View Full Version : [TFC Regular] Theft at Pikalax

12th October 2015, 16:15
I'm opening this thread because I want to ask if anybody has looked into the case of this theft at Pikalax (calvinio111111's town on the regular TFC sever). I'm pretty sure that calvinio111111 reported the theft (opened a ticket in-game) more than a week ago when he found out what had happened. I was on at that time too and checked the town with him. The thief (maclaxer12 - prism-proof) managed to bypass permission somehow (All permissions were on for allies/outsiders when me and calvinio checked that day. A bug in Towny perhaps?) and stole many items mostly from calvinio's smithy area.
Also I noticed that most of the stolen stuff was placed/stored at maclaxer's town called WhiteWall.

I know that the stolen things don't belong to me and it should be reported by the owner. I just wanted to ask since nothing's happening for a long time (calvinio is not online so often as well). And also maclaxer12 is normally playing without any visible punishment and acting like nothing happened.
I'm attaching the screenshots I made at Pikalax today...

Thank you for reviewing this case,

12th October 2015, 18:51
If I get some time I'll check it out in about 9 hours.

12th October 2015, 21:11
relevant: http://happydiggers.net/showthread.php?1958-maclaxer12-s-ban-Appeal(TFC) :elmo:

13th October 2015, 04:13
Has been taken care of, returned most of the good stuff, if something else important is missing let me know.

13th October 2015, 21:29
Has been taken care of, returned most of the good stuff, if something else important is missing let me know.
Ok, I'll let calvinio know as soon as I see him :)
Thank you for solving the case, Rainn