View Full Version : Factorio

19th January 2016, 21:48
So I came across a game called Factorio, it's like redstone stuff mixed with TTD mixed with age of empires or something, pretty cool and retro themed, you guys might like it and the free demo is fun and self-explanatory!


19th January 2016, 22:28
So I came across a game called Factorio, it's like redstone stuff mixed with TTD mixed with age of empires or something, pretty cool and retro themed, you guys might like it and the free demo is fun and self-explanatory!


I played all the way to the end (yes there is an end) and I definitely recommend to anyone who likes resource/management games.

20th January 2016, 06:58
Yes, awesome game. Finished it once, now waiting for new features and graphics to accumulate, to start again.

14th March 2016, 15:48
By the way, the AMP is pretty much a 3D Factorio :) With much larger abilities :)

16th July 2017, 14:38

I've just launched my first satellite into space. In my first factory I had no idea of the scale at which you can and possibly should build things in Factorio so I ended up cramping a lot of stuff together.

Now that I've finished my first play through, I'm considering starting over and paying more attention to larger factory layouts. My first play through was on 0.14. They say a stable 0.15 version with a lot of new features should come out in a week or so. I think Heptagon plays on this version. So the question is: should I wait, get started with the beta or just start with 0.14 and hope the upgrade doesn't break anything?

16th July 2017, 15:53
I play 0.15 because I saw few awesome mods in Zeastau video, and decided to try them.

I don't know the game compatibility history well, I believe Llama has much more experience with it, maybe he could help.

But I would start playing 0.15 dev branch (i.e. beta) - it is quite polished now as I understand. That would make transition to the future official 0.15 much smoother.

Also 0.14 is history already, 0.15 have quite a ton of small improvements which make playing more comfortable.
But you are lucky that U had the chance to catch the 0.14 and can now compare.

And congrats with the satellite!

16th July 2017, 20:17
I have played Factorio 0.14 for many many hours, but I started the 0.15 beta builds on a new map for my latest playthroughs. It seems to be stable enough to handle all of the updates in the beta builds without ruining a save file yet.

I tend not to complete many games and Factorio is no exception. So good job J. I tend just to progress to the point of trains and restart over and over.

Either way, I would start your new save file in the 0.15 builds since it works well and the map has resource changes (uranium). I dont believe that upgrading mid playthrough would work out.

16th July 2017, 23:59
I've downloaded 0.15 and generated quite a few new maps until I found this little gem:
3354 (https://happydiggers.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=3354&d=1500242181)

A big island connected to the continent by 3 land bridges so it's easily defensible. It has quite a lot of resources to begin with and there's plenty of oil nearby. The location of the oil actually warrants an interesting rail system, not just a straight line somewhere because the oil was too far away for conveyors. I think I'll be happy to start here.

17th July 2017, 10:35
That is a nice defensive spot! Factorios idea of "unstable" and "stable" are quite different from the rest of us, we're currently on 0.15.30, that's 30 bugfix updates in the last 2-3 months with several bugfixes per update, but despite the hundreds of bugs that were present or introduced I wouldn't say any of those were unstable or game-breaking. The most serious issued to tend to be multiplayer or desync related, so it's a bit different for servers plus you have more people running around potentially causing bizarre edge-case bugs that normal people don't seem to manage.

But yes, like Dom said it's almost always best to start new games with the latest experimental version, usually for worldgen reasons, if not for new ores like uranium there will sometimes be changes made to biome placement and nobody likes square transitions!