View Full Version : A Little Catchup

3rd February 2016, 20:29
Hi All!

Its sure been a long long long time since I've posted here, but I was feeling nostalgic and decided to catch-up with everyone :)

Im currently studying at Sixth Form, and I'm taking 4 A-Levels. Life is really good at the moment, but it would be better if I could come back to the community and play. I sold my desktop a few weeks before christmas, as I never really used it, but boy do I wish I kept it now. Perhaps I will get another one in the future, who knows?

Well, as I said, I'm currently studying all week, and working all weekend. So I'm extremely busy 24/7. If anyone was wondering I take the following courses: English Language, Business, ICT & Performing Arts.

Thats enough about me!

Mupje/J: How's baby J doing? I hope all is well :)

Jiro: Still trying to be as good as an admin as I was? ;)

So, whats going on in everyones lives? Fill me in!

3rd February 2016, 21:14
Hey ethe, glad to hear you're doing well :)

Here it's the same old. Still running Minecraft servers, still making plans for more. Hopefully things will slow down a little for you soon so you can get back to more important matters like playing AMP ;)

3rd February 2016, 21:27
Hey ethe, glad to hear you're doing well :)

Here it's the same old. Still running Minecraft servers, still making plans for more. Hopefully things will slow down a little for you soon so you can get back to more important matters like playing AMP ;)

I hope so too! I miss my big trees :(

4th February 2016, 08:41
Heya! Awesome that you are doing great!
Things seems to be fine around here. TFC servers are being prepared for a big reset with an awesome new feature: people keep their stats and skills and their belongings. I.e. player.dat will be copied and people store stuff in a common building near Spawn (the Ark) which will be copied to the new server(s).
New TFC modded server is planned, with Technode modpack, seems very promising. Could be a nice middle point between TFC and AMP.

Well, the AMP server had some chunks misplaced/exchanged on your and J's base, but J says nothing too serious, can be fixed if needed, so don't worry :)

AMP server is pretty empty lately, with all the preparations for big TFC reset. I play rarely there because have a too big goal and can't digest it :) But slowly slowly ...