try to scroll page to the right :)))

4. The picture is inserted in the middle of a sentence. I don't know what rules are here, but for me it is not comfortable to read unfinished sentence, scroll down and read 2 remaining words.

5. My personal perk: repeating same words in sentences. I think there is a rule that in adjancent sentences words should not be repeated (excluding minor ones), For me sometimes it rings a bell when they are repeated over one sentence:
"I wish there was more to see. It was mainly one strip, and the town of Freeside for us to explore. I wish there was another city, more towns, more story in the world for us to enjoy. "
Again - very subective.

6. I do not understand the sentence: "I feel that character creation more immersive, make it count." Maybe add "should be" after "character creation". Most likely it is my weak English :)

7. And the one where I feel no confidence in my English at all: "I completely annihilated a full town of people" - should it be "a town full of people"? I guess not, because it is some kind of emphasizing.

Aside these minor remarks, nice article, I liked it: fonts, text density, contrast and width, paragraph splitting and sub-title highlighting, and ideas ofc.

Btw, I have always thought that "character creation" is when you put points into S.K.I.L.L. sections.

Update: 8. "It is the third busiest mod distribution platforms." Should it be single?

21st September 2015, 14:52
Thanks for the feedback :)

Formatting is out of my hands unfortunately, weebly isn't great.
It looks one way on the editing sheet, then a different way when it is posted.

You've caught me out on the 'town full of people'. I'll change that as soon as I'm back.

I'm certain its 'platform', I meant for it to be singular :))

PS. Character Creation is at the start, what your face looks
like, name etc.

Please give all the feedback you want, I don't take offence :B

in other news, i might have a gig writing articles for a gaming review site called Mouse n Joystick. It's not the biggest, but it's a place to start ;)