View Full Version : Star Wars: THE FORCE AWAKENS - Supercut of ALL trailers

23rd October 2015, 19:46

Did you guys order your tickets yet? I'm going to the first regular screening at my local movie theater and then again on the Friday after that :)

I may have to get a third viewing in before year's end. You know, just to be sure it really happened.

23rd October 2015, 21:08
That Sith light saber looks weird... it kinda looks like a claymore.

23rd October 2015, 22:19
Just watched the trailer for the first time now. Never watched it earlier because it was too long before the movie would come out. Getting shivers all over from it lol :cool:

So we're going to the regular theater here first and then we may have to repeat it in an IMAX theater as well :D:D

23rd October 2015, 23:11
Sounds good. Everyone knows you need to see this at least 10 times ;)

Also, lightsabers getting out of hand:


24th October 2015, 09:03
I am going to see it the day it comes out! Dressed as Han probably, if you coudn't tell I'm a massive Star Wars fan. My only wish is that they don't do a prequel on us, on another note who played the Battlefront beta? I know it's EA but my love for Battlefront is too stong for a shitty publisher to get in the way of things!

24th October 2015, 10:17
EA, so no. Principles before pleasure. And realistically, those principles protect me from huge disappointment, frustration and anger more than anything else.

From what I've seen the enemy AI is completely retarded. They just stand there moving around in 2m2 waiting to be shot and unable to seriously hit you. It's a bad console game if you ask me.
In the clip above the player gets hit 3 times at close to point blank range out of 24 shots...

The player should be looking like this:

EA is doing what EA does best and that is milking it. The majority of people are terrible at shooters, so they make things real simple for them. And it works seeing as a lot of people eat it up. They even adopted a new mascot to better represent how they regard their customers:
People can't seem to get enough of that shit.

EA continues to release bad games and treat their customers like idiots. Mark my words. Even though they've had a huge beta, this game will be buggy at launch. Servers will be overloaded or have other problems and people will complain a lot about it. And after about a year or two you won't be able to play online anymore which leaves single player which is terrible. I'll pass :B

24th October 2015, 11:41
I've played the beta for a few hours and what I can say about this game is that it's very casual. It may be even more than COD itself... and the way the mechanics work It's also a bad design choice. You have no preset gear you can choose to "build" your character. You just select a basic weapon, some power-ups or character card, whatever you wanna call them (i have no clue how a grenade can be a power-up these days) and other than that you find more stuff on the map.

Do you need a vehicle, a rocket launcher or the Force itself? You find it on the map like a power-up, of course. Most of the time if you want to be a dedicated pilot for example you can't, just because you need to go power-up hunting to be able to use the space ship 0.0.

24th October 2015, 12:47
True, I found it quite casual, nowhere near the level of skill that you need for Battlefront 2. And in my opinion just because a publisher is terrible does not mean you cannot enjoy a game, oh and J the AI is mediocre, to be fair that was recorded on Round 1 of the survival mode (which is rubbish) but hey at least it's very realistic, storm troopers cant hit shit! xD

Oh and don't get me started on the crosshairs, Marius will understand! ;)

24th October 2015, 13:13
Don't get me wrong. If you enjoy playing EA games, then by all means play them. I'll be the last person to tell you that you can't enjoy a game.

The thing for me is that I've reached a point in my life where I buy the games I play. Right now I have 1141 games in my Steam library and several dozens on GOG so I'm spending quite a lot of money on games and PC hardware.

Since EA only understands money, I'm telling them I don't like them by not buying their games. Voting with my wallet so to speak. And as long as EA will continue to treat it's customers like this:
I'm not giving them any of my money.
(Also for some reason I just can't stop watching that rhino. It's an awesome loop :B)

Since EA games are mostly crap, I don't feel like I'm missing out on much. Just recap on the big titles EA has released the past couple of years. Bug ridden, poorly supported, terrible servers and no more multiplayer after just a few years. There are so many good non-EA titles coming out all year round and my backlog is huge. I have more awesome games to play than I have time for. So for me it's just not worth spending money on EA games.

But again, like I said above. If you enjoy playing Battlefront, then go for it. Don't be shy to voice your opinion about those games either. Just because we started out as a Minecraft community doesn't mean people can't (or shouldn't!) play other games and enjoy those. I think other games have as much of a place in this community as Minecraft. It's just that Minecraft has our main focus right now. But if we'd decided to start playing something else collectively then we'd focus on that :)

24th October 2015, 18:30
Very true, and I might play Minecraft again soon (I usually play Minecraft in phases, for exmaple: I didn't play it for about 5 months between October 2013 and February 2014 but then played it for most of March and April, this makes it so I don't really get bored of the game, in other words; Quality over Quantity). Also what other things are people getting hyped for this year? Personally I cannot wait for some of the updates coming to GTA V. And to be honest R* have the right idea, free DLC that is interesting and adds something new to the game without breaking it! *cough cough Ubisoft* ;)

28th December 2015, 18:09
So did you guys like the movie?


28th December 2015, 21:13
Yea it was pretty cool. Btw I also fought for the tickets and got my hand chopped off with a plastic lightsaber. Now I have a new one that can shoot lasers too, cool ain't it? ;)

29th December 2015, 08:56
Watched it twice, first on opening day then 2 days ago again! It was fricking amazing <3

29th December 2015, 10:48
I watched on Wednesday December 16th with Mupje. Then I watched it again on Thursday December 17th with my brother. And finally I watched it again on Friday December 18th with Sverf.
For some reason we got to see it here before the general public in the US. Strange, but I'm not complaining :)

Going to see it again soon-ish. I'm not sure yet if I think it's better than the original trilogy episodes yet, but it certainly comes close :) I guess it depends on how episodes VIII and IX pan out and how well this movie is going to age. One thing's for sure though, it's a good ol' space opera that's definitely worth watching 3 or 4 times at least.

30th December 2015, 09:00
If I am being honest my only complaints about the movie would be that it collides with Star Wars lore:


So first of all Han Solo already has a son that becomes a sith lord (Jacen Solo/Darth Caedus http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Darth_Caedus) and also considering this is set in 34ABY and Jacen Solo dies in 41ABY they might be the same person and this is only aided by the fact that in 34ABY Jacen Solo begins his training, same as Kylo Ren.

Then a lot of people mention that Kylo Ren is actually Luke's son that is adopted (which would make more sense) as Han Solo shouts to him "Ben!" who in the Star Wars lore is Lukes son (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Ben_Skywalker) but this is probably not the case as in the movie Ben Skywalker would be around about 8 years old.

And it would be interesting to see if Mara Jade Skywalker makes an appearance (Lukes wife) as she is pretty instrumental in most of the things that happen in the time period Episode VII is set in.

Finally there are no mentions of Jaina Solo who is Han and Leias only daughter (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Jaina_Solo_Fel). In fact she ends up killing Jacen Solo abord his own Star Destroyer. Again there has been a lot of speculation that she is Rey and that she just lost her memory but only time will tell.

30th December 2015, 17:42
If I am being honest my only complaints about the movie would be that it collides with Star Wars lore

To be fair, they openly told everyone (http://www.technobuffalo.com/2014/04/25/lucasfilm-declares-nearly-the-entire-star-wars-expanded-universe-is-non-canon/) this would be the case.

I had a lot of issues (spoilers inside):

This article (http://dailycaller.com/2015/12/23/11-serious-problems-with-the-new-star-wars-movie/) hits all the main issues I had. The primary ones being the weakness of Kylo as the main villain, which totally removes any tension from the last half of the film, and the Mary-Sue-ness of Rey. I was left wondering where she's supposed to go from here, now that she's already a skilled Jedi, without ever meeting an actual jedi (prior to the last 60 seconds of the film), much less having any training. Lots of smaller issues as well, but those were the main two.

I would like to give them the benefit of the doubt that they've got some sweet plot coming up that justifies rushing her jedi progression - maybe more about moral quandaries and light/dark struggle, less about training. But even that I wonder, since this movie was more or less a rehash of episode 3's plot, which may appeal to some folks, but personally I'd prefer to see a new story. They shoehorned in a lot, and the whole thing felt very rushed to me, but that's probably what kids today want.

I did appreciate the use of more 'real' aliens (as opposed to CGI), which helps link with the style of the originals I think. Overall they definitely felt more like true relations to the originals than 1-3 did, and that was good.

TLDR: They did a good job with the props and filming. The story and characters were sorely disappointing to me.

16th January 2016, 12:48
I really loved the show, and I pretty much found the 'Mary Sue' comments offensive to my inner star wars Nerd. ( I saw the originals in the Theatre. It runs pretty deep)
I didn't have the time or energy to comment at the time but I found a tumblr post that sums it all up in a neat package. With pictures.

Star Wars fans: Rey is such a boring Mary-Sue.
Tumblr: No she isn’t! There is a perfectly logical explanation as to why she mastered everything she touched perfectly on the first try.

Star Wars fans: ….how then?
Tumblr: She used the Force.
Star Wars fans:


that is literally how the force works if you can use it have you never seen a star wars movie before or

anakin never finished a race, then wins one first time out


anakin never flew a starship before and manages to do what the other pilots couldn’t: blow up a droid control ship


let’s not forget luke


Luke never used a lightsaber or piloted an x-wing before, then the second he uses the force, bam, perfect first time out


That and like. She has better reasons for knowing this stuff than the above dudes do.

Like, of COURSE she knows all about mechanics- she’s been scavenging starships for parts most of her life, so knowing what’s what and how it works is a crucial life skill.

When she handles a lightsaber, she’s very obviously using it like she would a staff (and spends most of the fight running away from Kylo anyway). You know, like the staff she carries with her all the time for self-defense in the desert hellhole she grew up in.

Everything we see her do with the Force is stuff Kylo did in front of her- he invades her mind, and she invades his and then mind-tricks a Stormtrooper (which still takes her three tries).
He Force-holds her and later tries to Force-pull a lightsaber, and she Force-pulls it to her instead.

Practically everyone in the Star Wars universe is casually multilingual, and the only character in TFA who’s shown to be unable to understand at least one of Chewie or BB-8 is Finn, who was raised and brainwashed as a Stormtrooper (and neither the Empire nor the First Order seems to be much of an equal opportunity employer when it comes to species).

Given her scavenger history, Rey having met astromech droids before isn’t just possible, but likely.
Her skills are better-established than either Luke’s or Anakin’s before they matter, but nope, she’s the Mary Sue, apparently.

For god’s sake, if you take Episode 1 at its word, Anakin was a goddamn virgin birth caused by the will of the force, and has an extensive prophecy about him being the Chosen One.

19th January 2016, 04:46
Yeah Rey is only a novice with the force, I hate when people say she is pretty much a master because she isn't. And to take into account some of the things in the EU Rey might aswell be like a Jawa compared to them (Revan, Starkiller, Malak, Bane, Ceadus). Also Rey does have more life experience than Luke and Anakin, considering she grew up all on her own as a scavenger which shows why she can fly the falcon easily-ish.

20th January 2016, 17:50

20th January 2016, 18:31
Love that GIF J :P

Anyways this is what Starkiller can do and he was only an apprentice, yeah man Rey is truly a master.


20th January 2016, 21:30
The problem is not *explaining* her skills. It's a fantasy story, they can explain it however they want. The problem is she's a boring protagonist with no nuance at all. Finn has far more potential than her for character growth. Rey is superwoman. Finn is everyman, in the same way Luke was(if not more). It remains to be seen whether this is lazy writing on Disney's part, or if they actually have good reason for turbo-charging her into super-boring territory (and amplifying the boring by making her foil a whiney goth-vader-wannabe) in 1 movie, to serve a good plot later. Given the degree of recycling they've done so far (desert planet start, empire is enemy, death star is MacGuffin) I don't have high hopes. Best guess, Rey goes dark, Finn helps redeem her somehow. But only a little - because girl-power. The main thing I'm looking for is seeing if they run with the humanizing of stormtroopers theme. That would be great.

Edit: btw, video games aren't necessarily the greatest place to look to for good story writing and characterization, or canon. Though I'm not aware of the how that game falls in terms of either.

21st January 2016, 01:42
She also grew up in the lore / stories of it, han says its true, so stories of the jedi mind trick, and what they could do may have been well known, and maybe thought of as fiction, but the events made a believer out of her?

21st January 2016, 10:26
That Danny Trejo's picture is amazing. It seems to be a real one:


21st January 2016, 13:12
Grizzle I dont really think she is a boring character, and yeah it is true that Finn has been better developed but even still she has plenty to offer and I am interested to hear her backstory, also the humanizing stormtrooper bit would be better as a novel or a comic, not a full feature film. And the video game is actually much more developed than you think. The guy with the blue lightsabers was Vaders apprentice after his father was killed by Vader, he then betrayed Vader and Palpatine and founded the rebellion, so hes kinda important.

21st January 2016, 16:07
Obviously I don't want the movie to revolve around stormtroopers. it's just something that I would like to be touched on more. It seems like there's a chance of it, given that the chrometrooper was given very short screen time in this movie, for being someone they obviously have ideas about (I gather they cut a fair amount of footage of her?) But we'll see on that, and we'll see if Rey is just a shallow superwoman.

I mean, if I was criticizing episode 4 without seeing any of the rest, I'd very likely be complaining how Luke is also a boring protagonist, for opposite reasons. Only having seen all 3 originals can I say he has a good character arc. But at least he had a lot of room to grow after ep4. I think what it comes down to, is that the originals were written with a drawn out, nuanced main character, and Lucas was willing ot make the audience wait to see him grow. The newer stuff is written for today's young people, with quick gratification, because that's what they want. Instant icons are need, so the kids want the toys. Movies today have to be about the merch, in a way that the originals did not have to be. At least they avoided the total kid-pandering of jar-jar-esque characters.

As for the Force Unleashed, it was released in 2008 ya? I would imagine it therefore falls under everything else outside the six movies, as non-canon legends, with hyped up theatrics/force use to make a more appealing game. All the more non-canon since it sounds like it violated the Sith rule of 2.

22nd January 2016, 06:39
True it did violate the rule of two but technically he wans't a sith, he was a dark jedi that later became a jedi again (basically Revan) and yes it does fall into the legends category. And what you said about TFA is pretty accurate but I suggest you watch the pre-quels because if you compare them to TFA you will see why everybody loved the fim so much (because if Disney would've f*cked it up they would have the biggest ammount of backlash... well in history). Also I would like to give a better example of non-canon awesomeness:


This deserves to be a film. Although my only complaint is that they have the wrong lightsaber!

28th January 2016, 18:15
lol, seen this?


28th January 2016, 19:24
The postcard is gold :)

15th February 2016, 17:03
Site in in Russian, but just click the video, nothing more valuable there.