View Full Version : tfc server not allowing log in

27th October 2015, 01:14
is this the only way to get help when the servers go down? seems like there should be a better way to notify owner/admins that there is a problem. i checked Team Speak - Ghost Town.......

hopefully, this will get attention/resolved soon??


27th October 2015, 02:25
It's not down but it doesn't allow people to join. Seems a bit strange. It's down but it's not down :confused:

EDIT: Something is wrong with Mojang's Login servers even though the Support Website says nothing is down.

27th October 2015, 03:59
is this the only way to get help when the servers go down? seems like there should be a better way to notify owner/admins that there is a problem. i checked Team Speak - Ghost Town.......

hopefully, this will get attention/resolved soon??


you know what, never mind. i think it's time to play something else. i have wasted sooo much time trying to find graphite that it's not fun any more. i spent several days, IRL, on this server looking through marble, gneiss, quartzite and some schist without One single reading, and the last 2 hours while waiting on the server to come back up on single player, also to no avail, that i give up. IT-SHOULD-NOT-BE-THIS-DANG-HARD to find just one thing! AND-WITHOUT-IT-YOU-CAN'T-PROGRESS-FORWARD. game-breaking.

this is stupid. hard/challenging is One thing - but when it seems impossible, it takes ALL the fun out of something.

27th October 2015, 08:11
is this the only way to get help when the servers go down? seems like there should be a better way to notify owner/admins that there is a problem. i checked Team Speak - Ghost Town.......

hopefully, this will get attention/resolved soon??


you know what, never mind. i think it's time to play something else. i have wasted sooo much time trying to find graphite that it's not fun any more. i spent several days, IRL, on this server looking through marble, gneiss, quartzite and some schist without One single reading, and the last 2 hours while waiting on the server to come back up on single player, also to no avail, that i give up. IT-SHOULD-NOT-BE-THIS-DANG-HARD to find just one thing! AND-WITHOUT-IT-YOU-CAN'T-PROGRESS-FORWARD. game-breaking.

this is stupid. hard/challenging is One thing - but when it seems impossible, it takes ALL the fun out of something.

We do not get paid so you are not entitled to 24/7 instant support. Staff members read the forum several times a day which is plenty to get support. If you can't wait a day to get a response from a bunch of volunteers who spend their free time solving other people's problems, then there is something wrong with you.

Like Nerokin said. Mojang servers were down. That happens a lot. It's not something we can do anything about. Don't complain to us, complain to Mojang. You actually paid them for support, it's there if you want it. For future reference: if you see this message then it's Mojang's servers that are down:

Schist is scarce. The reason is a bug in TFC and they were unwilling to add retro-gen for it because they are novice Java programmers and thought it would take too much effort to do. Just so you know, retro-gen is super easy to implement. Go complain to the TFC devs about it if you like.

You can either look for it in known locations, which is explained on the server. Or you can trade for it.

At any rate, thank you for playing and good bye. Have fun doing other things.

31st October 2015, 22:40
i'm sorry, didn't mean to step on anyone's toes. i didn't know what the ambiguous message meant when trying to log onto the server and not knowing what it meant, i thought, like a lot of others i'm sure, it was a problem on your side. but, not being a Complete Idiot, as you seem to think i am, i did wonder if it was a problem on mojang's side, so i actually Did check the status of their servers at https://help.mojang.com/ and All of 6 of them showed "This service is healthy. All is good!" in pretty green letters. Usually, if one of the servers is down, it indicates it in Red.

i have played on other servers before that encourage the players to Please let them know if the server goes down, and thought this server was the same. guess i was wrong. and i wasn't really looking for 24/7 assistance. the first time i tried to log in was about 7:00ish, i think, p.m. est, so it wasn't an unGodly hour or anything and i saw where other players were reporting it too, so, no, i would never expect Anyone, paid or otherwise, to be at Anybody's beck-and-call, but i was pretty frustrated, if you didn't catch that. but in all fairness, i was mostly frustrated at the game and yes, while it's true, there's nothing that you or anyone, other than than the devs for tfc can do about it, i was venting in the thread and shouldn't have been. i'm sorry. but there really is no point in complaining to bioxx or anyone on his team. it won't do any good. and such a pity too, i really enjoy tfc me and my friends have played it a lot over the years. oh well.

there are some positive aspects to playing on this server. i played on a different tfc server that had towny installed but we were not allowed to teleport to other places. it's a Very nice perk, so thank you for that. there are other things too, but i'm sure by now, you have stopped reading, so, goodbye.

1st November 2015, 01:42
Oh boo drama. Apology accepted. Let's move on :)